Companies have the legal right to monitor
employees’e-mail and instant messaging.Many do, whether they warn their workers
or not.Last month the University of Tennessee released the e-mail correspondence
between an administrator and a married college president in which the
administrator wrote of her love for him, and of her use of drugs and alcohol to
deal with her unhappiness.Employers, including The New York Times and Dow
Chemical, have fired workers for sending improper e-mail. But the fastest-growing area for Internet spying is the home.SpectorSoft, a leading manufacturer of spyware, at first marketed its products to parents and employers.Sales jumped enormously, however, when the company changed its pitch to target romantic partners."In just one day of running Spector on my home PC, I was able to identify my boyfriend’s true A. forbid their employees to get online at work B. respect the online privacy of their employees C. reveal the privacy of their employees publicly D. monitor the online activities of their employees [多选题]国家综合性消防救援队伍必须始终不渝地保持人民队伍的性质,忠于( ),忠于( ),忠于( ),忠于( ),永远做党和人民的忠诚卫士。( )
A.党 B.共产主义 C.社会主义 D.祖国 E.人民 [单选题]我省现行居民生活电价规定二档区间电量在基准电价基础上每千瓦时加价( )元
A.0.05 B.0.1 C.0.2 D.0.3 [判断题]根据新奥能源工程数字化影像采集标准要求:管道补口补伤只需采集反映补口补伤完成后表面情况,或拍视频反映补口全过程场景即可。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]跨步时,每跨1不必须并脚一次( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]减少治安问题的发生,只能靠治安行政管理工作。 ( )
A.ST段弓背向上抬高 B.ST段弓背向下抬高 C.ST段呈水平型下移 D.ST-T呈鱼钩样改变 E.急性心肌梗死 [单选题]足月产2次,流产0次,早产1次,现存子女3人,应缩写为
A.0-1-2-3 B.0-2-1-3 C.1-3-2-0 D.1-2-3-0 E.2-1-0-3 [判断题]用砂轮磨工具时应使火星向前。禁止用砂轮的侧面研磨。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]374>对录入信息系统的作业文件按系统保存要求执行,对有试验记录的作业文件按试验报告保存要求执行,其它有数据、缺陷记录的作业文件至少保存()年,其余作业文件至少保存()个月。
A.1 B.2 C.3 D.4 [判断题]合成纤维吊装带使用禁止与尖锐棱角接触。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]按照《个人存款挂失业务管理规定》,密码挂失业务说法正确的为( )。
A.必须客户本人持有效身份证件原件到开户网点办理 B.必须客户本人持有效身份证件原件到我行任意的网点办理 C.可以委托代理人员持身份证件到开户网点办理 D.可以委托代理人员持身份证件到任意网点办理 我来回答: 提交