Elderly people respond best to a calm
and unhurried environment. This is not always easy to provide as their behavior
can sometimes be irritating, ff they got excited or upset then they may become
more confused and more difficult to look after. Although sometimes it can be
extremely difficult, it is best to be patient and not get upset yourself. You
should always encourage old people to do as much as possible for themselves but
be ready to lend a helping hand when necessary. Failing memory makes it difficult for the person to recall all the basic kinds of information we take for granted. The obvious way to help in this situation is to supply the information that is missing and help them make sense of what is going on. You must use every opportunity to provide information but remember to keep it simple and straightforward. "Good morning, Mum. This is A. bringing back to mind various kinds of useful information B. informing them about what has to be done next C. helping them to revive old memories D. clearing up their mistakes and confusion [单选题]分段绝缘器主绝缘表面放电痕迹应不超过有效绝缘长度的( )%。
A.50 B.30 C.20 D.10 [单选题]蛋白质的食物热效应约为本身产生能量的
A.3%~5% B.16%~20% C.30%~40% D.10%~15% E.25%~25% [单项选择]
System analysis is traditionally done top-down using structured analysis based on (). Object-oriented analysis focuses on creation of models. The three types of the analysis model are (). There are two substages of object-oriented analysis.()focuses on real-world things whose semantics the application captures. The object constructed in the requirement analysis shows the () of the real-world system and organizes it into workable pieces.() addresses the computer aspects of the application that are visible to users. The objects are those which can be expected to vary from time to time quite rapidly. The three types of the analysis model are ().A. function model, class model and state model B. class model, interaction model and state model C. class model, interaction model and sequence model D. function model, interaction model and state model [单选题]10kV 及以下配电所、变电所的高压及低压母线,当供电连续性要求不是很高时,宜采用( )接线。
A.单母线或分段单母线 B.分段单母线带旁路母线 C.单母线带旁路母线 D.分段双母线带旁路母线 我来回答: 提交