Americans this year will swallow 15000
tons of aspirin(阿斯匹林), one of the safest and {{U}} (62) {{/U}} drugs
{{U}} (63) {{/U}} by man. The most popular medicine in the world today.
It is a pain {{U}} (64) {{/U}} Its bad {{U}} (65) {{/U}} are
relatively mild, {{U}} (66) {{/U}} it is cheap. For millions of people suffering from arthritis (关节炎), it is the only thing that works. Aspirin, {{U}} (67) {{/U}}, is truly the 20th century wonder drug. It is also {{U}} (68) {{/U}} suicide drug and is the leading {{U}} (69) {{/U}} of poisoning among children. It has s A. reason B. cause C. course D. coarse [单选题]160km/h以下曲线区段接触网的拉出值标准值为( )。
A.0~250mm B.0~300mm C. 0~350mm D. 0~400mm [单选题]动车组相连接的车厢端墙板内设有()。
A.内端门 B.外端们 C.防火隔断门 D.防火隔离门 [单项选择]宏观经济学家在研究消费问题时,所关心的是( )。
A. 消费者具体购买什么 B. 消费者的各种支出进行加总而得到一个总量 C. 消费者的具体需求能否得到满足 D. 消费者总群体的大小 [单选题]电子轨距尺在关机状态下,长按回车键( )即可开机。
A.3分钟 B.1分钟 C.30秒 D.3秒 [多项选择]一级线操纵特技模型飞机(P2B-1)应审核模型的()
A. 发动机最大工作容积 B. 机翼升力面积 C. 操纵线的长度 D. 操纵线的拉力实验 [判断题]配电站、开闭所、箱式变电站等的钥匙至少应有三把,一把专供紧急时使用,一把专供运维人员使用。其他可以借给经批准的高压设备巡视人员和经批准的检修、施工队伍的工作负责人使用,但应登记签名,巡视或工作结束后立即交还。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]响墩、火炬应至少( )实验一次。
A.半年 B.一年 C.一个季度 D.一个月 [单项选择]严禁违反操作规程(),违者给予行政处分并离岗培训;造成后果的,予以开除并解除劳动合同。
A. 进行用火 B. 进入受限空间 C. 临时用电作业 D. 以上三项 [单选题]不发生癌的组织是( )。
A.皮肤附属器 B.软骨 C.子宫内膜 D.甲状旁腺 E.肾上腺 [多选题]货币政策的目标是( )
A.保持货币币值的稳定 B.促进经济增长 C.维护金融稳定。 [单项选择]危险品生产厂房和库房在乎面上宜布置成( )。
A. 矩形 B. T形 C. L形 D. 凹形 [多选题]境内居民和境内非居民通过各分支机构发生涉外收付款时,应通过()进行国际收支统计申报。
A.分支机构 B.总行国际业务部 [单项选择]19世纪法国建筑理论家维奥莱-勒-迪克(Viollet-le-Duc)著作中的()和文化民族主义,对西班牙人高迪,比利时人霍尔塔以及荷兰人贝尔拉戈等人的作品产生了明显的影响。
[单项选择]赵某向工商机关申请某项行政许可,下面关于行政机关做出行政许可决定的期限的说法,不正确的是( )
A. 能够当场做出决定的,工商局应当当场做出决定 B. 如果不能当场做出决定,工商局应当自受理之日起20日内做出决定 C. 如果工商局不能在规定的期限内做出决定,经局长批准可以延长10日 D. 如果办理该行政许可的期限需要延长的,工商局只须经局长批准,无需告知赵某延长期限的理由 [填空题]Can we generate the new cultural attitudes required by our technological virtuosity History is not very reassuring here. It has taken centuries to learn how to live (36) in the family, the tribe, the city, the state, and the nation. Each new (37) of human sensitivity and loyalty has taken generations to become firmly (38) in the human psyche. And now we are forced into a quantum leap from the mutual suspicion and (39) that have marked the past relations between peoples in a world in which mutual respect and (40) are necessary.
Even events of recent decades provide little basis for (41) .Increasing physical proximity has brought no millennium in human relations. If anything, it has appeared to intensify the divisions among people rather than to create a broader (42) . Every new reduction in physical distance has made us more painfully aware of the psychic distance that divides people and has increased alarm over rea 我来回答: 提交