The Quechua world is submerged, so to
speak, in a cosmic magma that weighs heavily upon it. It possesses the rare
quality of being as it were interjected into the midst of antagonistic forces,
which in turn implies a whole body of social and aesthetic structures whose
innermost meaning must be the administration of energy. This gives rise to the
social organism known as the ayllu, the agrarian community that regulates the
procurement of food. The ayllu formed the basic structure of the whole Inca
empire. The central idea of this organization was a kind of closed economy, just the opposite of our economic practices, which can be described as open. The closed economy rested on the fact that the Inca controlled both the production and consumption of food. When one adds to this fact the religious ideas noted in the Quechua texts cited by the chronicler San A. controlled the production and distribution food B. was an open economy C. was based on understanding the environment D. was an example of a mandala [单选题]电网建设《安规》规定,下面不属于作业票签发人责任是( )。
A.A-确认施工作业的安全性 B.B-确认作业风险识别准确性 C.C-确认作业票所列安全措施正确完备 D.D-明确被监护人员和监护范围 [填空题]体内含量占体重的()以下就称为微量元素。必需微量元素有()种。
A. 系统具有很少的用户 B. 系统具有很少的接口 C. 系统算法复杂,功能单一 D. 系统有很多参与者 [判断题] 易燃固体是指燃点低,对热、撞击、摩擦敏感,易被外部火源点燃,燃烧迅速,并可能散发出有毒烟雾或有毒气体的固体。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]跑步时,听到立定的口令,再跑( )然后脚向前大半步着地,右脚靠拢左脚,同时将手放下,成立正姿势。
A.1步 B.2步 C.3步 D.4步 [多选题]某日举行的一场中日足球友谊赛中,一些球迷出现下列行为,其中违反治安管理规定的有( )。
A.球迷甲没有买到门票,不顾保安人员阻拦,强行翻墙进入足球场 B.球迷乙将自己私自带入场的烟花在看台上燃放 C.球迷丙向场内日本队球员扔矿泉水瓶,拒不听从制止 D.球迷丁纠集其所在球迷协会多人,围攻维持现场秩序的球场保安 [判断题]《铁路交通事故应急救援和调查处理条例》规定:客运列车脱轨18辆以上的为重大事故。 ( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]司钻法压井第二循环周,在压井液达到钻头后,主要控制( )不变。
A.立压 B.套压 C.防喷器油压 D.气源压力 [单项选择]商业银行应在每个交易日计算一般风险价值,使用()、()的置信区间,历史观察期长度应至少为()。
A. 双尾;99%;1年 B. 单尾;99%;250个交易日 C. 双尾;95%;250个交易日 D. 单尾;95%;1年 我来回答: 提交