Motorways are, no doubt the safest roads in Britain. Mile (21) mile, vehicle for vehicle, you axe much (22) likely to be killed or seriously injured than on an ordinary road. On (23) hand, if you do have a serious accident on a motorway, fatalities are much more likely to (24) than in a comparable accident (25) on the roads.
Motorways have no (26) bends, no roundabouts or traffic lights and (27) speeds are much greater than on other roads. Though the 70 mph limit is (28) in force, it is often treated with the contempt that most drivers have for the 30 mph limit applying in built up areas in Britain. Added to this is the fact that motorway drivers seem to like traveling in groups with perhaps (29) ten meters between each vehicle. The resulting horrific pile-ups (30) one vehicle stops for some reason—mechanical failure, driver error and so on—have become all (31) familia
A. Whatever
B. However
C. Whoever
D. How
Something Men Do Not Like to
Do Eric Brown hates shopping. "It’s just not enjoyable to me, " said the 28-year-old. Chicago man who was carrying several shopping bags along the city’s main street, Michigan Avenue. " When I’m out{{U}} (51) {{/U}}, I basically know what I want to get. I rush in. I buy it. I{{U}} (52) {{/U}}." Common wisdom says that guys hate to shop. You can ask generations of men. But people who study shopping say that a number of social, cultural and economic factors are now{{U}} (53) {{/U}}this "men-hate- to-shop" notion. "{{U}} (54) {{/U}}social class, ethnicity(种族划分), age-men say they hate to shop, "says Sharon Zukin, a City University of New York sociology professor. "Yet when you ask them deeper questions, it tu A. wander B. go C. walk D. run [单选题]女孩4个月,冬季出生,足月顺产,单纯牛奶喂养,近半月来烦躁.多汗.夜间睡眠不好。门诊体检时特别应注意的体征是
A.前囟张力 B.颅骨软化 C.方颅 D.头围 E.鸡胸 [单选题]中央和国家机关要全面提高机关党的建设质量,建设( )的模范机关?
A.让党中央满意、让人民群众放心 B.让党中央放心、让人民群众满意 C.政治过硬、本领高强 D.作风优良、廉洁爱民 [单项选择]家庭财产保险中的室内财产的损失一般采用( )。
A. 按责任比例分摊损失 B. 最高赔偿金额可以超过保险金额 C. 第一危险赔偿方式 D. 按实际损失赔偿 [单选题]期货交易所任用不具备资格的期货从业人员,对直接负责的主管人员和其他直接责任人员给予纪律处分,处( )。
A.1万元以上5万元以下的罚款 B.1万元以上10万元以下的罚款 C.3万元以上5万元以下的罚款 D.3万元以上10万元以下的罚款 [填空题]JZ-7 型空气制动机分配阀变向阀柱塞卡滞后的处理方法是:将制动阀手柄移至制动无效时的作用位置,然后轻轻( )故障的变向阀体, 一般情况下故障便能消失。
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