Jamaica is an island country. It is a
very beautiful and sunny place. It has green mountains and white beaches,
Jamaica has warm days all year long. It rains a lot there. When Jamaica was founded, it was called Sunda Kelapa. Indians lived in Jamaica. Then Christopher Columbus arrived in 1494 and took the island for Spain. They made Indians work for them. Later they also brought Africans to the island to work as slaves. Then the British took Jamaica in 1655. Jamaica became a free country in 1962. English became the official language in Jamaica. As the cities in Jamaica grew, more people decided to move to Jamaica. Most of them came from China or India. The people in Jamaica wear colorful clothes. They carry things in a basket on top of their heads. Like most people in other countries around the world, Jamaicans like A. With a basket on their head. B. With a box on their shoulders. C. With a basket in their hand. D. With a box by their arm. [单选题]HXD2 型机车的微机网络控制系统远程输入输出模块是( )。
A.MPU B.TCU C.ACU [单选题]用机械敷设电缆时,应控制电缆牵引力,机械牵引采用牵引头或钢丝网套时,牵引外护套时,最大牵引力不大于()。
A.70N/mm2 B.40N/mm2 C.7N/mm2 D.50N/mm2 [单选题]中心性发绀常具有下列哪项特点:( )
A.常出现在肢体末梢 B.伴有皮肤温度降低 C.见于右心衰时 D.见于发绀型先天性心脏病时 E.见于严重休克时 [填空题]ST1-600型闸瓦间隙自动调整器性能试验时(),须将螺杆调至()。
[单选题]在狭小空间长时间作业,无法使用个人携带式空气呼吸器时,应使用( )
A.移动式供气源 B.氧气呼吸器 C.强式送风器 D.过滤式防毒面具 [判断题]电动组合式风阀的电动执行器与叶片之间采用平面四联杆传动机构或其它齿轮传动机构,该机构简洁、高效、可靠。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]我国现行税种中实行行业差别比例税率的是()。
A. 企业所得税 B. 营业税 C. 增值税 D. 消费税 [单项选择]Can you ______ the difference between these two types
A. answer B. say C. talk D. tell [判断题]10kV 环网室典型设计方案不适用于C 类区域。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]制动器失效的主要原因是:( )
A.制动带间隙过小 B.制动带磨损 C.弹簧失效 D.带上有油 E.电机出现故障 我来回答: 提交