There are faults which age releases us
from, and there are virtues which turn to vices with the lapse of years. The
worst of these is thrift, which in early and middle life is wisdom and duty to
practice for a provision against destitution. As time goes on this virtue is apt
to turn into the ugliest, cruelest, shabbiest of the vices. Then the victim of
it finds himself storing past all probable need of saying for himself or those
next him, m the deprivation of the remoter kin of the race; In the earlier time
when gain was symbolized by gold or silver, the miser had a sensual joy in the
touch of his riches, in hearing the coins clink in their fall through his
fingers, and in gloating upon their increase sensible m the hand and eye. Then
the miser had his place among the great figures of misdoing; he was of a
dramatic effect, like a A. stinginess may cause a very rich man to die very pitiful B. rich people may still take 50 million as comparatively little C. one remains discontent with all he’s gained until his death D. the rich are inconsiderate of the majority that live in poverty [多项选择]必须依照《药品管理法》和国务院药品监督管理部门的规定印制的是药品的()
A. 包装 B. 标签 C. 宣传资料 D. 说明书 [多项选择]医疗和失业保险在各种需要理论中所处的层次各不相同,下列叙述中正确的是:()。
A. 马斯洛认为它属于生理的需要层次 B. 在成就激励理论中,难以找到与之对应的层次 C. 在赫兹伯格的双因素论中,它属于激励因素 D. 在双因素论的管理实践中,它可能属于保健因素,也可能属于激励因素 [判断题]进路闭塞法行车时列车不具备ATO驾驶的条件。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]对处于外部网络边界的其他通信网关,应当进行操作系统安全加固,对于新上的系统应当支持加密认证功能。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]3号工业脂适用于工作温度小于()℃的低速轴承润滑。
A. 70 B. 120 C. 100 D. 140 [多项选择]企业投资项目申请报告,应主要包括( )等内容。
A. 申报单位及项目概况 B. 政治影响分析 C. 环境和生态影响分析 D. 经济影响分析 E. 节能方案分析 [单项选择]关于下述处方叙述错误的是[处方]薄荷脑6.0g樟脑6.0g麝香草酚6.0g薄荷油6.0ml水杨酸11.4g硼酸85.0g升华硫40.0g氧化锌60.0g淀粉100.0g滑石粉加至1000.0g[制法]取薄荷脑、樟脑、麝香草酚研磨至全部液化,并与薄荷油混合。另将升华硫、水杨酸、硼酸、氧化锌、淀粉、滑石粉研磨混合均匀,过7号筛。然后将共熔混合物与混合的细粉研磨混匀,过筛,即得()。
A. 本品为散剂 B. 本品可口服 C. 本品可外用 D. 薄荷脑、樟脑、麝香草酚为共熔组分 E. 在混合操作时,应根据各混合组分的比例量,按配研法(等量递加法)进行 [判断题]矫正薄板料,不是使板料面积延伸,而是利用拉伸或压缩的原理进行矫正。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]每个防烟分区的建筑面积不宜超过( )㎡,且防烟分区不应跨越防火分区。
A.300 B.500 C.800 D.1000 [单项选择]常于秋季发病,儿童和青年人多见,起病缓慢,阵发性干咳、发热、肌痛,胸片示下叶间质性肺炎改变()
A. 支气管哮喘 B. 喘息型慢性支气管炎 C. 支气管肺癌 D. 肺炎支原体肺炎 E. 克雷白杆菌肺炎 [多选题]《塔里木油田钻井井控实施细则》规定:测井时发生溢流,( )根据溢流情况决定何时剪断电缆实施关井,钻井队和测井队应全力配合。
A.总包井由钻井队值班干部 B.总包井由钻井监督 C.日费井由钻井监督 D.日费井由钻井队值班干部 E.日费井、总包井都由钻井监督 [判断题]发生较大事可不故报请启动集团公司应急救援预案发生重大事故报请省级相关部门启动相关预案。(判断题)
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]小新风工况,当室外空气焓值大于空调回风焓值时,车站小系统采用空调送风机和回排风机、小新风机(仅人员用房系统设有小新风机)进行一次回风模式运行,车站冷水机组由厂家自控系统控制,冷水泵由( )控制。
A.— B.— C.— D.— E.— 我来回答: 提交