After a run of several thousand years,
it is entirely fitting that 2000 will be marked as the year the tide turned
against taxation. Clay tablets recall the taxes of Hammurabi in the Babylon of
2000BC, but the practice is certainly older. People in power have always tried
to divert some of the proceeds of economic activity in their own direction.
Lords took feudal dues from their vassals; landowners took tolls from merchants;
gangsters took protection money from small businesses; governments took taxes
from their citizens. Despite the different names, the principle has remained
constant: those who do not produce take resources from those who do, and spend
it on altogether different things. The tide is turning because of the convergence of several factors, in the first place, taxes are becoming harder to collect. Capital is mor A. small business will continue to be heavily taxed. B. in England, personal income tax will rise to a top rate of 40%. C. many large companies can still avoid paying high taxes. D. globalization is making tax-collection easier. [判断题]电流在闭合的电路中オ能产生。
A.正确 B.错误 [不定项选择题]一个队列研究得到了下列率:全体男医生肺癌的发病率为0.94‰,所有吸烟男医生的发病率为1.30‰,非吸烟男医生的发病率0.07‰。
A.0.94 B.1.30 C.0.07 D.18.57 E.0.87 [填空题]付费空间一般有()、()和()三种
A.段修 B.站修 C.辅修 D.运用 [单项选择]区工商局以涉嫌虚假宣传为由扣押了王某财产,王某不服诉至法院。在此案的审理过程中,法院发现王某另有涉嫌受贿犯罪需追究刑事责任。法院的下列哪种做法是正确的?()
A. 终止案件审理,将有关材料移送有管辖权的司法机关处理。 B. 继续审理,待案件审理终结后,将有关材料移送有管辖权的司法机关处理。 C. 中止案件审理,将有关材料移送有管辖权的司法机关处理,待刑事诉讼程序终结后,恢复案件审理。 D. 继续审理,将有关材料移送有管辖权的司法机关处理。 [单选题]重力式减速器磨耗板表面光滑,无裂纹,无破损,磨耗不得超过( )mm。
A.A、2 B.B、4 C.C、6 D.D、8 [单选题]用人单位与劳动者建立劳动关系不依法订立劳动合同的,由劳动保障行政部门责令改正,自用工之日起超过1个月不满1年未与劳动者订立书面劳动合同的,应当向劳动者每月支付( )倍的工资。
A.2 B.3 C.4 D.5 [单项选择]心脏骤停最重要的诊断依据是()。
A. 心音消失 B. 手足抽搐 C. 桡动脉搏动消失 D. 呼吸断续 E. 呼之不应 [判断题]监察机关有权冻结单位存款账户。163、
[多项选择]当组织出现人力资源供不应求时,有时会采用内部调整,其内容包括( )
A. 把某些人员调到空缺的岗位 B. 培训人员,将其提拔到空缺的岗位 C. 鼓励员工加班 D. 提高劳动生产率 E. 晋升计划 [名词解释]心理学批评
[单选题]用Na2C2O4标定高锰酸钾时,刚开始时褪色较慢,但之后褪色变快的原因是( )。
A. A 温度过低 B. B 反应进行后,温度升高 C. C Mn2+催化作用 D. D 高锰酸钾浓度变小 [单选题]以下不属于入侵病毒按传染方式分类的是( )。
A.磁盘引导区传染的计算机病毒 B.操作系统传染的计算机病毒 C.一般应用程序传染的计算机病毒 D.外壳病毒 [单项选择]在建立和推行国家公务员制度之前,我国的人事行政制度被称为:
A. 组织制度 B. 官僚制度 C. 干部人事制度 D. 科举制度 我来回答: 提交