From the health point of view we are living in a marvelous age. We are immunized from birth against many of the most dangerous disease. A large number of once fatal illness can now be found for the most stubborn remaining disease. The expectation of life has increased enormously. But though the possibility of living a long and happy life is greater than ever before, every day we witness the incredible slaughter of them, women and children on the roads Man versus the motor-car! It is a never-ending battle which man is losing Thousand of people the world over are killed or horribly killed each year and we are quietly sitting back and letting it happen. It has been rightly said that when a man is sitting behind a steering wheel, his ear becomes the extension of his personality. There is no doubt that the motor-car often brings out a man’s very worst qualities. People who are normally quiet and pleasant may become unrecognizable when they are behind steering wheel. They swear,
A. Driving can show his real self.
B. Driving can show the other part of his personality.
C. Driving can bring out his character.
D. His car embodies his temper.
Ironically, in the United States, a
country of immigrants, prejudice and discrimination continue to be serious
problems. There was often (1) between each established
group of (2) and each succeeding group. As each group became
(3) financially successful, and more powerful, they
(4) newcomers from full participation in the society.
Prejudice and discrimination are (5) U.S. history,
(6) , this prejudicial treatment of different groups is
(7) more unjust than with black Americans. Blacks had distinct (8) . For the most part, they came to the "land of opportunity" as slaves and were not free to keep their (9) and cultural traditions. (10) most European immigrants, blacks did not have the protection of a support group; sometimes slave owners separated members of (11) A. facilities B. installments C. equipment D. concerns [单项选择]下列何项与肝的疏泄关系最不密切()
A. 情志 B. 消化 C. 血行 D. 呼吸 E. 生殖 [多选题]《铁路客运运价规则》是计算国家铁路的()运输费用的基本依据。
A.旅客 B.行李 C.包裹 D.杂费 [单选题]患者,男性,43岁,因双向障碍躁狂发作入院,平时喜食甜食,因血压较高,饮食中对食盐的摄入控制较严格。近三天来,食欲差,口干、多尿,疲乏、嗜睡,双手明显出现震颤。
A.氯丙嗪 B.丙咪嗪 C.碳酸锂 D.地西泮 E.心得安 [单选题]08—32捣固车的多路信号检测系统测量的是各子系统的( )。
A.工作电压 B.工作电流 C.工作频率 D.通断状态 [单选题]光接收机的灵敏度主要和( )有关
A.抖动 B.动态范围 C.误码率 D.噪声 [单选题]地面作业人员在捣固车前、后的距离应不少于( ),严禁紧跟。
A.2m B.3m C.4m D.5m [单项选择]梯度回波(GRE)与自旋回波(SE)相比()
A. GRE幅值较SE小,图像信噪比高 B. GRE幅值较SE小,图像信噪比低 C. GRE幅值较SE大,图像信噪比高 D. GRE幅值较SE大,图像信噪比低 E. GRE幅值较SE小,图像信噪比相同 [单选题]高速动车组的通风系统包括( )。
A.空气压力波动控制装置 B.节流装置 C.冷凝器 D.贮液器 [单选题]列车制动时,制动缸内的压力空气来自于( )。
A.制动主管 B.制动支管 C.副风缸 D.总风缸 [单选题]当低压电气火灾发生时,首先应做的是( )。
A.迅速离开现场去报告领导 B.迅速设法切断电源 C.迅速用干粉或者二氧化碳灭火器灭火 D.以上均不正确 [单选题]通常所说的交流电压220V或380V指的是( )。
A.平均值 B.有效值 C.瞬时值 D.最大值 [判断题]立案是我国刑事诉讼的一个独立程序,是刑事诉讼活动的开始。 ( )
A. 1NF B. 2NF C. 3NF D. BCNF [简答题]检查轮轴各部无裂纹,轮缘顶部不得形成锋芒,制动盘的两个摩擦面应均匀磨耗,锤击车轮踏面无异音。
[单选题]硫化氢主要对水基钻井液有较大的污染,使密度( )___。
A.下降 B.上升 C.无法测定 D.不变 [单项选择][*]
[单选题]属于嵌锁型粒料路面基层或底基层的是( )。
A.填隙碎石 B.级配碎石 C.石灰碎石 D.水泥碎石 我来回答: 提交