Text 2 It is frequently assumed that the mechanization of work has a revolutionary effect on the lives of the people who operate the new machines and on the society into which the machines have been introduced. For example, it has been suggested that the employment of women in industry took them out of the household, their traditional sphere, and fundamentally altered their position in society. In the nineteenth century, when women began to enter factories, Jules Simon, a French politician, warned that by doing so, women would give up their femininity. Enedrich Engels, however, predicted that women would be liberated from the social, legal, and economic subordination of the family by technological developments that made possible the recruitment of "the whole female sex ... into pubic industry." Observers thus differed concerning the social desirability of mechanization’ s effects, but they agreed that it would transform women’ s lives. Historians, par
A. Their work provides insights important to those examining social phenomena affecting the lives of both sexes.
B. Their work can only be used cautiously by scholars in other disciplines.
C. Because they concentrate only on the role of women in the work -place they draw more reliable conclusions than the other historians.
D. Their work has not had an impact on most historians' current assumptions concerning the revolutionary effect of technology in the work-place.
With Airbus’ giant A380 airliner about
to take to the skies, you might think planes could not get much bigger-and you
would be right. For a given design, it turns (1) , there
comes a point where the wings become too heavy to generate (2)
lift to carry their own weight. (3) a new way of
designing and making materials could (4) that problem. Two
engineers (5) University College London have devised all
innovative way to customise and control the (6) of a material
throughout its three-dimensional structure. In the (7) of a wing, this would make possible a material that is dense, strong and load-bearing at one end, close to the fuselage, (8) the extremities could be made less dense, lighter and more (9) . It is like making bespoke materials, (10) you can customise the physical p A. as B. since C. because D. so long as [判断题]甲意图杀死其邻居乙,某日甲将老鼠药投放在乙家食盐中,乙和妻子食用后,乙无大碍,乙的妻子死亡,甲的行为属于犯罪未遂。()
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]通井时,通井规的外径应小于套管内径()。
A.3~5mm B.5~7mm C.6~8mm D.8~10mm [单项选择]我国《公务员法》第34条规定:“对公务员的考核,按照管理权限,全面考核公务员的德、能、勤、绩、廉,重点考核工作实绩。”由此可见:
A. 作为公务员最重要的是工作实绩,但也不可忽视其他方面的表现 B. 只要工作成绩突出,其他的都可以忽略 C. 作为公务员,德才是最重要的 D. 公务员的德、能、勤、绩是同等重要的 [填空题]正线运行中遇电客车车辆故障,经处理后仍不能继续运行时,应立即报告 请求救援。
[单选题]期货交易的对象是 ( )
A.商品 B.掉期合约 C.标准化合约 D.远期合约 [多选题]施工单位必须严格执行“三人五簿”制,其中五簿指( )
A.施工安全生产检查指导簿 B.施工日志 C.施工计划 D.安全措施 E.质量回检记录簿 [单选题]以下属于随心权益合约享(消费抵扣)的卖点的是?
A.消费月保底,权益0元享 B.6个月合约,价格史低 C.12个月,享受时间长 D.7折优惠,价格低 [单选题]目前最常用的推算预产期的依据是( )
A.末次月经干净之日 B.末次月经开始之日 C.初觉胎动时间 D.早孕反应开始的时间 E.胎儿大小和宫底高度 [单项选择]诸痛痒疮,皆属于()
A. 风 B. 寒 C. 湿 D. 火 E. 心 [单选题]中国民主革命走向胜利的主要战略基地是
A.城市 B.大城市 C.沿海城市 D.农村 [判断题]对于医疗事故纠纷,当事人可以直接向人民法院提起诉讼,但法院也可以不受理未经鉴定的医疗纠纷。()
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]患者,女性,42岁。半年前因突发呕新鲜血1800ml,住院治疗。并确诊为门脉高压症,保守治疗好转后出院。本次因大量呕血再次住院,经三腔二囊管压迫止血等综合治疗6天后出血停止24小时,拔除三腔二囊管后,又发大出血。出血停止后,拔除三腔二囊管,又发大出血的最可能原因是()
A. 拔管时胃体黏膜撕裂 B. 急性胃黏膜病变 C. 并发胆道出血 D. 十二指肠溃疡出血 E. 应激性溃疡 [简答题]热流道注射模中的热流道板采用空气间隙隔热时其间隙值为多少?
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]调车作业中,车辆临时停留在警冲标外方时,一批作业完了后,应立即送入( )。
A. 1/2 B. 1/4 C. 1/8 D. 1/32 [简答题]D_101压缩机进料缓冲罐温度报警值为( )℃
[单选题]一旦发生火灾,受狭长空间和风速影响,火势极易蔓延扩大,加之受安全出口和疏散通道限制,极易造成( )。
A.群死群伤 B.社会影响 C.社会矛盾 D.不良影响 [判断题]牵引变电所的功能是将三相的110KV(或220KV)高压交流电变换为两个单相的27.5KV的交流电,然后向铁路上、下行两个方向的接触网(额定电压为25KV)供电。
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]SO2排放大气最高允许浓度为()mg/m3。
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