Write a memorandum according to the information giving in the following outline.
1) This memo is to Ministry of Personal Department Jim Hillman.
2) Braun Medical Co. is in urgent need of a capable product manager.
It’s been an extraordinarily bad week
for Apple, the well-known American manufacturer of computers and software. In
their quarterly report, the company announced a $ 45 million lose for the three
months ending this September. At the same time, the economics magazine Business
Week stated that Apple had one of the eight worst hoards of directors in the US.
All the while, the firm’s chief executive, Steve Jobs, was drawing the highest
salary in corporate America. News like that brings out the experts with their predictions of a collapse--and their "evidence" is abundant. Apple has allowed market share compared to most of its competitors. In 1996, when Gil Amelio was brought in as chief executive, Apple’s market share hovered at 7%: Today, its market share is below 3.5%. With Mike Spindler and Gil Amelio running the business the company was plagued by qualit A. Nowadays, the operating system you choose is not really important in the case of games. B. Apple’s OSX is first in the market when it comes to graphics application. C. People who work as software developers are not interested in using Apple products. D. Large groups are not going to experiment with Apple products. [多项选择]电子显微镜主要的组成部分包括()
A. 滤板系统 B. 成像系统 C. 电子光学系统 D. 真空系统 E. 光源系统 [单项选择]体现医患之间契约关系的有下列做法,但应除外
A. 患者挂号看病 B. 医生向患者做出应有承诺 C. 先收费用然后给予检查处置 D. 先签写手术协议书然后实施手术 E. 患者被迫送红包时保证不给医生宣扬 [判断题]吊起的重物不得在空中长时间停留。在空中短时间停留时,操作人员、指挥人员均不得离开工作岗位。
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]电客车编组形式为:+Tc * Mp *M = M * Mp * Tc +,其中“M”为 。
[单选题]以下对于生活常识的叙述缺乏科学依据的是( )。
A.不可用工业酒精勾兑饮用酒 B.使用含氟牙膏可预防龋齿 C.加碘食盐的“碘”是指碘元素 D.小孩经常咬铅笔会致铅中毒 [判断题]UPS电源和逆变器负载容量核对检查每半年进行一次。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]慢性病健康管理的核心技术是()
A.危险因素风险评估 B.疾病自我管理 C.患病危险性的评估 D.科学就医 [单选题]200km/h~250km/h道岔轨道静态几何尺寸容许偏差管理值中高低(10m及以下弦)临时补修为( )。
A.6mm B.7mm C.8mm D.9mm 我来回答: 提交