Museums have changed. They are no
longer places that one "should" go to but now they are places to
enjoy. At a science museum in Canada, you can feel your hair stand on end as harmless electricity passes through your body. At the Children’s Museum in New York, you can play an African drum. There are no "Do Not Touch" signs in some other museums in the USA. More and more museum directors have realized that people learn best when they can become part of what they are seeing. In many science museums, the visitors are encouraged to touch, listen, operate and experiment so as to discover scientific rules for themselves. The purpose is not only to provide fun, but also help people feel at home in the world of science. If people don’t understand science, they will be afraid of it; and if they are afraid of science, they wi A. People learn best in the modern museums only in the US. B. People are encouraged to take part in what they are seeing in modern museums. C. People are enjoying themselves fully in modern museums. D. People will understand science better by trying to discover the scientific rules themselves. [单项选择]机车检测后,必须重新签发合格证,如乘务员旧合格证丢失,正确的处理方法为:()。
A. 关系好就直接发新证 B. 在合格证遗失记录上登记,并要求乘务员签字确认 C. 向有关领导请示如何办理 D. 没有旧证,坚决不发新证 [单项选择]当负载变化时,电动机转速基本保持恒定的是:()
A. 串励直流电动机 B. 并励直流电动机 C. 复励直流电动机 D. 他励直流电动机 [单项选择]某企业以银行存款2572万元长期投资购入A公司发行舶普通股股票,并采用权益法核算,初始投资时支付的价款中含60万元A公司已宣告尚未发放的现金股利,投资时该企业在A公司可辨认净资产公允价值中享有的份额为2588万元,则投资时应确认的营业外收入为( )万元。
A. 56 B. 60 C. 76 D. 16 [单项选择]长期接触三硝基甲苯,可能造成的组织或器官损害是()。
A. 心肌病 B. 肝硬化和白内障 C. 贫血和肾功能不全 D. 脑软化 E. 骨髓增生活跃 [判断题]轮对横向水平力 Q≤10+P0/3(P0为静轴重,单位:KN)
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]以下哪些属于电制动
A.电阻制动 B.空气制动 C.再生制动 D.摩擦制动 E.盘型制动 [判断题] 记录仪用于保存记录数据用的媒体,即可为计算机的本机硬盘,也可为光盘或者磁带。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]在射靶试验中,“射中目标”是______。
A. 样本空间 B. 随机事件 C. 必然事件 D. 不可能事件 [单选题]产品生命周期主要包括( )、成长期、成熟期和衰退期四个不同阶段。
A.稳定期 B.缓冲期 C.导入期 D.滞涨期 [单选题]对电缆线路,零序电流通常采用()取得。
A..零序电流互感器 B..一个单相式电流互感器 C..三相五柱式电压互感器 [判断题]依据《建筑边坡工程技术规范》(GB 50330-2013)规定,锚杆使用年限应与所服务的建筑物使用年限相同,其防腐等级也应达到相应的要求。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]下列()项不属于《消费者权益保护法》调解对象。
A. 某农民为自办的蛋糕店购买鸡蛋 B. 某学生为自学需要购买书籍 C. 某个体老板为家庭消费需要购买大米 D. 某农民为种植而购买蔬菜种子 [多项选择]
A. 高蛋白饮食 B. 酸中毒 C. 低血糖 D. 低氧 E. 休克 碱中毒 低钾 便秘 我来回答: 提交