{{B}}The End
of the Cash Era{{/B}} In the spring Adam Smith will replace Sir Edward Elgar as the face on Britain’s £20 note. The first economic thinker to be so honored could well be the last. Not because economists are especially undeserving, but because cash, after millennia as one of mankind’s most versatile and enduring technologies, looks set over the next 15 years or so finally to melt away into an electronic stream of ones and zeros. If an era is represented by its money, the information age is at hand. Notes and coins are already a small fraction of the money in most rich countries. But going by the number of transactions rather than their value, we still live firmly in a cash society. The European Payments Council estimates that the European Union’s 360 billion cash trans [多选题]作业人员工作中正常活动范围:10kV、20kV、110kV及220kV等高压线路、其对应设备带电部分的安全距离分别为()m。
A.0.35 B.0.6 C.1.5 D.3 [单选题]《山东农村商业银行“信e贷”客户信息采集标准》规定,( )是自动化办贷的基础,其质量的好坏直接决定了客户能否进行自助办贷以及自助发放的贷款能否进行有效的拦截、预警,是客户风险控制的第一道关口。
A.贷款审批 B. 贷后检查 C. 客户信息采集 D. 模型开发 [简答题]下面哪项不属于从业人员的义务()
A. 资金筹集费 B. 非资金成本费 C. 资金占用费 D. 资金借用量 [多选题]以下哪些样式是无线品专建议样式
A.头图六宫格样式 B.头图app下载样式 C.图片轮展样式 D.多tab升级样式 [单选题]客户持大同农商行信合通IC卡,可否在太原城区联社智慧柜员机办理换卡业务( )。
A.不能,只支持本法人机构内换卡业务 B.不能,只支持同一市内的换卡业务 C.可以,全省柜面与智慧柜员机均支持 D.可以,仅智慧柜员机支持 [判断题] 压力波式输油管道泄漏实时监测系统的报警反应时间小于200s。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]进行鼻咽拭子采集时需到达()部位
A. 上鼻道 B. 中鼻道 C. 下鼻道 D. 咽鼓管咽口 E. 鼻咽腔后壁 [多选题]现场勘察应查看检修(施工)作业需要停电的范围、保留的带电部位、( )、多电源、自备电源、地下管线设施和作业现场的条件、环境及其他影响作业的危险点,并提出针对性的安全措施和注意事项。
A.A-装设接地线的位置 B.B-邻近线路 C.C-环境温度 D.D-交叉跨越 E.略 F.略 G.略 [单选题]《TB/T2340-2000》标准规定钢轨探伤仪应能适用于( )在役钢轨的超声波作业。
A.43kg/m B.50kg/m C.60kg/m D.43~75kg/m [多选题]某省一建设工程选址涉及一国家级重点文物保护单位的不可移动文物。依据《中华人民共和国文物保护法》,下列说法中,正确的有( )。
A.应当尽可能避开该不可移动文物 B.因特殊情况不能避开,应对该文物实施原址保护 C.若该文物无法实施原址保护,应报该省人民政府批准后迁移异地保护 D.因特殊情况不能避开,应报国务院批准后拆除异地重建 [单项选择]
以下药物含量测定所使用的滴定液是 地西泮()A. 高氯酸滴定液 B. 亚硝酸钠滴定液 C. 氢氧化钠滴定液 D. 盐酸滴定液 E. 硝酸银滴定液 [单项选择]
A. 毛地黄制剂 B. 大剂量的利尿剂 C. 扩张血管药 D. ACEI制剂 E. 透析疗法 [判断题]铁路职工发现危及人身安全的情况时应立即采取有效安全措施。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]由垂体产生,在其作用下卵巢内每月均有一些原始卵泡发育
A. FSH B. LH C. 雌激素 D. 孕激素 E. 雄激素 [单项选择]Text 2
There was a time in the late 17th century when no respectable monarch would be seen without a guitar. Both Louis XIV and Charles II were dab hands. And the future Queen Anne thought a guitar tutor was worth an annual stipend of £100, which was a small fortune then.
The instrument had seen revivals in the early 19th century and the early 20th, when its place in the concert hall was finally secured by Andres Segovia. A further decade in the sun in the 1970s resulted from the maturity of two gifted young guitarists: Julian Bream and John Williams. But in the past three decades, this subtle musical voice has grown quieter and quieter. Until now, Deutsche Gramophon has signed its first classical guitarist in years. Milos Karadaglic’s debut CD of Mediterranean repertoire is out this month and includes pieces by two popular composers.
The 27-year-old Montenegrin blames the pop world for his instrument’s demise. "With the invention of the electric guitar, the instrumen
A. the upsurge of pop music B. the shortage of suitable music. C. its intimacy with the audience. D. the use of electric guitars. [判断题]在正弦交流电路中,电阻消耗的功率称为有功功率( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]护士周某使用紫外线灯照射消毒血压计袖带时,悬吊的灯管与消毒物品之间的合适距离是()
A.20cm B.50cm C.80cm D.100cm E.120cm 我来回答: 提交