to Kids about SARS (非典){{/B}} School age children may be learning about SARS from adults and the media, but may not know what to make of the situation, says a national health charity. The Lung Association says parents should take time to talk to their______(51) and explain the facts about SARS and how to avoid the illness. The following is based on recommendations______(52) Thursday by the Lung Association: ▲ Ask your children if they have heard______(53) SARS at school, from friends, from TV, etc. Finding out what they already know can be a good______(54) to start the conversation and to clear away any wrong ideas they might have about the illness and how it is spread. ▲ School age children are usually old______( A. families B. children C. friends D. doctors [单选题]( )是指农村信用社根据借款人的提款申请将贷款资金发放至借款人账户后,由借款人自主支付给符合合同约定用途的借款人交易对象。
A.受托支付 B.代理支付 C.自主支付 D.定向支付 [单项选择]进店台次占有率的多少反映的是专营店()
A. 新客户开发能力 B. 老客户维持能力 C. 保有客户吸引能力 [单项选择]已知E(X)=E(Y)=0,E(X2)=4,E(Y2)=9,ρXY=0.2,则D(X+Y)=()。
A. 12.2 B. 15 C. 15.2 D. 15.4 [单项选择]
A. 肘关节可进行屈曲运动 B. 肘关节可进行伸直运动 C. 肘关节可进行旋前运动 D. 上肢可屈肘上举拿东西 E. 锁骨无压痛 [不定项选择题]男性,32岁。2天前,因牙痛服用氨酚待因后,唇、颊黏膜突然肿胀,出现水疱、糜烂。检查上下唇糜烂,形成红褐色痂皮。
A.链霉素 B.氯喹 C.氟康唑 D.阿昔洛韦 E.氯苯那敏 [单项选择]在组织建设工程流水施工时,用来表达流水施工在空间布置上开展状态的的参数是( )。
A. 流水节拍 B. 施工段 C. 流水强度 D. 施工过程 [单选题]使用钳形电流表可选择,然后再根据读数逐次换切。
A.最高档位 B.最低档位 C.刻度一半 D.任何档位 [单项选择]实现计算机语音输出有录音/重放和 (64) 两种方法。第二种方法是基于 (65) 技术的一种声音产生技术。采用这种方法,应预先建立语言参数数据库、发音规则库等。
A. 语音转换 B. 语音合成 C. 语音放大 D. 声音过滤 [单选题]‘ 年 1 月 1 日起实施的《运营事故调查处理管理规定》中规定,导致 3 人以下死亡,或者( )人以下重伤,或者 1000 万元以下直接经济损失的事故为一般事故。
A.3 B.10 C.30 D.50 [单项选择]Copernicus was born in Torun, Poland, on February 19,1473. Little is known about his early life except that his father died when he was 10. An uncle adopted him, his two sisters, and his brother. The uncle saw to it that the two boys received a good education. Copernicus went to the University of Cracow. There he studied such subjects as Latin, mathematics, and astronomy. It was probably at that time that he changed his Polish name, Niklas Koppernigk, to the Latin form of Nicolaus Copernicus. In 1496 Copernicus went to Italy, where he spent the next 10 years studying at various universities.
In Copernicus’ time people still believed that al] things—the sun, the stars, and the planets moved around the earth. It was an old belief that few men had ever questioned. Aristotle had based his theory of astronomy on this belief. Because the Church had long been the center of learning, the theory was also linked to religious beliefs. In 1506 Copernicus returned to his homeland. A few y A. he didn’t agree with Aristotle B. he could not hide the scientific truth C. he worked for the Church D. his friends advised him to do so [单选题]当与接收母线保护GOOSE检修不一致时,线路保护采集母差远跳开入应( )。
A.清0 B.保持前值 C.置1 D.取反 [填空题]收缴的()和各种硬币,经鉴定为假币的,由鉴定单位将假币退回收缴单位(),并向收缴单位和持有人出具《货币真伪鉴定书》。
[判断题]如果在身份证审查过程中发现疑点或不符点,柜员怀疑身份证件系伪造,应拒绝办理开户业务并立即向公安机关报案。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [不定项选择题]此目录无历年考题,请返回选别的位置练习。
A.A B.B C.C D.D [判断题]少量的医疗废物可以丢弃在生活垃圾中,与生活垃圾一起处理。()
A.正确 B.错误 [名词解释]状态空间表达式(state space model)
[单选题]《电力法》属于( )。
A.法律 B.法规 C.部门规章 D.规范性文件 [单选题]道岔钥匙、手摇把由电务部门统一编号,统一配置,车务部门装箱并加锁,电务部门加封,存放于车站行车室,( )集中统一管理。
A.工务 B.车站 C.电务 D.其它 [判断题]RW11—10型跌落式熔断器不能带负荷分合闸。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]对于先行登记保存的证据,应当在15日内作出处理决定。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]{{B}}Passage Two{{/B}}