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发布时间:2023-09-30 14:00:50

[单选题]( )S1:Good morning, Captain. I am the new Chief Officer. S2:Ah, good morning! Welcome on board. Q: What can you conclude from this conversation?
A.Chief Officer just came back from outside
B.This conversation happens at Captain’s cabin,
C.Chief Officer is just on board
D.Chief officer will leave the vessel soon

更多"[单选题]( )S1:Good morning, Capta"的相关试题:

[单选题]( )S1:Good morning, Captain. I am the new Chief Officer. S2:Ah, good morning! Welcome on board. Q: What can you conclude from this conversation?
A.Chief Officer just came back from outside
B.This conversation happens at Captain’s cabin,
C.Chief Officer is just on board
D.Chief officer will leave the vessel soon
[单选题]S1:Good morning,Captain. I am the agent from Blue Sea Shipping Agency. We’ve received thetelegram about your ship, s arrival. My name is Joe Black. This is my business card. S2:0h, Mr. Black. Welcome to our ship. Soft drink or coffee? S1:Coffee, please. S2: Here you are. S1:Thank you. S2:What formalities must we go through here? S1:I will arrange the joint inspections for you as soon as possible. Please have your ship prepared in every aspect. S2:0k, I will. I d like to draw some cash from you. S1:No problem. How much money do you need? S2:I need 2,000 U. S.dollars. S1:Ok. I will send you the money after berthing. S2:Have you received my application for bunkers? S1:Yes, we have. S2:Please arrange to supply us with 330 tons of fuel and 150 tons of fresh water. S1:A11 right, I will arrange them to be supplied from the wharf while on berth. S2:Thank you. Besides we need some ship’ s stores and provisions. Can you recommend us a good ship chandler? S1:Sure. I will send a ship chandler to discuss the matter with you tomorrow morning. S2:Thank you. See you later, Mr. Black. S1:See you! 1:How did the Shipping Agency learn about the ship,s arrival?( )
A.They received a phone call.
B.They received an e-mail.
C. They received a telegram.
D.The ship contacted them by VHF.
[单选题]S1:Good morning, Mr.Chief. I’ m from State Commodity Inspection Bureau and appointed
For your ship’s cargo hold survey. S2:Welcome, Mr.Surveyor. Our ship has already been prepared according to the Charterer’s instructions. We hope you will be satisfied with her condition. S1:I hope so. Firstly, please give me one copy of your ship ‘s particulars and of the tentative plan. S2:Here you are. S1:Thank you.What are the kinds of the last three cargoes carried on boardsS2:Coal,Com,and Iron Ore. S1:Well. Let,s go for a glimpse of cargo hold. S2:OK, this way please. S2:Now we are at No. 1cargo hold. S1:Let me have a look.The rubber gaskets are good and draining canals work well. I think the cargo hold ’ s watertightness is also in good condition. S2:I totally agree with you. S1:Mr. Chief,there are some loose scales and flaking paint in the hatch beam. S2:Oh, sorry.I will ask my hand to clean them right away. S1:That’s fine. The inspection is over. And everything satisfies the requirements of the International Code for the Safe Carriage of Grain in Bulk. The Document of Authorization for the Carriage of Grain will be issued to you. 1:What documents does the surveyor want to get?
A. Ship’s particulars and tentative plan.
B. Ship’s cargo list and stowage plan.
C. Ship’s paper and fire control plan.
D. Ship’s stability and contingency plan.
[单选题]( )S1: Good morning. This is Captain Loo. S2:Hello, Sir. My name is JIMY, from immigration office. Do you have the crew list? Q: Who is the second speaker?
A.The ship chandler
B.The immigration officer
C.The agent
D.The Captain
[单选题] -- Good morning, may I speak to Mark, please?
A. Who's there?
B. Who's that speaking?
C. Who are you?
D. Who wants to speak to Mark?
[单选题]( )S1:I am sinking after collision. I require assistance. S2:I am proceeding to your assistance. Q:What happened to the vessel?
A.She ran aground
B.She was flooding
C.She had a collision
D.She had an explosion
[单选题]( )S1:I am sinking after explosion. I require assistance. S2:I am proceeding to your assistance. Q:What happened to the vessel?
A.She ran aground
B.She was flooding
C.She had a collision
D.She had an explosion
[单选题]( )S1:I am fast in ice in position 75°05'N, 165°14'E. I requiré ice-breaking assistance. S2:Ice-breaking assistance is not available until 1315 hours UTC Q:What has happened to the vessel?
A.It has a collision with an iceberg
B.It is ice bound
C.It is aground
D.It is on fire
[单选题]( )S1:Hi. I am the new chief officer, Wang Liang. S2: I am Bob Smith, the captain. Welcome on board. Q: Who is the first speaker?
A.Bob Smith
B.The captain
C.The new chief officer
D.A sailor
[单选题]S1:Mr. Pilot, I am captain. This is my first voyage through the Suez Canal.Could you
Tell me something about the convoy pattern? S2:Well,usually,there are three Convoy a day,one northbound convoy and two Southbound,because of the insufficient depth in the northern part of the Canal. S1:How long does it take to transit the whole canal? S2:For the Northbound convoy it takes about 12 hours while, for the southbound, 16 hours or so. That‘s mainly attributed to deeper depths in the southern part of the Canal. The northbound convoy has almost a free run from Port of Suez to Port Said.. S1:Oh, well, I see. It' s said that each ship has to change several pilots during transit. Is that true? S2:Yes. Four pilots are assigned for each ship throughout its trip m the Canal. S1:What about the transit speed and safety margin between two ships? S2:The speed limit is 8 knots fortanker & deep draft ships and 10 knots for other ships. The distance between vessels should be keep not less than 1 mile in a convoy. S1:How many ships transit the canal in a day, sir? S2:Usually, fifty or so. In 2008 , about 22,000 ships transited the Canal. Well, the pilot boat is coming. I’ll hand over the watch to the next pilot. Please stand by the starboard gangway and pilot ladder. S1:All right. Thank you for your information. 1:What is the convoy pattern of Suez Canal?( )
A.One northbound convoy and one southbound convoys
B.One northbound convoy and two southbound convoys.
C.Two northbound convoys and one southbound convoy.
D.Two northbound convoys and two southbound convoys.
[单选题]- Good morning. Have you got a single room with a bathroom, please?
- _________
A.I don't know.
B.I'd rather not say.
C.Well, guess.
D.Yes, we have.
[单选题] -- Good morning, John. How are you doing?
A. I'm pleased
B. Good night.
C. Not so bad. And you?
D. How do you do?
[单选题]( )I am aground amidships. I require tug assistance
A.The vessel is aground full length
B.The vessel is aground forward
C.The vessel is aground aft
D.The vessel is aground amidships


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