E. 121.5MHz EPIRB
A. 会自动发射
B. 不会自动发射
C. 要在水中打开开关才会发射
A. 自动
B. 人工
C. 自动或人工
A. 继续发射
B. 停止发射
C. 需手动发射
A. 一个月
B. 二个月
C. 三个月
D. 半年
A. 将示位标放在救生艇筏内由专人负责,示位标会自动发射遇险报警信号
B. 将示位标系结在救生艇筏上,解开启动拉索,抛入水中漂浮并发射遇险信号
C. 将示位标放在救生艇筏内由专人负责,天线保持垂直示位标自动发射
A. 518KHZ
B. 409KHZ
C. 1209.5KHZ
D. A和C
A. 红色连闪灯
B. 绿色灯频闪
C. 银色频闪灯与绿色灯交替点亮
A. 船上;
B. 认可的试验站;
C. 船上或认可的试验站;
D. 制造厂。
A. 设备
B. 房屋
C. 群众
D. 财产
[单项选择]Proper GMDSS watchkeeping includes().
A. monitoring all required frequencies in the proper mode
B. reading all displays and/or printouts after silencing an alarm
C. notifying the Master of any distress alerts
D. All of the above
[单项选择]Which statement concerning GMDSS Radio Operator requirements is FALSE().
A. Each compulsory vessel must carry at least two licensed GMDSS Radio Operators at all times while at sea
B. Each compulsory vessel must carry at least two licensed Radio Operators at all times while at sea and may elect to carry a GMDSS Radio Maintainer as well
C. Communications involving safety of life at sea do not have to be logged as long as the compulsory vessel was not involved in such communications
D. While at sea,adjustments to,and the maintaining of,GMDSS equipment may be performed by the GMDSS Radio operator as long as the work is supervised by an onboard licensed GMDSS Radio Maintainer
[单项选择]What publications should a GMDSS Operator consult regarding the proper set-up and operation of vessel equipment().
A. ITU Publications
B. The manufacturers instruction manuals
C. Part 90 of the FCC Rules and Regulations
D. Code of Federal Regulations,Title 47,Part 80,Subpart W
A. 卫星通信系统
B. 地面通信系统
C. 定位系统
D. 寻位系统
E. MSI播发与接收系统
F. 导航系统