Grooming and personal hygiene have been
around for ages. It’s hard to imagine a time when people weren’t concerned with
taking care of their appearance and their bodies. Perhaps these practices
started when Adam first took a bath and combed his hair before going on a date
with Eve. Or maybe they began when Eve put on some herbal makeup to make herself
more beautiful. No matter where they started, grooming and personal hygiene have
become an important part of everyone’s daily routine. You might think that all modern societies would have the same grooming and personal hygiene practices. After all, doesn’t everybody take baths Most people do recognize the need for hygiene, which is the basis for cleanliness and health--and a good way to keep one’s friends. Grooming practices include all the little things people do to make themselve A. grooming and hygiene are originated from Adam and Eve. B. grooming and hygiene have a long history. C. grooming and hygiene are important for dating. D. grooming and hygiene are the gifts endowed by God. [填空题]测试用例包括输入值集和()值集。
The Significance of the Division of Labour The significance of the division of labour was first found by Adam Smith in the 1770s. He explained part of its advantages. He gives as an example the process (19) which pins were made in England. "One man draws (20) the wire; another strengthens it; a third cuts it; a fourth points it; a fifth grinds it at the top to prepare it to receive the head. To make the head (21) two or three operations. To put it on is a (22) operation, to polish the pins is another. And the important business of making pins is, (23) this manner, (24) into about eighteen operations, which in some factories are all performed by different people, (25) in others the same man will sometimes perform two or three of them. " Ten men, Smith said, in this way, turned (26) twelve pounds of pins a day or about 4,800 pins per worker. But if all of them had worked se A. efficient B. important C. effective D. excellent [单项选择]发生褥疮的病人如病情许可,应给予的膳食是( )。
A. 高蛋白质、高脂肪 B. 高糖类、高维生素 C. 高蛋白质、高维生素 D. 高糖类、高脂肪 E. 高脂肪、高维生素 [单项选择]当两种相同类型但又使用不同通信协议的网络进行互联时,就需要使用()
A. 中继器 B. 集线器 C. 路由器 D. 网桥 [判断题]挂有列尾装置的旅客列车,始发前、摘挂作业开车前及在途中换挂机车站、客列检作业站的简略试验,有列检作业的由列检人员负责,无列检作业的由车辆乘务员负责。J274
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]消防员内着化纤衣物时,身上严禁携带打火机.手机等物品。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]下列各项中,不属于资源税征税范围的是( )。
A.天然原油 B.矿泉水 C.与原油同时开采的天然气 D.食用盐 [多选题]商业银行应当根据投资性质的不同,将理财产品分为固定收益类理财产品、权益类理财产品、商品及金融衍生品类理财
A.权益类理财产品 B.商品及金融衍生品类理财产品 C.混合类理财产品 D.浮动收益类理财产品 [单选题]当负荷变化,机组各级温度、压力都要变化,于是汽缸沿长度方向产生温度差,使汽缸材料的热应力增小 。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]高速断路器常见故障有哪些()。
A.牵引Combin board 故障 B.主触头烧毁 C.Lo_CHSCB和Lo_NHOLD接触器故障 D.辅助触电不灵活 [多项选择]我国证券业面临的风险有( )。
A. 市场风险 B. 流动性风险 C. 信用风险 D. 操作风险 E. 利率风险 [单项选择]可引起首关消除的主要给药途径是
A. 吸入给药 B. 舌下给药 C. 口服给药 D. 直肠给药 E. 皮下注射 [多选题]肩周炎常见的康复问题有哪项描述() *
A. 疼痛 B. 关节活动受限 C. ADL能力下降 D. 肌力下降 E. 精神负担 [单选题]新时代我国社会主要矛盾是( )。
A.人民日益增长的物质生活需要和落后的社会生产之间的矛盾 B.人民日益增长的美好生活需要和不平衡不充分的发展之间的矛盾 C.生产力和生产关系之间的矛盾 D.人民日益增长的美好生活需要和落后的社会生产之间的矛盾 [单项选择]What is the probable relationship between the two speakers
A. Customer and saleswoman. B. Neighbors. C. Passenger and airline hostess. D. Guest and receptionist. [多选题]有毒物质的附近:
A.应采取良好的通风措施 B.使用呼吸保护设备 C.不应靠近火源 D.可以靠近火源 [单选题]1340 电力电缆排管敷设时,若需穿越马路,则宜采用( )。
A.塑料管 B.铝管 C.钢管 [多选题]多选题:值班员(客运)与值班员(客运)交接现金发生账实不符时若实点金额比账面金额大将多出金额填写在( )。
A.《特殊情况票款交接记录表》 B.《乘客票务事务审批表》 C.《乘客事务处理单》 D.《值班员(客运)交接班簿》 [多选题]下列属于现场检查TV或TA的行为有( )。
A.核对TA与系统是否相符。 B.检查在同一组TA中,变比是否相同,TA铭牌是否完整、清楚。 C.检查有两组二次回路TA,电能表是否接入0.2、0.5级回路。检查电压回路或电流回路是否有开路或短路。 D.检查TV或TA是否有极性接反现象。 我来回答: 提交