BUSINESS{{/B}} "The organizational weaknesses that entrepreneurs have to deal with every day would cause the managers of a mature company to panic." Andrew Bidden wrote recently in Boston Business Review. This seems to suggest that the leaders of entrepreneurial or small businesses must be unlike other managers, or the problems faced by such leaders must be the subject of a specialized body of wisdom, or possibly both. Unfortunately, neither is true. Not much worth reading about managing the entrepreneurial or small businesses has been A. Many small businesses do not produce enough profits to finance growth. B. Many employees in small businesses have problems working as part of a team. C. Being able to recruit the right people is the most important factor affecting growth. D. Leaders of small businesses lack the experience to make their companies a success. [填空题]
·You will hear another five recordings. ·For each recording, decide what the speaker is doing. ·Write one letter (A--H) next to the number of the recording. ·Do not use any letter more than once. ·You will hear the five recordings twice. A to stop smoking ______B to fall into sleep C to leave a company D to mail a parcel E to go shopping F to go to the beach G to resign from the office H to find a motel [单选题]我国生产的空气泡沫炮一般配用 3%和( )的低倍数蛋白泡沫液。
A.2% B.4% C.6% D.8% [多项选择]下列各项属于全面预算体系项目的是( )。
A. 现金预算 B. 业务预算 C. 专门决策预算 D. 预计财务报表 [填空题]Thanks to the invention of e-mail, people don’t need (worry) ______ about spending too much money in communicating with people even in foreign countries.
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]根据《建设工程委托监理合同》的规定,监理人通常具有的义务包括( )。
A. 监理人与承包人串通给委托人造成损失的,监理人承担相应的赔偿责任或连带赔偿责任 B. 按合同规定的内容、进度及份数,向发包人交付资料及文件 C. 在合同期内或合同终止后,未征得有关方同意,不得泄露与本工程、本合同业务有关的保密资料 D. 监理人向委托人提供赔偿要求不能成立时,监理人应当补偿由于该索赔导致委托人的各种费用支出 E. 监理人按合同约定派出监理工作需要的监理机构及监理人员 [单项选择]
A. 视网膜静脉周围炎 B. 视网膜脉络膜炎 C. 视网膜中央动脉阻塞 D. 视网膜中央静脉阻塞 E. Coat’s病 [判断题]依据《江苏省国有资金投资工程建设项目招标投标管理办法》,资格预审申请文件或者投标文件中有承诺材料,但力度明显不够,属于投标人弄虚作假骗取中标的行为。
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交