Bedbugs, stealthy and fast-moving
nocturnal creatures that were all but eradicated by DDT after World War Ⅱ, have
recently been found in hospital maternity wards, private schools and even a
plastic surgeon’s waiting room. Bedbugs are back and spreading like a swarm of
locusts on a lush field of wheat. "It’s becoming an epidemic," said Jeffrey
Eisenberg, the owner of Pest Away Exterminating, a business that receives about
125 bedbug calls a week, compared with just a handful five years ago. Last year
the city logged 377 bedbug violations, up from just 2 in 2002 and 16 in 2003.
Since July, there have been 449. "It’s definitely a fast-emerging problem," said
Carol Abrams, spokeswoman for the city housing agency. In the bedbug resurgence, entomologists and exterminators blame increased immigration from the developing world, the adve A. the psychological damage is probably the worst thing about bedbugs B. bedbugs have led to severe result of breaking the love and relationships C. the sufferers’ feeling of inconvenience to have bedbugs living in their home D. changing clothes frequently is helpful to exterminate the spreading of bedbugs [判断题]Do you have any other travel document 应译为“你还有没有其他的证件?”( )
[判断题] 被处罚人对治安管理处罚决定不服的,可以依法先申请行政复议后提起行政诉讼。
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]国家已核定的跨省跨区电能交易送电价格,送受电双方可重新协商并按照协商确定的价格执行,协商结果报送( )和国家能源局。
[单项选择]Passage One
Questions 56 to 60 are based on the following passage.
In recent years, a growing body of research has shown that our appetite and food intake are influenced by a large number of factors besides our biological need for energy, including our eating environment and our perception of the food in front of us.Studies have shown, for instance, that eating in front of the TV (or a similar distraction) can increase both hunger and the amount of food consumed. Even simple visual cues, like plate size and lighting, have been shown to affect portion size and consumption.A new study suggested that our short-term memory also may play a role in appetite. Several hours after a meal, people’s hunger levels were predicted not by how much they’d eaten but rather by how much food they’d seen in front of them—in other words, how much they remembered eating.This disparity (差异) suggests the memory of our previous meal may have a bigger influence on our appetite than the actual size of the meal
A. You would probably be more picky about food. B. You would not feel like eating the same food. C. You would have a good appetite. D. You would not feel so hungry. [单项选择]如何接通飞行指引?
A. 按下FCU上的FD按钮 B. 系统通电时自动接通 C. 在FCU上选择一个方式 D. 在MCDU上选择起始页面 [单选题]目前分离器排污外阀一般用( )。
A.闸阀 B.球阀 C.旋塞阀 D.阀套式排污阀 [单项选择]FIDIC《施工合同条件》规定的保留金属于( )。
A. 业主合同内的暂列金 B. 承包商应交付的定金 C. 业主应交付的定金 D. 承包商应得的工程款 [单选题]作为飞行员,如果你想让对方帮助测试你所在航空器上的信号如何时,如果对方回复是“3”,表明什么?
A.表明非常清晰 B.表明可断续听到 C.表明能听清但很困难 D.清楚 [简答题]"机组保护与主变保护如何实现保护无死区?(3分)
[多选题]压力容器在使用中应执行的规章制度包括( )。
A.A.压力容器的安全操作规程 B.B.压力容器的运行、维修制度 C.C.压力容器的事故报告制度 D.D.操作人员的岗位责任制 E.E.压力容器的定期检验制度 [判断题]物资申请退库时,需求部门应向物资部门说明退库原因。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]在超声波探伤中由于探头影响反射波高度的因素有( )。
A.探头型式 B.晶片尺寸 C.波束方向 D.上述都有 [多选题]现有按年收益率10%,每年付息一次的100元债券,期限5年。
当市场利率为11%时,债券应当( )发行。
A.贴现 B.溢价 C.等价 D.公募 [单选题]魏某和刘某事前商量好,魏某抢劫后,逃到刘某处,给其一定好处。某日,魏某抢劫作案后到刘某处躲避。因未抢到钱,遂没给刘某好处。刘某对外称魏某是前来打工的亲戚,后帮助魏某逃走。刘某的行为构成( )。
A.窝藏罪 B.抢劫罪 C.包庇罪 D.伪证罪 [单项选择]无涨跌幅限制的证券其大宗交易的成交价格,由买卖双方在前收盘价的上下30%或( )确定。
A. 当日已成交的平均价 B. 当日最高或最低成交价格之间 C. 当日最高成交价 D. 当日最低成交价 [多项选择]在UFO报表系统中,报表分为哪几种状态()
A. 常规 B. 常用 C. 数据 D. 格式 [判断题]判断题
用高压验电器验电时应戴绝缘手套,并使用被测设备相应电压等 级的验电器。 正确 错误 A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]PSU通过接口能输入的电源形式为( )
A.240V交流 B.110V交流 C.48V直流 D.24V直流 [单项选择]关于牙釉质的形成正确的是()
A. 牙釉质的形成先于牙本质形成 B. 成釉细胞的细胞核靠近基底膜 C. 正常时每天形成的釉质厚度约为4um D. 成釉细胞的分化自牙颈部开始 E. 牙釉质发育完成后,成釉器消失 [单选题]请问指挥终端的双流信号是,双流信号分辨率应设置为( )。(一般)(音视频系统操作)
A.电脑的画面通过VGA线路传输给终端采集,280*720 B.电脑的画面通过VGA线路传输给终端采集,1024*768 C.终端通过VGA线路传输电脑的画面,1280*720 D.终端通过VGA线路传输电脑的画面,1024*768 [判断题]( )交换机可以为所接入的任意两个网络节点提供独享的电信号通路。
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]试述脉冲编码调制(PCM)的概念。
A. 加强 B. 幸福 C. 改变 D. 充实 [单项选择]以下叙述中正确的是______。
A. 预处理命令行必须位于源文件的开头 B. 在源文件的一行上可以有多条预处理命令 C. 宏名必须用大写字母表示 D. 宏替换不占用程序的运行时间 [单选题]计划检修方式作为正常方式参与安全校核,即计划检修方式下发生“N-1”故障,应能满足负载()高峰负荷条件下安全运行的要求。
A.80% B.85% C.90% D.95% [单项选择]No matter how hard you try, you can find no {{U}}parallel{{/U}} existing between them.
A. analogy B. angel C. ambition D. antique [单项选择]新生儿败血症的突出特点是()
A. 持续高热 B. 白细胞总数增高 C. 皮肤损伤 D. 往往缺乏“典型”症状 E. 有宫内、产道感染 [单选题]相对湿度愈低,物质的含水量_ ,愈加干燥,更容易着火。
A.愈高 B.愈低 C.相等 D.为零 [判断题]超级办抢派单有就近营业员优先匹配机制。
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交