Some psychologists maintain that mental
acts such as thinking are not performed in the brain alone, but that one’s
muscles also participate. It may be said that we think with our muscles in
somewhat the same way that we listen to music with our bodies. You surely are not surprised to be told that you usually listen to music not only with your ears but with your whole body. Few people can listen to music that is more or less familiar without moving their body or more specifically, some part of their body. Often when one listens to a symphonic concert on the radio, he is tempted to direct the orchestra even though he knows them is a competent conductor on the job. Strange as this behavior may be, there is a very good mason for it. One cannot derive all possible enjoyment from music unless he participates, so to speak, in its performance. Th A. deliberate B. obvious C. not readily apparent D. very pronounced [多选题]隔开设备有( )。(《行规 》重点用语说明)
A.安全线、避难线 B.脱轨器 C.平行进路 D.有联锁装置(关系)的隔开道岔 [单选题]Internet是计算机()的简称,又称网间网,中文翻译即为“因特网”。
A.万维网络 B.局域网络 C.城际网络 D.交互网络 [单选题]RNAV航路可否加入人工创建的航路点
A.不可以 B.可以 [单选题]调车作业时,洗车库内限速()km/h。
A.3 B.5 C.8 D.10 [单选题]焊条药皮的组成主要有稳弧剂、造气剂、造渣剂、脱氧剂、合金剂、粘接剂和( )等。( 易 )
A.增塑剂 B.增强剂 C.硬化剂 D.塑化剂 [不定项选择题]大黄为常用中药之一,系蓼科多年生草本植物掌叶大黄、唐古特大黄或药用大黄的干燥根及根茎。现代药理研究表明,大黄具有泻下、抗菌、抗肿瘤、利胆保肝、利尿、止血等作用。
A.大黄酸>大黄素>芦荟大黄素>大黄酚 B.大黄酸>芦荟大黄素>大黄素>大黄酚 C.大黄素>大黄酸>芦荟大黄素>大黄酚 D.大黄素>大黄酸>大黄酚>芦荟大黄素 E.大黄酚>芦荟大黄素>大黄素>大黄酸 [单选题]擅自设立金融机构罪侵犯的客体是( )。
A.国家对贷款的管理制度 B.国家对金融机构的准入管理制度 C.国家对存款的管理制度 D.国家的银行管理制度 [单项选择]恒牙骨化开始的年龄是( )。
A. 新生儿 B. 1岁 C. 2岁 D. 3岁 E. 4岁 [单选题]根据《“评定分离”操作导则》规定,( )由招标人法定代表人或者主要负责人担任定标委员会组长,组建定标委员会进行集体商议,定标委员会成员各自发表意见,最终由定标委员会组长确定中标候选人及排序。
A.价格竞争定标法 B.票决定标法 C.票决抽签定标法 D.集体议事法 [单项选择]具有主决断功能的腑是()
A. 胆 B. 胃 C. 小肠 D. 大肠 E. 膀胱 [单项选择]贯穿“寓教于乐”理念的是()
A. 观光采摘园 B. 教育农园 C. 市民农园 D. 高科技农业示范园 [单项选择]用高级语言编写的程序称为( )。
A. 源程序 B. 目标程序 C. 汇编程序 D. 命令程序 [单选题]Poets,songwriters and politicians hate the idea,but for decades opinion-poll evidence has been clear:money buys happiness and the richer you are,the more likely you are to express satisfaction with your life.Until now,a survey of43 countries 1 on October 30th by the Pew Research Centre of Washington,DC,shows that people in 2 markeis are expressing almost the same level of satisfaction as people in rich countries.It is the biggest 3 to the standard view of happiness and income seen 4.The Pew poll asks respondents to 5,on a scale from zero to ten,how good their lives are.(Those who say between seven and ten are counted as 6.)In 2007,57%of respondents in rich countries put themselves in the top four tiers;in emerging markets the 7 was 33%;in poor countries only 16%-a classic 8 0f the standard view.But in 2014,540/o of rich-country respondents counted themselves as happy,whereas in emerging markets the percentage 9 t0 51%.This was happening just at a time when emerging markets'chances of converging economically 10 the West seemed to be 11.Rich countries did not experience 12 declines in happiness.The decreases in America and Britain were tiny(a single percentage point),13 the share of h8ppy Gennans rose 13 points.A large drop in formerly joyful Spain ensured a modest overaU decline for the rich.14 the convcrgence happened 15 huge improvements in countries such as Indonesia and Pakistan.In 12 of the 24 emerging markets,half or more people 16 their life satisfaction in the top tiers of the ladder.This is not t0 17 the link between income and satrsfaction has been snapped.Poor countries still 18:only a quarter of the people there are in the happy tiers-half the level of the other'two groups.There is 19 a clear link between happiness and income growth.China's GDP rose at an annual average rate of 10%in 2007-2014 and its happiness level rose 26 points.20 countries,richer people express more satisfaction than their poorer neighbours.11选?
A.receding B.recovering C.relieving D.retiring [单选题]《铁路旅客运输服务质量规范》(铁总运〔2016〕247号)规定,候车区、行包营业厅照明照度不低于()勒克斯。
A.200 B.150 C.100 D.50 [单项选择]甾体雌激素的母体是()
A. 雄甾烷 B. 孕甾烷 C. 胆甾烷 D. 雌甾烷 E. 谷甾烯 [单选题]脱硫尾部增湿活化区设在( )的竖直烟道上。
A. 低温段空气预热器出口 B. 空气预热器出口 C. 低温段空气预热器出口和电除尘器之间 [单选题]以死亡为给付保险金条件的合同,未经被保险人同意并认可保险金额的,合同()
A.有效 B.成立 C.失效 D.无效 [单选题]下列属于腐蚀性物品的是( )。(上册P218)
A.硝酸 B.乙醇 C.汽油 D.红磷 [判断题]煤气中毒与煤气设备泄漏有关,与燃烧后的废气无关。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]爱因斯坦生于( )。
A.德国 B. 法国 C. 美国 D. 瑞典 [判断题]所有食品生产企业必须留存生产信息,建立食品安全追溯体系,保证食品可追溯。国家鼓励食品生产企业釆用信息化手段实现食品可追溯。()
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]下述关于C语言文件的操作的结论中,正确的是______。
A. 对文件操作必须先关闭文件 B. 对文件操作必须先打开文件 C. 对文件操作顺序无要求 D. 对文件操作前必须先测文件是否存在,然后再打开文件 [判断题]低压配电网网络结构主要有开式低压网络和闭式低压网络。
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]以下关于桥本甲状腺炎的描述,错误的有:()
A. 单侧甲状腺肿大 B. 病变呈灰白色,质韧 C. 好发于老年女性 D. 间质内淋巴细胞浸润 E. 可继发黏膜相关性淋巴组织淋巴瘤 [单选题]( )814.在大比例尺地形图上,坐标格网的方格大小是( )。
A.50cm×50cm B.40cm×40cm C.30cm×30cm D.10cm×10cm [判断题]微混合型混合动力汽车是指以发动机为主要动力源,具备纯电动行驶模式的混合动力汽车。
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交