M: Hey, Sophie, looks like you’ve got some sun this weekend.
W: Yeah, I guess so. I spent the weekend at the beach.
M: Oh, that’s great. Where did you stay
W: Some friends of my parents live out there and they invited me for as long as I wanted to stay.
M: So what are you doing back here already
W: Oh, I have a paper to work on and I just couldn’t do any serious studying at the beach.
M: I don’t blame you. So what did you do out there I mean besides lying on the sand obviously.
W: I jogged up and down at the beach and I played some volleyball. You know I never realized how hard’ it is to run on the sand. I couldn’t even get through a whole game before I had to sit down. It’s much easier to run on the wet sand near the water.
M: Not to mention cooler. Did you go swimming
W: I wan
A. The water was too cold.
B. The water was too deep.
C. She doesn’t know how to swim.
D. She didn’t have enough time.
In most sectors of the economy, it is
the seller who attempts to act a potential buyer with various inducements of
price, quality, and utility, and it is the buyer who makes the decision. In the
health care industry, however, the doctor-patient relationship is a mirror image
of the ordinary relationship between producer and consumer. Once an individual
has chosen to see a physician, the physician usually makes all significant
purchasing decisions: whether the patient should return "next Wednesday",
whether X-rays are needed, A. it is doctors who generate income for the hospital B. most of a patient’s bills are paid by his health insurance C. a doctor is ultimately responsible for a patient’s health D. administrations lack the expertise to question medical decisions [单项选择]某人每年年末存入银行5000元,如果存款利率为8%,第5年末可得款为( )元。
A. 29333 B. 30500 C. 28000 D. 31000 [单选题] 长行程低速柴油机的阀面与座面配合方式,多采用( )。
A.全接触式 B.外接触式 C.内接触式 D.三种方式均用 [简答题]作战训练安全工作责任包括哪几个方面?
A.桔梗 B.苏子 C.百部 D.紫菀 [多项选择]多发性骨髓瘤需鉴别的疾病有()
A. 骨转移瘤 B. 意义未明的单克隆免疫球蛋白血症 C. 反应性单克隆免疫球蛋白增多症 D. 反应性浆细胞增多症 E. 巨球蛋白血症 [多项选择]补偿法可分为( )。
A. 转移补偿法 B. 分析补偿法 C. 物质补偿法 D. 精神补偿法 E. 营造氛围补偿法 [单项选择]《关于做好政府购买养老服务工作的通知》要求:在购买养老服务人员培养方面,主要包括()。
A. 为养老护理人员购买职业培训、职业教育和继续教育 B. 老年人能力评估和服务需求评估的组织实施、养老服务评价 C. 为老年人购买社区日间照料、老年康复文体活动等服务 D. 为符合政府资助条件的老年人购买助餐、助浴、助洁、助急、助医、护理等上门服务 [填空题]对各类通道须,由使用单位落实管理责任。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]高处作业面[包括高差2m及以上的基坑,直径()的无盖板坑、洞]等有人员坠落危险的区域,安全围栏安装应稳定可靠,具有一定的抗冲击强度,并设置“当心坑洞”类安全警告标牌。
A.大于0.5m B.大于0.8m C.大于1m D.大于1.5m E.略 F.略 [判断题]下列属于车站定制化用房的是车控室、站长室、员工休息室、站务室、票务室、员工休息室、茶水间、备品间。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]工作票的执行中,未经工作许可人的许可,一律不许擅自进行工作。
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]简述幼儿园制订合理生活制度的意义及依据。
A.取保候审 B.监视居住 C.警告 D.行政拘留 [单选题]以下母线接线方式中运行可靠性.灵活性最差的是( )。
A.单母线 B.双母线 C.内桥接线 D.3/2接线 [单项选择]新型农村合作医疗制度的资金统筹一般采取以( )为单位进行。
A. 省、自治区、直辖市 B. 地区 C. 县(市) D. 乡镇 E. 村 我来回答: 提交