Something Men Do Not Like to Do{{/B}} Eric Brown hates shopping. "It’s just not enjoyable to me," said the 28-year-old Chicago man who was carrying several shopping bags along the city’s main street, Michigan Avenue. "When I’m out{{U}} (51) {{/U}}, I basically know what I want to get. I rush in. I buy it. I{{U}} (52) {{/U}}." Common wisdom says that guys hate to shop. You can ask generations of men. But people who study shopping say that a number of social, cultural and economic factors are now{{U}} (53) {{/U}}this "men-hate-to-shop" notion. {{U}} (54) {{/U}}social class and age, men say they hate to shop," says Sharon Zukin, a City University of New York sociology professor. "Yet when you ask them deeper questions, it A. task B. play C. game D. destination [单项选择]疖的感染致病菌多为()。
A. 链球菌 B. 白色葡萄球菌 C. 金黄色葡萄球菌 D. 绿脓杆菌 E. 变形杆菌 [多项选择]我国消费税分别采用()的计征方法。
A. 从价定率 B. 从量定额 C. 从价定额 D. 从量定额和从价定率相结合 [单选题]标志着女性青春期开始的重要特征是
A.出现周期性排卵 B.乳房开始发育 C.月经初潮 D.卵泡开始发育 E.生殖器发育成熟 [单项选择]In science fiction there is to be found the recurrent theme of the omniscient computer which ultimately takes over the ordering of human life and affairs. Is this possible I believe is it not: but also believe that the arguments commonly advanced to refute this possibility are the worng ones. First it is often said that computers "do not really think". This I submit is nonsense: if computers do not think, then nor do human beings. For how do I define the process of thinking I present data—say, an examination paper—to a student, which he scans with a photoelectric organ we call an "eye", the computer scans its data with a photoelectric organ we call a "tape-reader". There is then a period when nothing obvious happens, through electroencephalogram—for the student. Lastly, information based on the data is transcribed by means of a mechanical organ called a "hand" by the student and a "teleprinter" by the computer. In other words, the actions of man and machine differ only in the appliance
A. Interpretation is no more than a set of information. B. The ability of interpretation is not a superiority of man over computer. C. Interpretation can be done in a clumsy mathematical way. D. Computer is willing to do any interpretation required. [单选题]职工形象包括职工的思想素质、文化程度、职业道德、技术水平、法纪观念( )和仪表服饰等。
A.精神风貌 B.外在面貌 C.外在气质 D.时代风貌 [单选题]《生产安全事故报告和调查处理条例》规定:事故发生单位对事故发生负有责任的,发生一般事故的,对事故发生单位处以()罚款。 (分值:2分 )
A.10万元以上20万元以下 B.10万元以上30万元以下 C.10万元以上50万元以下 D.20万元以上50万元以下 [多选题]变电站工程投运前1个月,运维单位应配备足够数量的仪器仪表、工器具、安全工器具、备品备件等。运维班应做好()工作。
A.拍照存档 B.检验 C.入库 D.建立实物资产台账 [判断题]二次系统上的工作,在全部或部分带电的运行屏(柜)上进行工作时,应将检修设备与运行设备以明显的标志隔开。
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]升降物料用的钢丝绳,自悬挂时起()进行第一次检验,以后每隔()检验一次。
A. 12个月 B. 6个月 C. 10个月 [单项选择]
关于脑肿瘤MRI信号特点的描述,哪项不对() A. 绝大多数肿瘤T1WI呈低信号,T2WI呈高信号 B. 信号均匀为良性,信号不均匀为恶性 C. 有些肿瘤整体或部分在T1WI上呈等或低信号 D. 钙化在T1WI可呈现低信号或高信号 E. 钙化在T2WI呈低信号 [单选题]肝硬化病人饮食护理中不能选择的食物有
A.豆制品 B.西红柿 C.柑橘 D.咸鱼 E.米饭 [多项选择]基金销售过程中由投资者自己承担的费用包括()。
A. 基金申购费 B. 基金赎回费 C. 基金转换费 D. 基金托管费 [判断题]对公负债业务就是对公存款业务。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]夏天电风扇之所以能解热是因为( )
A.A、它降低了环境温度 B.B、产生强制对流带走了人体表面的热量 C.C、增强了自然对流 D.D、产生了导热 [简答题]250-350km/h线路三角坑动态检查Ⅲ级标准为( )mm。
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