Some of the problems that (41)
people in the U.S. (42) in the cities during old
days are still (43) us -- poor planning, problems in
(44) neighborhoods, and public transportation. (45) was a very important for city governments in the last century, (46) regard to water supplies, it was known that water could be polluted, (47) they didn’t know (48) . Trying to get pure water was a big problem. People like to talk about the (49) old days, but actually, the cities of the 19th century were dirty and, (50) , filthier than today. (51) disease was a great (52) . There was still smallpox(天花) and also yellow fever and malaria. The (53) death rate was high, and there were other dangers as well. (54) true that people were not being killed by cars A. Communicable B. Communicative C. Communication D. Community [单项选择]
By far the most common difficulty in study is simple failure to get down to regular concentrated work. This difficulty is much greater for those who do not work to a plan and have no regular routine of study. Many students muddle along, doing a hit of this subject or that, as the mood takes them, or letting their set work pile up until the last possible moment. [单项选择]我国工业上普遍采用频率为()的正弦交流电。
A. 50Hz B. 60Hz C. 70Hz D. 80Hz [单选题] 根据《配电安规》,试验装置的电源开关,应使用( ),并在刀刃或刀座上加绝缘罩,以防误合。
A.单极刀闸 B.双极刀闸 C.有过载保护的开关 D.电动开关 [单项选择]
甲级分隔是指()。 A. Ⅰ、Ⅳ B. Ⅱ、Ⅳ C. Ⅰ、Ⅲ D. Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ [单选题]船用大型柴油机的喷油器多采用冷却式,其冷却介质多使用()。
A.柴油 B.淡水 C.滑油 D.A或B [单选题]《铁路技术管理规程》(普速铁路部分)对防寒工作,应提前做好准备。铁路局要抓好以下工作:检修好除冰雪机具和( )设备。
A.防雨 B.防雾 C.防雪 D.防霾 [判断题]风机检查或更换吊杆及基础螺栓为年保养的项目
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]持票人在票据不获承兑或不获付款时可以向其前手行使追索权,前手包括
A. 出票人 B. 背书人 C. 承兑人 D. 保证人 [多选题]火灾分类有几种? ( )
A.固体火灾 B.易燃液体火灾 C.可燃性气体火灾 D.金属火灾 E.电气火灾 [多选题]《建筑施工企业安全生产许可证管理规定》其适用范围为建筑施工企业,是指从事( )的新建.扩建、改建等有关活动的企业。
A.土木工程 B.线路工程 C.设备安装工程 D.装修工程 E.电子工程 [单选题]在扑救危险品仓库火灾中,当发现有有毒气体扩散时,除了加强作战人员的防护外,应及时通知( ),积极组织疏散、撤离毒气扩散危险区域内的无关人员。
A.火场指挥员 B.有关部门 C.仓库领导 D.环保部门 [填空题]Cultural backgrounds influence the degree to which people want to become closely connected with other people outside their families. People from some cultures are looking for close, interdependent relationships. They value (36) to other people,and they want friendships in which there are (37) no limits to what the friends will do for each other.
Americans cause immense (38) for foreigners by their (39) inability to become closely (40) with other people in the way the foreigners want and expect them to. Americans just don’t know how to be friends,many people from other countries say. You never feel that you are free to call on them at any time or that they will help you no matter what. Many Americans do have what they call close friends, with whom they discuss (41) personal concerns and to whom they feel special attachments and strong (42) . But such friendships are relatively few in number. Much mo [单选题]多芯有铠装塑料绝缘电缆的最小弯曲半径为(____)D(D为电缆外径)。
A.10 B.12 C.15 D.20 [单选题]在TDCS系统中当某站一侧通道故障时,系统( )。
A.由人工切换另一迂回通道 B.通过人工电话报点 C.进入自锁 D.自动从迂回通道传送数据 [单选题]《安全生产法》规定,因生产安全事故受到损害的从业人员,除依法享有工伤保险外,依照有关民事法律尚有获得赔偿的权利的,有权向( )提出赔偿要求。( )
A.本单位 B.安全生产监督管理部门 C.工伤保险经办机构 D.劳动和社会保障部门 [单项选择]分导体包括()
A. 干皮肤、骨、皮下脂肪 B. 淋巴液、脑脊液、血液 C. 肌肉、汗腺、肝、脑、肾 D. 干头发、指甲 E. 牙齿 [单选题] 设备工况退出时,以下表述错误的是( )。
A.设备状态不能保证显示与现场一致 B.可在“工况”一栏查看设备工况是否退出。 C.工况退出依然可以控制所在设备 D.工况退出是指ISCS前置机与设备本体通讯失败 [判断题]变压器空载时无电流流过。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]荷兰:鹿特丹( )。
A. 南非:伯明翰 B. 美国:芝加哥 C. 日本:东京 D. 中国:洛阳 [判断题]多级账簿一级账簿编号为99999。
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交