{{B}}Dreams{{/B}} Studies show that in dreams things are seen and heard rather than thought. In terms of the senses, visual experience is present in almost all dreams; auditory experience in 40 to 50 percent; and touch, taste, smell, and pain in a relatively small percentage. A considerable amount of emotion is commonly present, usually a pure and single emotion such as fear, anger, or joy Two clearly distinguishable states of sleep exist. The first state, called NREM-sleep (non-rapid-eye-movement sleep), occupies most of the sleep period and is associated with a relatively low pulse and blood pressure, and few or no reports of dreaming. The second type of sleep, known as REM-sleep (rapid-eye-movement sleep) occurs cyclically during the sleep period wit A. very often feel happy and unhappy at the same time. B. always feel that you are afraid of somebody. C. seldom feel fear now and joy later. D. only feel anger. [多项选择]HIV可以感染的细胞有()
A. CD4+T细胞 B. 单核一巨噬细胞 C. B淋巴细胞 D. 骨髓干细胞 E. 红细胞 [判断题]国庆节期间无需对动火作业进行升级管理。
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]全会强调,党的十八大以来,在全面依法治国上,( )不断健全,( )迈出坚实步伐,党运用法治方式领导和治理国家的能力显著增强。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]应用模板进行散光镜片的加工时,加工( )眼镜时,镜片光心垂直移动到水平坐标轴下 2mm 的位置。
A.老花镜 B.双光镜 C.远用眼镜 D.近用眼镜 [单选题]在无人行道的桥面上作业时,起钢轨外口道钉,应站在( )并使用专用起钉器或弯头撬棍等特制工具。
A.道心内侧 B.道心外侧 C.钢轨内侧 D.钢轨外侧 [单选题]排油注氮装置相关工作中,运维人员负责进行(____)。
A.巡视 B.检修 C.维护保养 D.检测 [单选题]合同当事人享有民事权利和承担民事义务的资格相同,一方不得将自己的意志强加给另一方,这体现了合同法的( )原则。
A.法律地位平等 B.诚实信用 C.公平 D.合法 [单选题] 天窗点外严禁使用齿条式起道机。( )(《普速铁路工务安全规则》第3.3.3条)
A.对 B.错 [多选题]行政违法的构成要件包括( )
A.行为主体必须是行政法律关系主体 B.行政法律关系主体具有相关的法定义务 C.行政法律关系主体具有不履行法定义务的行为 D.行政行为符合法定程序 [填空题]列车分部运行时,单班单司机值乘的货物列车由列车调度员指派车站胜任人员协助做好遗留车辆的<--NRC--→工作。
[填空题]“( )”是中国特色社会主义的一个伟大创举,是中国特色社会主义制度创新的重要成果。
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