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发布时间:2024-06-11 18:31:31

[单选题]Stated more formally, an object is simply ( ) of a class.
A.a part
B.a component
C.an instance
D.an example

更多"[单选题]Stated more formally, an objec"的相关试题:

[单选题]Stated more formally, all object is simply ______ of a class.
A.a part
B.a component
C.an instance
D.an example
[单选题]What is implied but NOT stated by the author is that_______.
A.breakfast does not affect performance
B.Dr.Erresto is engaged in research work at an institution of higher learning
C.not eating breakfast might affect the health of children
D.Professor Bender once taught college courses in nutrition in London
[单选题]Object-oriented analysis(OO A.is a semiformal specification technique for the object-oriented paradigm.Object-oriented analysis consists of three steps.The first step is( ).It determines how the various results are computed by the product and presents this information in the form of a( )and associated scenarios.The second is( ),which determines the classes and their attributes.Then determine the interrelationships and interaction among the classes.The last step is(请作答此空),which determines the actions performed by or to each class or subclass and presents this information in the form of( ).
A.use-case modeling
B.class modeling
C.dynamic modeling
D.behavioral modeling
[单选题]( ) is a property of object-oriented software by which an abstract operation may be performed in different ways in different classes. A.Metho
[单选题]When an object receives a( ), methods contained within the object respond.
[单选题]In deed more and more schools are discovering that foreign languages are best taught in the lower grades.Young children often can learn several languages by being( )to them,while adults have a much harder time learning another language once the rules of their first language have become firmly fixed.
[单选题]( )Not an advantage of an object-oriented approach to development。 ( )不是面向对象开发方法的优点。 A.Good adaptability to changes in demand 对需求变化的适应性好 B.Supporting software reuse 支持软件重用
A.Good maintainability
C.High Processing Efficiency
[单选题]I simply gave in to him,and I've feltregretted it ever since.
[单选题]Having no money but( )to know,he simply said he would go without dinner.
A.not to want anyone
B.not wanting anyone
C.wanted no one
D.to want no one
[单选题]I simply gave in to him,and I've felt regretted it ever since.
[单选题]More and more high-rise buildings have been built in big cities__________space.
A.in search of
B.in place of
C.for lack of
D.for fear of
[单选题]请阅读短文,完成此题。 More and more gadgets seek to replicate the sorts of things your mother used to needle youabout: getting exercise, eating more slowly or brushing your teeth. Now one company has decided toembrace that image--it has named its product "Mother". The device, from a firm called Sense, caught my eye at a press preview for the 2014 ConsumerElectronics Show in Las Vegas, in part because of its unique design. It looks like a cross betweenWALL-E's girlfriend EVE and Russian nesting dolls. Mother has slightly creepy glowing eyes--butsurely has your best interest at heart? Mother's potential use is intriguing: Each Mother unit talkswirelessly to a set of smaller tracking devices, dubbed cookies, which can sense motion andtemperature. You can put cookies on things and people--on your body to gather data about how muchyou walk, on your coffee machine to track many espressos you drink, on your front door to trackwhenever it is opened, on your toothbrush to see how often and how long you brush ... and so forth. Whenever the cookies get close to the Mother unit, they wirelessly send back their data to theInternet. The company says users of Mother, which is supposed to start shipping in the spring, will beable look at all their information at once, or drill down on certain topics. And if something is reallyimportant, you can have an alert sent to your phone when a sensor detects a change. So what does all that data do for you? That's a question that bedevils many Internet of Thingsgadgets on display here at CES. Mother's makers say the data she tracks can help you gain peaceof mind by answering specific questions in your life, such as,"Am I drinking enough water?" or,"Did somebody open my secret drawer?" Lots of companies want to connect parts of your body, home and life to the Internet--a trendcalled the "Internet of Things". Mother's maker, Rafi Haladjian, told me he thinks having separatedevices for all these things is too expensive and too cumbersome because they can't talk to eachother."There are not so many needs that are worth $200" for a distinct Internet-connected device,he said. Mother, which costs $222 for a base unit and four cookies, is designed to be repurposed asnew challenges or needs spring to mind, he said. It's kind of like a mobile device that can run anever-changing array of apps. Where did the name come from? "We need a device that does all sort of things," Haladjiansaid. "The metaphor that matched this noble caring figure is the mother. She is not a nurse, agardener or a cop--she is everything at the same time." What are the disadvantages of "Things of Internet" according to Raft Haladjian? 查看材料
A.Different things can't communicate with each other.
B.They are too expensive and without utility.
C.The safety of them can't be ensured.
D.They may threaten people's privacy.


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