Are some people born clever and others born stupid Or is intelligence developed by our environment and our experience Strangely enough, the answer to these questions is yes. To some extent our intelligence is given to us at birth, and no amount of special education can make a genius out of a child born with low intelligence. On the other hand, a child who lives in a boring environment will develop his intelligence less than one who lives in rich and varied surroundings. Thus the limits of a person’s intelligence are fixed at birth, whether or not he reaches those limits will depend on his environment. This view, now held by most experts, can be supported in a number of ways.
It is easy to show that intelligence is to some extent something we are born with. The closer the blood relationship between two people is, the closer they are likely to be in intelligence. Thus if we take two unrelated people at random from the population, it is likely that their degree of inte
A. choose two persons with different intelligence
B. choose two persons who are relative
C. take out two persons of close relationship
D. pick any two persons
By almost every measure, Paul Pfingst
is an unsentimental prosecutor. Last week the San Diego County district attorney
said he fully intends to try (1) Charles Andrew Williams,
15, as an adult (2) the Santana High School shootings.
Even before the (3) Pfingst had stood behind the
controversial California law that (4) treating murder
suspects as young as 14 as adults. So nobody would have wagered that Pfingst would also be the first D. A. ( district attorney) in the U. S. to (5) his very own Innocence Project. Yet last June, Pfingst told his attorneys to go back over old murder and rape (6) and see ff any unravel with newly developed DNA-testing tools. In other wor A. available B. accessible C. recognizable D. remaining [多选题]人民警察遇有下列()情形的,应当立即停止使用武器。(1.0分)
A.犯罪分子失去继续实施犯罪能力的 B.枪支出现故障的 C.犯罪嫌疑人凶器脱手,或者弹药打光的 D.犯罪分子停止实施犯罪,服从人民警察命令的 [单选题]消防无线通信三级组网中的一级网是什么?
A.省(市)覆盖网 B.城市消防辖区覆盖网 C.局域覆盖网 D.广域覆盖网 [单项选择]患者,男性,45岁,车祸导致高位截瘫合并尿潴留。留置导尿的护理不正确的是
A. 倾倒尿液时,引流管不可高于耻骨联合 B. 每周更换集尿袋1次 C. 每周更换导尿管1次 D. 消毒尿道口自上而下,由内向外 E. 极度虚弱的病人,第1次导尿量<1000ml [单选题]体能训练组合练习的内容不包括( )。[易]
A. 连续完成俯卧伸屈腿 10 次 B. 5 米折返跑往返 2 次 C. 俯卧撑 5 次,蛙跳 10 米 D. 100 米短跑 [单选题]某甲见他人贩卖毒品有暴利可图,遂起贩毒之意,但苦于无毒品来源,便用面粉等原料加工制造了大量假毒品卖给他人,获赃款5万余元。对某甲的行为定性,下列哪一说法是正确的?( )
A.贩卖毒品罪 B.诈骗罪 C.制造毒品罪 D.非法经营罪 [单项选择]由于汽车尾气等城市污染,最可能造成对儿童的伤害是()
A. 苯中毒 B. 铅中毒 C. 一氧化碳中毒 D. 钴中毒 E. 锰中毒 [单选题]双胍类降糖药的主要适应证是( )。
A.1型糖尿病患者 B.肥胖伴高胰岛素血症的2型糖尿病患者 C.餐后高血糖者 D.高脂血症者 E.糖耐量减低患者 [单选题]《节约能源法》规定,用能单位未按照规定配备、使用能源计量器具的,由()责令限期改正;逾期不改正的,处1万元以上5万元以下罚款。
A.产品质量监督部门 B.建设主管部门 C.县级以上人民政府 D.发证机关 [单项选择]What’s the condition of the refrigerator()
A. It is in good condition B. It cannot work any more C. Its door is broken [判断题]甲将乙绑架至自家地下室内后,乙苦苦哀求,甲心软将乙放了。甲的行为构成绑架罪中止,因没有造成乙的人身损害,对其应当免除处罚。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]2003年,中成药的制造业盈利占医药制造业盈利的比重比2002年( )。
A. 上升了20.2个百分点 B. 下降了20.2个百分点 C. 上升了2.6个百分点 D. 下降了2.6个百分点 [判断题]控制器调节“PID”中的I指的是积分
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交