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发布时间:2023-11-22 06:59:10

[多选题]About the ductus deferens, which of the following descriptions are correct?
A.It is the longest part of the transport semen canal..
B.It transmits the spermatozoa (精子) (sperm) from the epididymis to the ejaculatory duct.
C.According to the course, it can be divided into3 parts.
D.The part between the superior end of the testis and superficial inguinal ring is the region where th
E.Its terminal portion becomes enlargement and is named the ampulla of ductus deferens (输精管壶腹).

更多"[多选题]About the ductus deferens, whi"的相关试题:

[多选题]About the right ventricle, which of the following descriptions are correct?
A.It can be separated into inflowing part and outflowing part by the supraventricular crest (室上嵴).
B.It has two orifices: right atrioventricular orifice and aortic orifice.
C.The right atrioventricular orifice is guarded by the bicuspid valve.
D.The septomarginal trabecula extends from the interventricular septum to the base of the anterior pap
E.Blood from the right atrium passes through the right atrioventricular orifice to fill the right vent
[多选题]About the tympanic cavity, which of the following descriptions are correct?
A.It is an irregular air-filled space within the temporal bone.
B.It contains the auditory ossicles, ligaments, muscles, vessels and nerves.
C.It communicates with the nasopharynx through the auditory tube.
D.Its posterior wall is named as the carotid wall.
E.Its labyrinthine wall (迷路壁) presents vestibulr window (前庭窗 )and cochlear window (蜗窗).
[多选题]About the sinoatrial node, which of the following descriptions are not correct?
A.It is known as the‘pacemaker’of the heart.
B.It is located in the posterior wall of the left atrium.
C.It is ellipse in shape.
D.It generates an impulse at the rate of about 50/min.
E.The impulse generated by the sinoatrial node travels through the internodal tract (结间束) to reach
[多选题]About the gallbladder, which of the following descriptions are correct?
A.It produces the bile to promote the digestion and absorption of fat..
B.It located in the fossa for gallbladder (胆囊窝) of the liver.
C.It can be divided into three parts: fundus of gallbladder (胆囊底), body of gallbladder and cystic d
D.The surface marking of the fundus of gallbladder lies at the point where the right midclavicular lin
E.The cystic duct and the common hepatic duct (肝总管) join together to form the common bile duct .
[多选题]About the esophagus, which of the following descriptions are correct?
A.It is a muscular tube, approximately 25 cm long.
B.It can be divided into cervical , thoracic and abdominal portions.
C.Posteriorly, the cervical portion is adjacent to the anterior wall of trachea.
D.The three narrows in the esophagus course are called constrictions of esophagus (食管狭窄).
E.The third constriction lies at the place where it passes through the esophageal hiatus.
Which two statements about static NAT translations are true?(choose two)
A. They are always present in the NAT table.
B. They allow connection to be initiated from the outside.
C. They can be configured with access lists, to allow two or more connections to be initiated from theoutside.
D. They require no inside or outside interface markings because addresses are statically defined.
Which three statements about VTP features are true?(choose three)
A. When properly configured,VTP minimizes VLAN misconfigurations and configuration inconsistencies
B. Each broadcast domain on a switch can have its own unique VTP domain
C. VTP works at Layer 3. of the OSI model and requires that a management VLAN IP address beconfigured.
D. When properly configured,VTP maintains VLAN configuration consistency and accelerates trunk linknegotiation.
E. VTP pruning is used to increase available bandwidth in trunk links
F. Client,server,and transparent are valid VTP modes
G. To configure a switch to be part of two VTP domains,each domain must have its own passwords
[多选题]About the laryngeal cavity, which of the following descriptions are correct?
A.Superiorly, it communicates with the laryngopharynx (咽喉) through the aperture of larynx (喉口).
B.Inferiorly, it is continuous with the trachea.
C.The upper fold of mucous membrane is named the vocal fold (声襞).
