A new look at an asteroid orbiting the
sun shows it could possibly smash into the Earth with tremendous force.
But experts say the potential impact is still 872 years away, time enough
for the speeding space rock to alter its course. Named 1950DA, the asteroid--1 kilometer wide--is the most threatening to the Earth of all of the known large asteroids, but the odds are only adout one in 300 that it would impact the planet, researchers said. "One in 300 is pretty long odds," said Jon D. Giorgini, a scientist in Califonia. "I’m not personally going to worry about it. It is so far in the future that lots of things could change." There are approximately 1,000 asteroids bigger than a kilometer that can pass near the Earth in their orbit of the sun. About 580 have been found and their orbits plotted. Of these, only 1950DA represen A. nothing can alter the course of an asteroid in its orbit of the sun B. only about one in 300 asteroids near the sun would hit the Earth C. scientist have managed to identify all the asteroids orbiting the sun D. there is no immediate threat to the Earth from an asteroid [多选题]【2021】根据《建设工程施工合同(示范文本)》,下列因不可抗力事件导致的损失或增加的费用中,应由承包人承担的有
( )。 A.停工期间承包人按照发包人要求照管工程的费用 B.因工程损坏造成的第三方人员伤亡和财产损失 C.合同工程本身的损坏 D.承包人施工设备的损坏 E.承包人的人员伤亡和财产损失 [判断题]现金业务区墙体上如需设通风口的,通风口的尺寸应小于等于200mm×200mm(或直径小于等于200mm),并应在通风口内侧加装钢筋防护栏
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]应变仪主要用于混凝土的强度检查。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]在( )上的工作可不填用工作票,但应做好相应记录,该工作至少由两人进行。
A.A-不可能触及高压设备、二次系统的照明回路 B.B-配电盘 C.C-电源干线 D.D-低压电动机 [判断题]值班人员对故障进行初步判断,内容包括故障的性质、故障的源点、故障的影响,以确定是否需要启动应急预案。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]交流二元二位继电器的轨道线圈上的移频信息电压应控制在()V以下。
A.10 B.20 C.25 D.30 [判断题]绳索在接触建(构)筑物的转角处必须使用墙角保护器或其他形式的护垫、护具,并在绳索救助系统额定荷载范围内使用。()
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]02-22 06:30:51.727 17609 17609 I
A. 破血下瘀 B. 活血祛瘀,行气止痛 C. 补气活血通络 D. 活血祛瘀,疏肝通络 E. 温经散寒,祛瘀养血 [单项选择]火车运输的经济特点是()。
A. 固定成本高,流动成本高 B. 固定成本高,变动成本低 C. 固定成本低,变动成本低 D. 固定成本低,变动成本高 [多选题]纳税服务12366热线话务员发生下列哪些情形不形成举报工单:( )
A.举报事项不属于举报专岗职责范围的 B.举报要素(被举报人名称、地址、具体违法行为等)不齐全、无法形成工单的(特殊情况除外) C.经辅导举报人同意向主管税务机关征管部门邮寄书面材料 D.举报人表达愿意前往主管税务机关征管部门当面实施举报 [单选题]用ZC-8型接地电阻测试仪测量接地电阻值时接线方式为( )。[221000000]
A.E端钮接5m导线,P端钮接20m线,C端钮接40m线 B.P端钮接5m导线,C端钮接20m线,E端钮接40m线 C.C端钮接5m导线,E端钮接20m线,P端钮接40m线 D.P端钮接5m导线,E端钮接20m线,C端钮接40m线 [单选题]如给新生儿喂奶的产妇过多食用巧克力,会对婴儿的发育产生不良影响。巧克力中所含 的( )会损伤婴儿的神经系统和心脏,并使肌肉松弛,排尿量增加,导致婴儿消化不良, 睡觉不稳,出现爱哭闹的现象。
A.一元碱 B.二元碱 C.不可溶兴碱 D.可可碱 我来回答: 提交