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发布时间:2024-05-20 03:51:18

[简答题]The first Mcdonald's restaurant is__________in Downey. Southern California.

更多"[简答题]The first Mcdonald's restauran"的相关试题:

[单选题]S1:Shall we begin now? S2:OK. S1:First, let me check the Bill of Health? S2:Of course, here you are. S1:As I know, there was epidemic in your last port of call. Were you all inoculated against it? S2:Yes, we were. Here are the inoculation papers. S1:Good. Are there any patients on board at present? S2:No. All of us are in good health. S1:All right. Have you set rat guards and traps on the moorings? S2:Yes, we have when the ship is alongside. 问题 1:What’s the probable relationship between the two speakers?( )
A. A customs officer and a captain.
B. An immigration officer and a captain.
C. A pilot and a captain.
D. Aquarantine officer and a captain.
[单选题]A foreigner's first______of the US is likely to be that everyone is in a rush-often under pressure.
D. addition
[单选题]S1:Mr. Pilot, I am captain. This is my first voyage through the Suez Canal.Could you
Tell me something about the convoy pattern? S2:Well,usually,there are three Convoy a day,one northbound convoy and two Southbound,because of the insufficient depth in the northern part of the Canal. S1:How long does it take to transit the whole canal? S2:For the Northbound convoy it takes about 12 hours while, for the southbound, 16 hours or so. That‘s mainly attributed to deeper depths in the southern part of the Canal. The northbound convoy has almost a free run from Port of Suez to Port Said.. S1:Oh, well, I see. It' s said that each ship has to change several pilots during transit. Is that true? S2:Yes. Four pilots are assigned for each ship throughout its trip m the Canal. S1:What about the transit speed and safety margin between two ships? S2:The speed limit is 8 knots fortanker & deep draft ships and 10 knots for other ships. The distance between vessels should be keep not less than 1 mile in a convoy. S1:How many ships transit the canal in a day, sir? S2:Usually, fifty or so. In 2008 , about 22,000 ships transited the Canal. Well, the pilot boat is coming. I’ll hand over the watch to the next pilot. Please stand by the starboard gangway and pilot ladder. S1:All right. Thank you for your information. 1:What is the convoy pattern of Suez Canal?( )
A.One northbound convoy and one southbound convoys
B.One northbound convoy and two southbound convoys.
C.Two northbound convoys and one southbound convoy.
D.Two northbound convoys and two southbound convoys.
[单选题]The restaurant has lost many customers due to ( ) its poor ________.
B. serving
C. services
D. servicing
There _____ lots of people at the restaurant when I got there.
A. is
B. was
C. are
D. were
[单选题] — Congratulations! You won the first prize in today's speech contest.
— ________
A. Yes, I beat the others.
B. No, no, I didn’t do it well.
C. Thank you.
D. It's a pleasure.
[单选题]:About the first speaker, which statement is correct?( )
A.He has never been foreign country before.
B.He knows the city very well.
C.He has around the world many times.
D.According the dialog, he should be captain on board
[单选题]What does the customs officer check first?( )
A. Customs Declaration.
B. Last Port Clearance.
C. Narcotic.
D. Import Cargo Manifest.
[简答题]The first thing you need to learn here is how to___________information.
[单选题]. In the first paragraph, “devastating” means ( ).
A. frightening
B. astonishing
C. surprising
D. destroying
[多选题]Which of the followings are the first layer muscles of anterior group of forearm?
B.pronator quadratus (旋前方肌)
C.flexor carpi radialis (桡侧腕屈肌)
D.palmaris longus (掌长肌)
E.flexor carpi ulnaris (尺侧腕屈肌)
[单选题]When did the two speakers first meet?( )
A. Two years ago.
B. Half a year ago.
C. A year and half ago.
D. A year ago.
[单选题]问题 3:About the first speaker, which statement is correct?( )
A.He has never been foreign country before.
B.He knows the city very well.
C.He has around the world many times.
D.According the dialog, he should be captain on board
The First Class passengers are taking a rest now and shouldn’t be disturbed. If you like, I’ll show you after landing.
Passengers are not permitted to see the cockpit during the flight for security reasons.
A.Beverage & Food Service
B.Free Talk
C.Entry document
D.Passenger care
[单选题]- My son won the first prize in the writing contest!
- _________
B. Are you sure of that?
C.What a pity!
D.It's terrible.
[单选题]问题 2:How is the first speaker going to board his ship?( )
A. By tug.
B. By service boat.
C.By pilot boat.
D. By ferry.
[单选题]Please first put the ___ vans and then the empty vans on top. ( )
A. full
B. heavy
C. loaded
D. stowed
[单选题]问题 3: What does the first speaker want to buy?( )
A. Some snack.
B. Some cigarettes.
C.Some fruits.
D. Some drinks.


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