W: Has the latest "Time" magazine arrived yet Today’s already Tuesday.
M: Sorry, it’s late. Probably not till the day after tomorrow.
WASHINGTON -- considering the serious warnings
lately about Internet viruses(病毒), users may don’t use their machines just to
keep them safe. In reality, common sense and a few basic tips can keep Internet
surfers secure. Anti-virus software is a must, and it should be updated at least once a week to recognize newly viruses. If this is not done, you will meet great troubles. People with broadband Internet connections should have also a firewall. These protect the computer from attacks by hackers(黑客). Then it is time to think about computer habits. Unlike old viruses, which spread only through shared disks, the Internet brings viruses straight to the e-mail box. ff an e-mail with attachment(附件) comes from an unknown sender, or unexpectedly from a known’ sender, it should not be opened. On receiving an unexpected attac A. Don’t rush to open any e-mail attachment. B. Never open any e-mail attachment. C. It’s always safe to open an e-mail attachment from a friend. D. Whenever you receive an e-mail, you should make a call to make sure whom it come from. [多选题]根据《水工程建设规划同意书制度管理办法(试行)》(水利部令第31号),水利工程不用办理规划同意书的有()。
A.桥梁 B.堤防 C.水电站 D.码头 E.水库 [单项选择]给儿童用药的最适宜给药方式是()
A. 口服给药 B. 直肠给药 C. 静脉给药 D. 经皮给药 E. 肌内或皮下注射 [单项选择]The companies in the book including Motorola, 3M and ABB are examples that______.
A. take some measures to make employees creative B. treat their workers as a part in a machine C. give their workers more training and little everyday job D. offer their workers more welfare and make little profit [单项选择]诚信只能在诚信主体之间存在某种共同利益特别是共同根本利益的情况下才出现,说明诚信要()。
A. 实事求是,求真务实 B. 信守诺言,兑现承诺 C. 义利合一,持之以恒 D. 脚踏实地,竭尽全力 [简答题]请说出兰州电网峰谷时段划分。
A. 温肾助阳 B. 行气止痛 C. 杀虫止痒 D. 下气消痰 [多选题] 根据《治安管理处罚法》的规定,下列说法错误的有()
A. 公安机关经调查认定违法行为已涉嫌犯罪的,作出不予处罚的决定 B. 治安案件调查结束后,公安机关应当根据不同情况作出不同处理 C. 公安机关经调查认定违法事实不能成立的,作出不予处罚的决定 D. 公安机关发现违反治安管理行为人有其他违法行为的,应当直接移送有关行政主管部门处理 [单项选择]男性,35岁,因肝硬化食管静脉曲张破裂出血而行输血治疗,当输血至5分钟左右,患者突然烦躁不安,寒战,胸闷,腰背剧痛,皮肤发绀,呼吸困难,立即停止输血。若是由于血型不合引起的,患者的血型肯定不是()
A. A型Rh阳性 B. B型Rh阳性 C. AB型Rh阳性 D. O型Rh阳性 E. O型Rh阴性 [多项选择]抗弓形虫病治疗的主要对象是()
A. 有弓形虫近期感染史的孕妇 B. 免疫功能正常的弓形虫病隐性感染者 C. 脑弓形虫病者 D. 免疫功能缺陷的弓形虫急性和隐性感染者 E. 先天性弓形虫病患者 [单选题]由车站申请的施工,行车调度在接到车站申请后,应于不迟于施工开始前( )向施工相关车站下发同意施工的调度命令,调度命令中应说明施工开始条件或时机。
A.5分钟 B.10分钟 C.15分钟 D.20分钟 [判断题]进境粮食种子检疫发现管制的非检疫性有害生物,可以直接种植使用。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]对可利用的各种天然水源,应督促有关部门建立便于消防车泵取水的设施。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]轨距是钢轨头部踏面下16 mm范围内两股钢轨( )之间的最小距离。
A.A.外侧面 B.B.工作边 C.C.内侧面 D.D.踏面 [判断题]维规->维规-无线通信中继设备
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]Explain how a limited liability partnership combines the benefits of a company and a partnership. (10 marks)
A.损失 B.伤害 C.危害 [单选题]新核心业务系统中单位协议存款产品起存金额不得低于( )。
A.1000万元 B.2000万元 C.3000万元 D.5000万元 [单选题]起重机停放或行驶时,其车轮、支腿或履带的前端或外侧与沟、坑边缘的距离不得小于沟、坑深度的( )倍;否则应采取防倾、防坍塌措施。
A. A.1.2 B.B.1.5 C.C.1.8 D.D.2 [填空题]这一时期主要的设计师有()、()、()、()。
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