实验室确诊的最好方法是 Cigarettes are good for your throat,
according to advertisements from half a century ago. Today such claims are
unthinkable, as smokers face despiteful stares of contempt whenever they light
up. Die-hards (顽固派) apart, society now accepts the huge damage to health caused
by smoking, both to smokers themselves and to others through passive smoking - a
change in attitudes with huge benefits for public health. Now the World Health Organization is launching the first global war against alcohol abuse. Can it replicate (重复) the success of the anti-smoking campaign Some of the ways to curb excessive alcohol consumption are similar to those used against cigarettes, such as increasing taxes and reducing availability. And as with cigarettes, there may also be scope for making drinking less glamorous through clampdowns on mar A. Cracking down the alcohol market. B. Taxing alcohol at a higher rate. C. Banning the manufacture of hard liquor. D. Forbidding advertisements on alcohol. [单选题]知识考试中的专业知识考试又称()。
A.深度考试 B.广度考试 C.口试 D.结构考试 [单选题]套管完井中,规定扶正器按下述标准配置:油层井段每根套管一个井;斜大于30°的井段每()根套管儿一个。
A.1 B.3 C.5 D.7 [单选题]重大节假日免费通行第一天的( )至节假日最后一天的()MTC入口车道对小型客车停止发放纸质通行券。
A.00:00、24:00 B.00:00、16:00 C.00:00、12:00 D.00:00、18:00 [判断题]焊接时应穿戴符合专用防护用品要求的护目镜、工作服、手套、绝缘鞋。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]根据《治安管理处罚法》的规定,举办文化、体育等大型群众性活动,违反有关规定,有发生安全事故危险的情况,公安机关可以采取的措施有()。
A.强行驱散 B.责令停止活动 C.取缔 D.立即疏散 [单项选择]海拔高度为3500米,负载为4KW应选择发电机机组的功率为()。
A. 3KW B. 5KW C. 10KW D. 以上都可以 [单选题]在( )的大风以及暴雨、雷电、冰雹、大雾、沙尘暴等恶劣天气下,应停止露天高处作业。
A.A-6级以上 B.B-6级及以上 C.C-5级以上 D.D-5级及以上 [单选题]电源系统上电顺序;(),确保每一步上电后系统检测正常。
A.先上交流电,再上直流电 B.先上直流电,再上交流电 C.交流电、直流电可以任意选择上电顺序 D.交流电、直流电需要同时上电 [单项选择]女性,44岁。反复发作腹泻3年,每于受冷、饮食不当或疲劳后发作,大便果酱色,每日4~5次,时有血相混,便时腹痛,便后缓解,大便量多。纤维结肠镜检距肛门8cm处有口小底大、边缘清楚的溃疡多个,表面有渗血。最可能的诊断是()。
A. 慢性溃疡性结肠炎 B. 溃疡性结肠癌 C. 慢性菌痢 D. 阿米巴肠病 E. 出血性结肠炎 我来回答: 提交