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发布时间:2023-11-24 02:41:08

[单选题]关于前台升级描述错误的是( )。 Which of the following statements is wrong about foreground upgrade? ( )
A.版本加载后,在生效前需要执行网管命令”SHOW BOOTMODE”查询OMP单板启动方式。若为”本地启动”则可执行重启单板命令,否则需要将其修改为本地启动方式 After a version is loaded, before it takes effect, we need to run the OMM command “SHOW BOOTMODE” to query the startup mode of the OMP board. If the startup mode is set to “local”, we can run the board restarting command; otherwise, we need to change it to the local startup mode.
B.执行网管命令"ENABLE PKG"生效版本时,系统会自动重启 When we run the “ENABLE PKG” command to make the version effective, the system will be restarted automatically.
C.在备板执行网管命令”SHOW BOOTMODE”查询OMP单板启动方式。若为”从主板启动”则不需要将其修改为本地启动方式 When we run the OMM command “SHOW BOOTMODE” on the slave board to query the startup mode of the OMP board, if the board is set to “startup from the master board”, we do not need to modify it into the local startup mode.
D.LOAD PKG:TYPE="LOAD"&"ACTIVE"一般针对仅存在OMP一个模块的情况下,如果存在PP单板则需要选择DISPATCH,将版本分发到其他单板 Usually we run the “LOAD PKG:TYPE="LOAD"&"ACTIVE"” command when there is only one OMP module. If there are PP boards, we need to select DISPATCH and distribute the version to other boards.

更多"[单选题]关于前台升级描述错误的是( )。 Which of the "的相关试题:

[多选题]关于升级准备描述正确的是( )。 Which of the following statements are wrong about upgrade preparations? ( )
A.软件准备需要在升级前一天完成 Software preparations need to be completed one day before upgrade.
B.升级当天的准备工作主要是备份和系统状态检查 On the day of upgrade, the major preparations include making backup and checking the system status.
C.准备SSS升级指导书时正式获取途径是从用服总工处获取经研发评审的指导书 While preparing the SSS upgrade guide, as the formal method, we need to get the upgrade guide that has been reviewed by R&D personnel from the chief engineers in the product support center.
D.升级前在熟读升级方案以及升级指导书同时需要自己阅读版本发布说明 Before upgrade, we need to carefully read the upgrade plan and upgrade guide, as well as the version release notes.
[多选题]关于SSS升级过程影响,描述正确的有( )。 Which of the following statements are wrong about impacts during the SSS upgrade process? ( )
A.非容灾场景网元前台升级期间SSS网元所有业务会中断 Under a non-disaster-tolerance scenario, during upgrade of foreground NEs, all services of the SSS will be interrupted.
B.网元前台升级时对正在进行的通话计费会有影响 During NE foreground upgrade, the ongoing charging of calls will be affected.
C.升级SSS网管过程中会影响业务受理,升级SSS前台过程是不会影响业务受理的 During upgrade of the SSS OMM, service handling will be affected. The upgrade of the SSS foreground does not affect service handling.
D.SSS升级过程上级网管无法采集数据也无法配置数据 During upgrade of the SSS system, you cannot collect data or configure data on the upper-level OMM.
[单选题]关于灰度升级, 错误的描述是?
[单选题]以下说法描述错误的是( )。 Which of the following statements is wrong? ( )
A.在系统升级后,执行完./run.sh后,我们一般用ps -ef |grep serv来检查网管进程和服务启动情况 After system upgrade, after we have run the “./run.sh” command, we usually run the “ps -ef |grep serv” command to check the OMM process and service startup.
B.cnvmverfile文件夹中在有老版本和新版本文件共存时,系统会自动选择新版本文件进行升级 If the old version files and the new version files coexist under the cnvmverfile folder, the system automatically selects the new version file to perform upgrade.
C.在网管升级过程中”选择网元类型”:需要检查网元类型设置是否正确。” FTP服务器类型”与升级前保持一致 During the OMM version upgrade process, we need to check whether the NE type is set correctly and check whether the FTP server type is consistent with that before upgrade.
D.服务器节点号在IMS系统网元中一般是使用10000+网元号 The server node ID is usually set to 10000+NE ID in the IMS system.
[多选题]以下关于IMS机框描述正确的是( )。 Which of the following statements are correct about shelves in the IMS system? ( )
A.E4140机框主要由机框管理模块、机框数据模块、电源模块、风扇模块、机框背板、机框走线槽、假面板组成 The E4140 shelf mainly consists of the shelf management module, shelf data module, power module, fan module, shelf backplane, shelf cabling slot, and blank planes.
B.从机框正面看,槽位从左到右依次编号为01~14。01~06和09~14槽位只能安装处理板,07~08槽位只能安装交换板 In the front view, slots are numbered 01-14 from left to right. Slot01-06 and slot09-14 can only be installed with processing boards, and slot07-08 can only be installed with switching boards.
C.从机框背面看,槽位从右到左依次编号为01~14。01~06和09~14槽位只能安装处理板的后插板,07~08槽位只能安装交换板的后插板 In the rear view, slots are numbered 01-14 from right to left. Slot01-06 and slot09-14 can only be installed with rear boards of processing boards, and slot07-08 can only be installed with rear boards of switching boards.
D.机框散热采用从下向上的吹风散热方式,风从机框进风面板的网孔进入,经过防尘网从机框背面的顶部吹出 The shelf adopts the heat-dissipation mode of blowing wind from top down. The wind comes from holes on the inlet panel on the shelf, comes through the dustproof net, and blows out from the top of the shelf backplane.
[单选题]升级前需要确认升级环境中的密码,以下关于密码描述错误的是( )。 Before version upgrade, we need to confirm passwords in the upgrade environment. Which of the following statements is wrong about passwords? ( )
A.前台单板22端口登录使用(zte/zte) To log in to port 22 of the foreground board, use zte/zte.
B.前台单板26端口登录(root/root) To log in to port 26 of the foreground board, use root/root.
C.13U CMM单板的22端口使用(zte/zte) To log in to port 22 of the 13U CMM board, use zte/zte.
D.14U NCMM单板的22端口使用(zte/zte) To log in to port 22 of the 14U NCMM board, use zte/zte.


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