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发布时间:2023-10-27 06:34:35

[单选题]The principles for good lesson planning are in terms of variety,flexibility,_and linkage.

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[单选题]The principles for good lesson planning are in terms of variety, flexibility, _ and linkage.
[单选题]--I′m sorry I didn′t do a good job. --Never mind. ___________, you have triedyour best.
A.Above all
B.In all
C.At all
D.After all
[单选题]Power Napping is Good f the I.Q. Today we hear me me about the imptance of getting enoughsleep—about eight hours a night. Sleep can help heal give energy toboth the body the brain. ____1____ It seems almost certain that the thirdof our lives that we spend asleep has a great effect on the two-thirds that weare awake. Sleep affects our emotions, memy, focus, behavi. Studies show that people in developed countries spend less timeasleep me time at wk commuting. Dr. Karine Spiegel, at theUniversity of Chicago, has found that the average length of sleep has gone downfrom nine hours a night in 1910 to seven--a-half hours a night today.However, our bodies cannot function well without enough sleep. ____2____Accding to Canadian scientist Dr. Stanley Cen, every hour of lost sleep at nightcauses us to lose one I.Q. point the next day. F example, when someone getsonly five six hours of sleep each night f a week, the person’s I.Q. couldgo down 15 points me. ____3____ Most sleep experts say that humans need at least eight hours ofsleep every day, but it should be in two stages: a long sleep at night ashter nap in the afternoon. Some companies help their employees follow thisadvice. ____4____ They say this makes the wkers much me efficient. To study sleep deprivation (not getting enough sleep), scientistsuse a test called the Multiple Sleep Latency Test (MSLT). During the test, aperson stays in a darkened, quiet room during the daytime. Scientists believethat a sleep-deprived person will fall asleep quickly. If it takes ten minutes longer to fall asleep, the person is probably getting enough sleep. Scientists have also found that the time of year seems to affect howmuch sleep we need. ____5____ However, in the summer, people sometimes sleep aslittle as six hours, without having any problems.   词汇: emotion n. 情绪 commuting n. 乘公交车上下班,通勤 I.Q. n. 智商(全称为intelligent quotient) deprivation n. 剥夺,匮乏 Sleep Latency Test n. 睡眠潜伏期   注释: 1.have/has an effect on... 对……有效果的 2.go down from... to...从………降至……   练习:
A.They allow them to “power nap” in the afternoon, if only f 20 minutes.
B.Losing just one two hours of sleep a night, over a long period oftime, can cause serious health problems.
C.People usually sleep longer in the winter, sometimes as much as 14hours a night.
D.People in power are me intelligent because they take naps.
E.Medical experts now believe that sleep is even me imptant fhealth than diet exercise.
F.That’s why, without enough sleep, a nmally intelligent person may startto have difficulty doing daily tasks.
[单选题]I don′ t care about the good salary offered by the company. What I need is a(n) _____________ post.
[单选题]Software engineers apply the principles of software engineering to the design, development, ( ),testing, and evaluation of the software and systems that make computers or anything containing software work.
[单选题]I think a good star should ___________ love his or her own county.
A.at all
B.in all
C.first of all
D.after all
[单选题]――I've got your invitation.Oh,good.――____
A.Can you come?
B.Thanks a lo
C.I'll take i
D.May I help you?
[不定项选择题]共用题干 Price Planning
A price represents the value of goods or service for both the seller and the buyer.Price planning is the systematic decision made by an organization after regarding all aspects of pricing.
The value of goods or service can involve both tangible and intangible marketing factors.An example of a tangible marketing factor is the cost savings______(46).An example of an intangible marketing factor is a consumer's pride in the ownership of a Lamborghini rather than another brand of automobile.To make a deal,both the buyer and seller must feel that the price of goods or service provides an equitable value.To the buyer,the payment of a price reduces purchasing power______(47).To the seller, receipt of a price is a source of revenue and an important determinant of sales and profit levels.
Many words are substitutes for the term price:admission fee,membership fee,rate,tuition,service charge, donation,rent,salary,interest,retainer,and assessment.No matter what it is called,______(48) monetary and non-monetary charges,discounts,handling and shipping fees,credit charges and other forms of interest,and late-payment penalties.Anon-price exchange would be selling a new iron for 10 books of trading stamps or an airline offering tickets as payment for advertising space and time.Monetary and non-monetary exchange may be combined.This is common with automobiles,______(49).This combination allows a reduction in the monetary price.
From a broader perspective,price is the mechanism for allocating goods and services among potential purchasers and for ensuring competition among sellers in an open market economy.If there is an excess of demand over supply,prices are usually bid up by consumers.If there is an excess of supply over demand,______(50). ______(50)
A.a price contains all the connotation of other terms of purchase
B.obtained by the purchase of a new bottling machine by a soda manufacturer
C.where the consumer gives the seller money plus a trade-in
D.available for other items
E.prices are usually reduced by sellers
F.price means what one pays for what he wants


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