则该企业债券评估值为()元。 In the summer of 999, Leif Erikson
voyaged to Norway and spent the following winter with King Olaf Tryggvason.
Substantially the same account is given by both the Saga of Eric the Red and the
Flat Island Book. The latter says nothing about Leif’s return voyage to
Greenland, but according to the former it was during this return voyage that
Leif discovered America. The Flat Island Book, however, tells of another and
earlier landfall by Biarni, the son of a prominent man named Heriulf, and makes
that the inspiration for the voyage to the new land by Leif. In brief, like
Leif, Biarni and his companion sight three countries in succession before
reaching Greenland, and to come upon each new land takes 1 "doegr" more than the
last until Biarni comes to land directly in front of his father’s house in the
last- mentioned country. This narr A. reasonable for Biarni to land precisely at iris father’s home B. possible to sail from Norway to Greenland without modern navigational equipment C. likely that Biarni landed on America at least 100 years before Leif Erikson D. probable that Leif Erikson followed the same course as Biarni [单选题] 等离子弧切割时产生的( )是造成焊工尘肺的主要原因。
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A. 益气温阳,活血通络 B. 宣通胸阳,散寒化浊 C. 补益心气,活血化瘀 D. 益气养阴,活血化瘀 E. 通阳泄浊,豁痰开结 [简答题]政治指导员职责是什么
A. 配气管线 B. 脱硫管线 C. 计量管线 D. 输气支线 我来回答: 提交