Good evening. Welcome to the first meeting of our spring cycling season. It’s a pleasure to see so many new faces here. I certainly hope that most of you will soon feel right at home with our group.
The state of New Jercy offers enough opportunities for bicyclists of all abilities. Beginners will find the shore and area suitable for their needs while expert riders will meet a challenge to their skill and energy.
We organize tours to a variety of places nearly every weekend. Next Saturday’ s tour will be an easy one. Interested cyclists should meet at eight a.m. in the parking area. The minimum time for this tour is about six hours. You can pick up a map of Saturday’s tour at the information table before you leave this evening.
China’s employment and re-employment
situation remains tough with a surge this year in the number of graduates
hitting the job market and in unemployment in general, a senior official
said. The country’s registered average unemployment rate in urban areas reached 4 percent last year and is expected to go higher this year, Labour and Social Security Minister Zheng Silin told Xinhua yesterday. There are nearly 14 million laid-off workers in urban areas so far. And more than 10 million new graduates are predicted to enter the work force, Zheng said. To make things worse, the nation’s agricultural adjustment has forced more than 150 million rural workers to quit farming. Many of them will head to the cities to seek employment, posing uncertainties for the State, he said. Zheng, who was appointed as the minister during A. Around 39 million. B. Over 150 million. C. About 174 million. D. No exact figure is provided. [单选题]乙脑的传播途径主要是
A.呼吸道传播 B.消化道传播 C.虫媒传播 D.性传播 E.母婴传播 [判断题]井下爆破作业,必须使用煤矿许用炸药和毫秒延期电雷管。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]有如下程序:
main( ) char ch[2][5]="6937","8254",*p[2]; int i,j,S=0; for(i=0;i<2;i++) p[i]=ch[i]; for(i=0;i<2;i++) for(j=0;p[i][j]>’/0’;j+=2) s=10*s+p[i][j]-’0’; printf("%d/n",S); 该程序的输出结果是( )。 A. 69825 B. 63825 C. 693825 D. 6385 [判断题]计算机启动失败,屏幕上出现“DisketteBootFailure”,这可能是U盘插在电脑上造成的。我们要移除U盘、光盘,然后重新启动计算机。
[多选题]轴箱的主要功能( )
A.连接轮对与转向架构架 B.承受和传递轮对与转向架之间的各种载荷 C.保持轴颈和轴承的正常位置 D.轴箱采用滚柱轴承,在提高承载能力的同时,降低了轴箱磨檫系数 E.减少了车辆起动和运行的阻力 [单项选择]交换式局域网从根本上改变了“共享介质”的工作方式,它可以通过局域网交换机支持端口之间的多个并发连接。因此,交换式局域网可以增加网络带宽,改善局域网性能与()。
A. 服务质量 B. 网络监控 C. 存储管理 D. 网络拓扑 [简答题]多核糖体(polyribosome)
A. 灵道:腕横纹上1.5寸,尺侧腕屈肌腱的桡侧 B. 太白:第一跖骨小头后缘,赤白肉际 C. 束骨:第五跖骨粗隆下,赤白肉际 D. 然骨:足舟骨粗隆下缘凹陷中 E. 中封:内踝前1寸,胫骨前肌腱内侧 [判断题]按《塔里木油田钻井井控实施细则》规定:防溢管与防喷器采用螺栓连接,防溢管的通径应不小于井口防喷器组的通径,连接密封可用金属密封垫环或专用橡胶圈,防喷器上法兰不使用的连接螺纹孔用专用丝堵堵住。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]常用的病理解剖器械很多,如条件不允许常规备用的解剖器械可以不包括
A. 天平用于称量脏器和新生儿体重 B. 能称量成人尸体的大秤(50~100kg) C. 开颅和取骨髓需用头颅固定器、锯、铁锤和骨凿等 D. 刀类有解剖刀、截肢刀、肋骨刀和脑刀,用于切割皮肤、肋骨和脑等 E. 刻度量杯称量体腔液体 [单选题].NSW型手制动机具有制动、缓解、调力制动和( )的功能。
A.调速 B.锁闭 C.脚踏制动 D.快速缓解 [单选题]肾小球性蛋白尿主要的蛋白种类为
A.清蛋白 B.β球蛋白 C.转铁蛋白 D.α球蛋白 E.本-周蛋白 [单选题]作业现场的()和安全设施等应符合有关标准、规范的要求,作业人员的劳动防护用品应合格、齐备。
A.安全装置 B.环境卫生 C.生产条件 D.技术措施 [单项选择]输尿管生理狭窄区中最窄的部位位于
A. 肾盂起始部 B. 输尿管起始部 C. 平髂动脉处 D. 跨过骨盆入口处 E. 膀胱入口处 [多选题] 引起大轴弯曲的主要原因有( )。
A.动静部分摩擦使转子局部过热 B.停机后再气缸温度过高时,使冷水进入气缸 C.转子套装部件松动有位移 D.转子的原材料存在过大的内应力 [判断题]诚实守信,既是做人的准则,也是对从业者的道德要求。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]关于原核RNA聚合酶叙述,正确的是
A.由4个亚基组成的复合物 B.原核RNA聚合酶有3种 C.全酶中包括一个α因子 D.全酶中包括两个β因子 E.全酶中包括一个σ因子 [判断题]开工前,工作负责人或工作票签发人应重新核对现场勘察情况,发现与原勘察情况有变化时,应重新填写、签发工作票。
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交