If those "mad moments"-- when you can’t recall what your friend has told you or where you left your keys--are becoming more frequent, mental exercises and a healthy brain diet may help.
Just as bodies require more maintenance with the passing years, so do brains, which scientists now know- show signs of aging as early as the 20s and 30s. "’Brain aging starts at a very young age, younger than any of us have imagined and these processes continue gradually over the years," said Dr. Gary Small, the director of the Center on Aging at the University of California, Los Angeles. "I’m convinced that it is never too early to get started on a mental or brain-fitness program," he added.
In his book, "The Memory Bible," the 51-year-old neuroscientist lists what he refers to as the 10 commandments for keeping the brain young. They include training memory, building skills, minimizing stress, mental exercises, brain food a
A. have some mental problems
B. have lost our important things
C. don’t listen to what our friends tell us to do
D. fail to remember what should be remembered
Scientists find that hard-working
people live longer than average men and women. Career women are{{U}} (26)
{{/U}}than housewives. Evidence (证据) shows that{{U}} (27) {{/U}}are
in poorer health than the job-holders. A study shows{{U}} (28) {{/U}}the
unemployment rate increases by 1%, the death rate increases correspondingly
(相应的) by 2%. All this{{U}} (29) {{/U}}one point:Work is helpful to
health. Why is work good for health It is because work keeps people busy,{{U}} (30) {{/U}}loneliness and solitude (孤独). Researches show that people feel{{U}} (31) {{/U}}and lonely when they have nothing to do. Instead, the happiest are those who are{{U}} (32) {{/U}}. Many high achievers who love their careers feel that they are happiest when they are working hard. Work serves as{{U}} (33) {{/U}}between man and reality. By work, people{{U}} A. comes down to B. equals to C. adds up to D. amounts to [判断题] 使用锤、斧、挠钩等器材破拆时,必须检查连接是否牢固( )(易)
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]现瓦斯异常涌出和响煤炮声、喷孔、顶钻等突出预兆时,必须立即停工撤人。由煤矿总工程师组织()等部门分析评估、查明原因,并采取措施。
A.A、通风 B.B、防突 C.C、地质 D.D、调度 [单选题]消防救援队伍承担核生化事故(件)( )处置任务,并主动做好与其他救援力量的协同配合。
A. 初期 B. 独立 C. 主力 D. 事故(件)定性 [简答题]精馏塔的操作和塔效率的测定:用折光仪分析时,塔顶、塔底、进料应先分析哪一个?为什么?
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]垂直运输接料平台应设置下列哪些设施?( )
A.两侧设防护栏杆 B.平台口设置活动防护栏杆 C.平台口设防护立网 D.平台口设置安全门 E.平台口设置固定防护栏杆 [单选题]关于钨的描述错误的是( )。
A.熔点最高的金属 B.在高温时电子发射能力不强 C.目前最好的一种不熔化电极的材料 [单选题](77966)SS4型电力机车段修技术规程要求,用( )压缩空气吹扫CJ8Z-150Z型电磁接触器各部尘垢。(2.0
分) A.150~200 kPa B.150~250 kPa C.200~250 kPa D.200~300 kPa [多选题]三项纪律即()
A.决不允许面对群众危难不勇为 B.绝不允许不服从上级命令 C.决不允许酗酒滋事 D.决不允许进夜总会娱乐 [单选题] 铁路机车车辆驾驶人员资格申请人隐瞒有关情况或提供虚假材料的,( )年内不得再次申请。
A.1 B.2 C.0.5 [单项选择]以空贝壳为家的寄居蟹和作为其伪装的海葵之间的关系是 ( )
A. 互利共生 B. 寄生 C. 偏利共生 D. 竞争 [多选题]多选)D供电局通过安全生产风险管理体系建设,提升了管理水平。依据《中国南方电网有限责任公司安全管理规定》,安全生产管理,要以安全风险管控为核心,推广应用安全生产风险管理体系,系统地开展风险()和(),建立安全生产隐患排查治理长效机制。
A.评估 B.辨识 C.预控 D.管理 [单选题](2)
A.一辆 B.两辆 C.三辆 [单项选择]中国M公司与美国L公司分别在各自生产的平板电脑产品上使用iPad商标,且分别享有各自国家批准的商标专用权。中国Y手电筒经销商,在其经销的手电筒高端产品上也使用iPad商标,并取得了注册商标。以下说法正确的是______。
A. L公司未经M公司许可在中国市场销售其产品不属于侵权行为 B. L公司在中国市场销售其产品需要取得M公司和Y经销商的许可 C. L公司在中国市场销售其产品需要向M公司支付注册商标许可使用费 D. Y经销商在其经销的手电筒高端产品上使用iPad商标属于侵权行为 [单选题]《变电评价管理规定第56分册土建设施检修策略》:高度超过1.8m可不设置( )标示牌。
A.“止步,高压危险!”标示牌 B.“攀登,高压危险!”标示牌 C.护板 D.碰头线 [判断题]社会调查研究的最基本的对象有个人.初级社会群体社会组织。阶级和阶层,民族,社区.社会行为,社会产品等。()
A. 凭盖有医生所在医疗单位公章的正式处方,不超过3日极量 B. 凭工作证销售给个人,不超过2日极量 C. 凭医师处方不超过3日极量 D. 凭医师处方可供应4日极量 E. 凭盖有医生所在医疗单位的正式处方,不超过2日极量 我来回答: 提交