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发布时间:2024-07-28 22:38:04

[不定项选择题]共用题干 The Robot Man
According to Hans Moravec,universal robots will take over all the physical activities that we engage in,leaving us with little to do.Moravec sees four generations on the road to true universal robots. The first generation will be here by 2010 and will consist of free-ranging robots that can navigate by building an internal mental map of their surroundings.In new situations they'll be able to adapt,unlike today's mobile industrial robots.These robots will have the computing power to cope with simple speech and text recognition,and will be used for tasks such as domestic clean-ing.
The second generation will arrive around 2020 and will be distinguished by the ability to learn .Second generation robots are programmed with sets of primitive tasks and with feedback that provide"pleasure"and"pain"stimuli .For example,a collision provokes a negative response,a completed task would be positive.
Move forward another ten years to 2030 and you get to generation three.This robot can build internal simulations of the world around it. Before beginning a task,it can imagine what will happen in order to predict problems.If it has a free moment,it can replay past experiences and try variations in order to find a better way of如ing things next time .It could even observe a person or another robot performing a task and learn by imitation.For the first time,we have here a robot that can think.
By the time we get to generation four in 2040,Moravec predicts that robots will be able to: match human reasoning and behaviour;generalise abstract ideas from specific experience;and, conversely,compile detailed plans of action from general commands such as"earn a living"or "make more robots".
The Moravec manifesto(宣告)runs something like this. As robots start to become useful in generation one,they'll begin to take on many tasks in industry.Driven by the availability of this cheap and tireless labour force,the economy will boom and the demand for robots will grow so rapidly that they will soon become lowcost commodity items.So much so that they'll move into the home,where the domestic robot will relieve us of many chores.
With increasing automation in generations two and three,the length of the average working day will plummet,eventually to near zero. Most people will be unemployed as robots take over not just primary industry,but the service economy too.Moravec sees the fourth generation as an opportunity to surpass our human limitations.
These future machines will be our"mind children".Like biological children of previous generations,they will embody humanity's best hope for a long-term future. What will be the distinctive feature of the second generation robots?
A.They will be able to recogilize speeches and texts.
B.They will be able to learn by themselves.
C.They will be able to predict problems.
D.They will be able to match human reasoning and behaviour.

更多"[不定项选择题]共用题干 The Robot Man"的相关试题:

[不定项选择题]共用题干 The Robot Man
According to Hans Moravec,universal robots will take over all the physical activities that we engage in,leaving us with little to do.Moravec sees four generations on the road to true universal robots. The first generation will be here by 2010 and will consist of free-ranging robots that can navigate by building an internal mental map of their surroundings.In new situations they'll be able to adapt,unlike today's mobile industrial robots.These robots will have the computing power to cope with simple speech and text recognition,and will be used for tasks such as domestic clean-ing.
The second generation will arrive around 2020 and will be distinguished by the ability to learn .Second generation robots are programmed with sets of primitive tasks and with feedback that provide"pleasure"and"pain"stimuli .For example,a collision provokes a negative response,a completed task would be positive.
Move forward another ten years to 2030 and you get to generation three.This robot can build internal simulations of the world around it. Before beginning a task,it can imagine what will happen in order to predict problems.If it has a free moment,it can replay past experiences and try variations in order to find a better way of如ing things next time .It could even observe a person or another robot performing a task and learn by imitation.For the first time,we have here a robot that can think.
By the time we get to generation four in 2040,Moravec predicts that robots will be able to: match human reasoning and behaviour;generalise abstract ideas from specific experience;and, conversely,compile detailed plans of action from general commands such as"earn a living"or "make more robots".
The Moravec manifesto(宣告)runs something like this. As robots start to become useful in generation one,they'll begin to take on many tasks in industry.Driven by the availability of this cheap and tireless labour force,the economy will boom and the demand for robots will grow so rapidly that they will soon become lowcost commodity items.So much so that they'll move into the home,where the domestic robot will relieve us of many chores.
With increasing automation in generations two and three,the length of the average working day will plummet,eventually to near zero. Most people will be unemployed as robots take over not just primary industry,but the service economy too.Moravec sees the fourth generation as an opportunity to surpass our human limitations.
These future machines will be our"mind children".Like biological children of previous generations,they will embody humanity's best hope for a long-term future. What does Moravec think of these future robots?
A.They will look like previous biological children.
B.They will be humans' mind-children.
C.They will create a dangerous world.
D.They will rule the world.
[不定项选择题]共用题干 Man of Few Words

Everyone chases success,but not all of us want to be famous.
South African writer John Maxwell Coetzee is________(1)for keeping himself to
himself. When the 63-year-old was named the 2003 Nobel Prize winner for literature earlier
this month,reporters were warned that they would find him"particularly difficult to
Coetzee lives in Australia but spends part of the year teaching at the University of
Chicago.He seemed__________(3)by the news that he won the U. S.$1._________(1.)3 million prize.
"It came as a complete surprise.I wasn't even aware they were due to make the
announcement,"he said.
His________(4)of privacy led to doubts as to whether Coetzee will attend the
prize-giving in Stockholm,Sweden,on December 10._________(10.)
But despite being described as________(5)to track down,the critics agree that
his writing is easy to get to know.
Born in Cape Town,South Africa,to an English-speaking family,Coetzee_______(6)
his breakthrough in 1980 with the novel " Waiting for the Barbarians(野蛮人)".He
________(7)his place among the world's leading writers with two Booker prize victories,
Britain's highest honour for novels.He first_______(8)in 1983 for the"Life and Times
of Michael K",and his second title came in 1999 for"Disgrace".
A major theme in his work is South Africa's former apartheid(种族隔离)system,
which divided whites from blacks.________(9)with the problems of violence,crime
and racial division that still exist in the country,his books have enabled ordinary people to
understand apartheid_________(10)within.
"I have always been more interested in the past than the future,"he said in a rare
interview."The past_______(11)its shadow over the present.I hope I have made
one or two people think__________(12)about whether they want to forget the past
In fact this purity in his writing seems to be______(13)in his personal life.
Coetzee is a vegetarian,a cyclist rather than a motorist and doesn't drink alcohol.
But what he has_______(14)to literature,culture and the people of South Africa
is far greater than the things he has given up."In looking at weakness and failure in life,"
the Nobel prize judging panel said, "Coetzee's work _________ (15) the divine(神圣的)
spark in man." _________(15)


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