Some futurologists have assumed that
the vast upsurge of women in the workforce may portend a rejection of marriage.
Many women, according to this hypothesis, would rather work than marry. The
converse of this concern is that the prospects of becoming a multi-paycheck
household could encourage marriage. In the past, only the earnings and financial
prospects of the man counted in the marriage decision. Now, however, the earning
ability of a woman can make her more attractive as a marriage partner. Data show
that economic downturns tend to putting off marriage because the parties cannot
afford to establish a family or are concerned about rainy days ahead. As the
economy comes to life, the number of marriages also rises. The increase in divorce rates follows to the increase in women working outside the home. Yet, it may be wrong A. they are more likely to dominate their marriage partners B. their husbands are expected to do more housework C. their marriage ties can be strengthened D. they tend to put their career before marriage [单选题]( )属于发火物质。
A.白磷 B.赛璐珞碎屑 C.油纸 D.潮湿的棉花 [多选题]正循环压井法适用于( )的条件。
A.不含硫(或低含硫) B.高含硫(或中含硫) C.溢流量不大 D.溢流量很大 E.井筒不存在漏失层 [单项选择]在文献检索中,按事件发生、发展时序,由近及远、由新到旧的顺序进行查找的方法是()。
A. 顺查法 B. 逆查法 C. 引文查找法 D. 综合查找法 [多选题]值班调控人员或运维人员在向工作负责人发出许可工作的命令前,应将( )和工作任务做好记录。
A.工作班组名称 B.工作班组数目 C.工作负责人姓名 D.工作地点 [单项选择]使用遇险求救声音信号,应按照()规则.
A. 三声长,三声短,再三声长,间隔30秒钟后重复; B. 三声短,三声长,再三声短,间隔30秒钟后重复; C. 三声长,三声短,再三声长,间隔一分钟后重复; D. 三声短,三声长,再三声短,间隔一分钟后重复; [单选题]检查脊柱应采取的正确体位是
A.仰卧位 B.右侧卧位 C.左侧卧位 D.膝胸卧位 E.站立位或卧位 [多选题]一般,利用永久井架凿井时需要改造的内容包括()。
A.立架改造 B.对大量悬吊位置的加强处理 C.增设稳定性连系杆 D.增设卸矸台 E.增设提升平台 [填空题]十六进制数100转换成十进制数为 【1】 。
[单项选择]With() the engine need not to be aligned with reduction gears or propeller shaft.
A. Diesel engine propulsion B. Diesel electric propulsion C. Steam engine propulsion D. Gas turbine propulsion [单项选择]恶性肿瘤淋巴结转移之淋巴结特点正确的是
A. 柔软、有压痛 B. 表面光滑无粘连 C. 质地坚硬或有橡皮样感 D. 肿大到一定程度即可缩小、消退 E. 只发生在颈部血管周围 [单项选择]机体对药物产生某种依赖性,一旦停药会产生戒断症状,称为()
A. 习惯性 B. 耐受性 C. 过敏性 D. 成瘾性 E. 停药反应 [判断题]保压取芯工具的内筒是旋转的薄壁管,悬挂在用钻井液润滑的轴承上。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]当活动式挡烟重壁落下时,其下端距地面的高度应大于( )m
A.1.4 B.2.0 C.1.8 D.1.6 [单项选择]The only way a small retailer stays alive is by delivering an ultimate personal experience to the consumer.()
A. 小店能生存的唯一方式就是靠给顾客送去能够最直接感受到的人际关系。 B. 小店能生存的唯一方式就是靠给顾客送去基本的对人际关系的体验。 C. 小店要生存,唯一办法是让顾客获得最好的个人体验。 D. 小店能维持下去的唯一方式就是把最终的个人体验传递给顾客。 [单项选择]切除时应包含1~1.5cm宽的正常皮肤组织( )
A. 皮肤鳞状细胞癌 B. 基底细胞癌 C. 恶性黑色素瘤 D. 以上全是 E. 以上全不是 [单项选择]2016年中央一号文件提出,促进农村电子商务加快发展,实施“()”工程。
A. 快递下乡 B. 电商下乡 C. 互联网下乡 D. 物流下乡 我来回答: 提交