Section Ⅰ Use of English Directions: Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on ANSWER SHEET 1. (10 points) Even the Saudis--or rather, the small number of men who actually rule their troubled country--are giving ground in the struggle for women’ s rights. For sure, the recommendations (1) this week to Crown Prince Abdullah at the end of an (2) round of "national dialogue" concentrating on the role of women were fairly tame. In the reformers-versus-reactionaries (3) test of whether women should be allowed to drive cars ( at present they cannot do so in the kingdom, nor can they travel unaccompanied, by whatever (4) of motion) , the king was merely asked to" (5) a body to study a public transport system for women to facilitate mobility". (6) mention, of course, of the right to vote--but then that has been (7) to men too, though local elect
A. destroy
B. defy
C. decimate
D. dilate
The quality of patience goes a long way
toward your goal of creating a more peaceful and loving self. The more patient
you are, the more accepting you will be of what life is, rather than insisting
that life be exactly as you would like it to be. Without patience, life is
extremely frustrating. You are easily annoyed, bothered, and irritated. Patience
adds a dimension of ease and acceptance to your life. It’s essential for inner
peace. Becoming more patient involves opening your heart to the present moment,
even if you don’t like it. If you are stuck in a traffic jam, late for an
appointment, being patient would mean keeping yourself from building a mental
snowball before your thinking get out of control and gently reminding yourself
to relax. It might also be a good time to breathe as well as an opportunity to
remind yoursel A. a minor thing B. a matter of life or death C. the small stuff D. a great chance [多项选择]总机服务入网标准要求描述不正确的有()。
A. 预受理4个工作日 B. 含套餐加载入网10个工作日 C. 含终端及卡开通入网10个工作日 D. 含终端采购入网10个工作日 [判断题]部联网中心、省级稽核管理单位、发行服务机构及收费公路经营管理单位均可发起内部稽核并定期发布稽核结果。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]发生SF6气体中毒现象时,应迅速将中毒者移至空气新鲜处,并及时进行治疗。
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题] 根据调管范围的划分,南方电网调度操作模式有哪四种?
体检中应特别注意的体征是 A. 睑结膜苍白 B. 胸骨压痛 C. 浅表淋巴结肿大 D. 皮肤出血点 E. 心脏杂音 [填空题]
When were large quantities of plantation rubber first exported from Malaysia [判断题]办理支票影像业务中对于电子验印系统核验未通过的影像业务可直接退票。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]施工现场用电工程中 ,PE线上每处重复接地的接地电阻值不应大于 ( )
A.4Ω B.10 Ω C.15 Ω D.30 Ω [单项选择]在《水运工程混凝土质量控制标准》中规定,位于浪溅区或水位变动区的钢筋混凝土的氯离子含量不宜大于水泥重量的()。
A. 0.03% B. 0.05% C. 0.06% D. 0.07% [单选题]患者,女,26岁。足月妊娠,昨晚8时开始分娩,开始时子宫收缩良好,但当宫口开大至3cm时,宫缩减弱,持续时间缩短,间隔时间长,每当阵缩达高峰时按压子宫壁,感觉不够硬且可被压下陷,宫颈不再继续扩张。宜选用哪种药物催产
A.小剂量缩宫素静脉滴注 B.大剂量缩宫素肌内注射 C.麦角新碱 D.麦角胺 E.垂体后叶素 [多选题]下列有关内部控制测评的表述中,正确的有()
A.被审计单位的内部控制十分健全有效时,内部控制测评可以代替实质性审查 B.内部控制测试后审计人员应根据结果对被审计单位内部控制情况进行再评价 C.内部控制再评价主要是对被审计单位内部控制的健全性以及合理性进行评价 D.内部控制测试的范围与审计人员对被审计单位控制风险的估计水平直接相关 E.审计人员如果决定依赖被审计单位的内部控制,可直接转入实质性审查阶段 [判断题]设置工艺连锁的目的,是保护设备及工作人员的安全。
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交