D.It can be divided into laryngeal vestibule (喉前庭), intermedial cavity of largnx (喉中间腔), ventri
E.The fissure of glottis (声门裂) is the narrowest part of the laryngeal cavity.
[多选题]About the aortic valves, which of the following descriptions are correct?
A.Three aortic valves are semilunar in shape.
B.They are also called the tricuspid valves.
C.?They guard an exit of the aortic vestibule.
D.The spaces between the wall of ascending aorta and the valves of aorta are called aortic sinuses.
E.The right coronary artery opens into the the posterior aortic sinus.
[多选题]About the abducent nucleus, which of the following descriptions are correct ?
A.It situates in the pons.
B.It is deep to the facial colliculus (面神经丘).
C.It is one of the somatic motor nuclei.
D.It gives fibers to form the abducent nerve.
E.The facial nerve wind it.
[多选题]About the median nerve, which of the following descriptions are correct?
A.It originates from the branchial plexus by two roots.
B.It descends along the lateral side of the biceps branchii.
C.It perforates the pronator teres.
D.It passes through the carpal canal.
E.The motor fibers of median nerve innervate the anterior group muscles of upper arm.
[多选题]About the spinal cord, which of the following descriptions are correct?
A.It occupies the whole vertebral canal.
B.It presents the thoracic enlargement and lumbar enlargement.
C.It has 30 segments: 7 cervical segments, 12 thoracic segments, 5 lumbar segments, 5 sacral segments,
D.It is continuous with the brain stem.
E.It terminates as conus medullaris (脊髓圆锥).
[多选题]About the femoral nerve, which of the following descriptions are correct?
A.It is an important branch of sacral plexus.
B.It descends between the psoas major (腰大肌) and the iliacus (髂肌).
C.Beneath the inguinal ligament, it enters into the femoral triangles.
D.The motor fibers of femoral nerve innervate the anterior group muscles of thigh.
E.The longest terminal branch of femoral nerve is the saphenous nerve (隐神经).
[多选题]Which of the following descriptions about the eyelids (眼睑) are coorect?
A.It can be divided into superior eyelid and inferior eyelid.
B.From superficial to profundal, it has five layers.
C.The superficial fascia of the eyelids is very loose.
D.The tarsus ( 睑板) is in the third layer.
E.The fifth layer is palpebral conjunctiva (睑结膜).
Which two statements about using the CHAP authentication mechanism in a PPP link are true?(choosetwo)
A. CHAP uses a two-way handshake
B. CHAP authentication periodically occurs after link establishment
C. CHAP has no protection from playback attacks
D. CHAP authentication is performed only upon link establishment
E. CHAP uses a three-way handshake
F. CHAP authentication passwords are sent in plaintext
[多选题]Which two statements about vCenter HA are correct?
A. ESXi 5.5 or later is required.
B. vCenter HA network latency between nodes must be less than 50 ms.
C. NFS datastore is supported.
D. It must be deployed on a 3 ESXi host cluster with DRS enabled.
[多选题]About the right coronary artery, which of the following descriptions are correct?
A.It arises from the right aortic sinus.
B.It emerges between the root of the pulmonary trunk and the right auricle.
C.Its main branches are posterior interventricular branch and the circumflex branch.
D.The posterior interventricular branch is accompanied by the middle cardiac vein.
E.It distributes to the anterior part of the interventricular septum (室间隔).
[多选题]About the left lung, which of the following descriptions are correct?
A.It is shorter than the right lung.
B.It is wider than the right lung.
C.It has three lobes.
D.It presents the cardiac notch (心切迹).
E.It has lingula of left lung (左肺小舌).
[多选题]About the pericardium, which of the following descriptions are correct?
A.It is a fibrous sac which encloses only the heart.
B.It consists of the fibrous pericardium and serous pericardium.
C.The serous pericardium can be subdivided into visceral layer (脏层) and parietal layer (壁层).
D.The pericardial cavity is a potential space between the fibous pericardium and serous pericardium.
E.The transverse sinus and oblique sinus are located within the pericardial cavity.


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