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发布时间:2024-09-02 04:48:46

[单选题] --Are you feeling better today, Jack?]
A. There must be something wrong.
B. Just have a good rest.
C. Yes, thank you, doctor. But I still don't feel good.
D. Don’t worry about me.

更多"[单选题] --Are you feeling better toda"的相关试题:

[单选题]S1:Hi, Jack. When will you finish your watch this afternoon? S2:Hi, Peter. At 1600. S1:OK. Do you have anything particular in mind? Shall we watch a movie together? S2: Yeah, OK. What do you want to watch? S1:Well. Captain Harworth wants everyone to watch a safety video. S2:Well, it’s important to know more about safety. But 15 d prefer comedy for relaxation. S1:Uh, some comedies are OK, but I really like action movies. S2:But I hate action movies, they are awful! S1:OK, let5 s watch the safety film first, then choose a good video. S2:Yeah, T m sure there5 s a new horror film that? s very good. S1:Well, anything but musicals, they are terrible S2:OK, see you. 1: What kind of film is not mentioned in the conversation?( )
A. Comedy.
B. Tragedy.
C. Action films.
D. Musicals.
[单选题]You've caught a cold. You'd better _______to school.
B.to go
C.not go
D.not to go
[单选题]S1:How are you feeling,James? S2:Fine at the moment.A little tired. S1:I heard about your accident yesterday. S2:Yeah, it was awful.Who told you about it? S1:0h, Chris did. He said that you entered a toxic space. S2:Yeah, I did. But did he tell you why I wasnS1: carrying any safety equipment with me? S1:No, he didn’t. He said you didn’t have your breathing apparatus. That’s all. S2:Well, the Bosun told me that the area I entered was safe. S1:So what was the problem if he told you it was safe? S2:It was the wrong area! He thought I was entering a different hatch. S1:Uh oh? bad mistake. S2:Right. I was very lucky. I can, t even remember going past the hatch. S1:Carl found you immediately after
You went in, didn’t he? S2:Yeah. He was right behind me. He was collecting the tools when I entered the toxic area. Then I immediately fell unconscious. S1:That’ s frightening because you were expecting it to be safe. S2:Yeah, well, I’ ve learned my lesson. I will always check the air before I work in enclosed spaces. I donS1:want that to happen again. 问题 1:Who entered the toxic space?
A. Chris.
B. James.
C. Carl.
D. Bosun.
[判断题] ( ) “您感觉如何?”的英文是How are you feeling now?。
[单选题]( )You’d better not use the heavy derrick because it will take too much time to get it ready
A.Using the heavy derrick is advisable
B.Using the heavy derrick is dangerous
C.The heavy derrick is available now
D.The heavy derrick is not available now
[单选题]-- What a beautiful dress you have on today!
— ________
A. It is suitable for me.
B. No, it isn’t.
C. You want to have one, too?
D. Thank you.
[单选题]You’d better not____ the machinery cases with planks. ( )
A. to dunnage
B. dunnage
C. dunnaged
D. dunnaging
[单选题] You had better ________ a doctor as soon as possible.
A. seeing
B. saw
C. see
D. seen
You had better ________ some time every day for sports so that you can keep yourself energetic.
A.set aside
B.take up
C.put away
D.give out
You had better ________ some time every day for sports so that you can keep yourself energetic.
A. set aside
B. take up
C. put away
D. give out
[单选题] --How are you getting on today?
— ________
A. Very well.
B. How do you do?
C. I'm a doctor.
D. Nice to have known you.
[单选题]问题 4:What kind of film does Jack not like?( )
A. Comedies.
B. Action films.
C. Horror films.
D. Musicals.
[单选题]Jack is among the brightest of his______: he can speak several foreign languages and has won three national prizes.
[单选题]. Comparing with the ways of learning today, the ways we used to learn before were ( ).
A. time-consuming
B. time-saving
C. flexible D effective
[单选题]问题 2;Who is better at chess?( )
A. Jones.
B. The speaker.
C. Another cadet
D. The Chief Engineer
[单选题]______is the temperature today?
C.How many
D.How much


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