Passage One
When Dance Speaks the Unspoken and No Language Is Required 当舞蹈说出没有说出的话,就无需语言了 A complete dancer today, is well trained in more than one discipline. The European dance scene has seen a rebirth of the influence of Spanish dance with the fusion of Flamenco and Classical Spanish Dance with other styles. The excitements of these fusions are very present in the Bay Area, which is America’s hotbed of Flamenco. This heat wave of creation, arrived last summer in Walnut Creek with the premiere concert season of Carolina Lugo’s Brisas de Espa—a Flamenco Dance Company. Carolina’s company not only presents the powerful intense energy of solo flamenco but the grace and joy of classical dances. She herself was trained in classical Spanish dance, which A. They are both of the same origin. B. Both dances are centered on the emotional life of ordinary people. C. Both dances share similar cultural origins. D. They may merge into each other easily. [单项选择]外源性哮喘的临床表现是
A. 多见于青壮年 B. 常于冬季或气候骤变时发病 C. 前驱症状后发病急,缓解快 D. 有呼吸道感染症状 E. 起病慢,症状缓解后哮鸣音可持续多时 [单选题] 物体的真实大小就以图样上所注的( )为依据(易)(基础知识)
A.尺寸数值 B.尺寸数字 C.尺寸线 D.尺寸界线 [多选题] 常用表示正弦交流电的方法有
A.解析式表示法 B.波形图表示法 C.方程组表示法 D.矢量图表示法 [单项选择]功效为清热化痰,软坚散结,通淋的中药是
A. 海浮石 B. 竹茹 C. 天竺黄 D. 浙贝母 E. 竹沥 [单选题]若力系中各力的作用线均在物体同一平面内而且汇交于()上,此力系称为平面汇交力系。
A.一个点 B.一条线 C.一个面 D.一个空间 [单选题]从( )角度考虑,辅助服务是在实时运行中,由于一些不可预测和不可控制的原因,为保证供电质量和可靠性要求而要有一个有功、无功的实时平衡服务以及其它的运行服务。
A.输电 B.系统控制 C.运行管理 D.发电侧 [单选题]流行病学研究范围为
A.传染病 B.非传染病 C.健康问题 D.原因不明的疾病 E.一切疾病和健康 [单项选择]患者多食易饥,形体消瘦,口渴引饮,大便干燥,舌苔黄燥,脉滑实有力。治疗应首选()
A. 白虎汤 B. 二冬汤 C. 玉女煎 D. 益胃汤 E. 消渴方 我来回答: 提交