The concept of personal choice in
relation to health behaviors is an important one. An estimated 90 percent of all
illness may be{{U}} (62) {{/U}}if individuals would make sound personal
health choices{{U}} (63) {{/U}}upon current medical knowledge. We all
enjoy our freedom of choice and do not like to see it{{U}} (64)
{{/U}}when it is within the legal and moral boundaries of society. The
structure of American society allows us to make almost all our personal
decisions that may{{U}} (65) {{/U}}our health. If we{{U}} (66)
{{/U}}desire, we can smoke, drink excessively, refuse to wear seat belts,
eat{{U}} (67) {{/U}}foods we want, and live a{{U}} (68)
{{/U}}sedentary(久坐的)lifestyle without any exercise. The freedom to make such
personal decisions is the fundamental{{U}} (69) {{/U}}of our society,{{U}}
(70) {{/U}}the wisdom of these A. shortening B. lengthening C. leasing D. living [单选题]血清纳的正常值为
A.120~130mmol/L B.125~135mmol/L C.130~140mmol/L D.135~150mmol/L E.140~155mmmol/L [单项选择]骨折复位原则上愈早愈好,伤后()小时内手法操作容易,复位效果较佳。
A. 1~5 B. 1~6 C. 6~12 D. 12~24 E. 5~12 [判断题]法定盈余公积的提取基数不包括企业年初未分配利润
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]主控制室与SF6配电装置室间要采取()隔离措施。
A.绝缘性 B.防水性 C.气密性 D.阻燃性 [单项选择]程序设计语言的选择是顺利实施编程的重要基础,评价可用语言的因素很多,而其中重要的选择依据是( )。
A. 数据结构 B. 语言的应用范围 C. 算法的复杂性 D. 开发人员的技术水平 [单选题]依据《钢筋机械连接技术规程》JGJ107-2016,7.0.7,对接头的每一验收批,必须在工程结构中随机截取 ( ) 个接头试件做抗拉强度试验。如有一个试件不合格,应当再抽取( )个试件进行复检。
A.3个;6个。 B.3个;12个。 C.6个;6个。 D.6个;12个。 [判断题]硅钢片晶粒越大,磁性越好。
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