Besides active foreign enterprises and
a (31) number of private employers, a consequential new
development was the development of employment in state-owned enterprises
(guanying or guanshang). Started by some (32) Qing officials,
the yangwupai, in the late nineteenth century, sizable state-owned
enterprises developed primarily (33) enhancing China’s
national defense. Famous industrial giants of today’s China such as the
shipyards in Shanghai and heavy industries in cities like Wuhan, Nanjing, and
Chongqing were built by the Qing or the Republic governments. Some of them later
began to (34) considerable private investment. After World
War Ⅱ, this type of state-owned employment became very important. Labor in those
enterprises consisted basically (35) two tiers: a largely
market-oriented allocation of blue-collar an A. on B. in C. of D. as [简答题]请简述大电机接触器反馈丢失产生的可能的原因,及处理措施。
[多项选择]下列属于药名附加语的是( )
A. 炒焦白术 B. 诃子去核 C. 怀牛膝 D. 杭菊 E. 砂仁后下 [填空题]爆炸范围通常用可燃气体、可燃蒸气在空气中的体积百分数表示,爆炸极限的( ),( )越低,爆炸危险性越大。
A. 销售净利润 B. 资本周转率 C. 成本费用率 D. 资产净利率 [单选题]计算机网络能够不受地理上的约束实现共
A.A:数据 B.B:办公人员 C.C:软件 D.D:硬件 [多选题]配电二次系统上的工作,电能计量装置的二次回路变动时,应按经审批后的图纸进行,( )。
A.工作前应隔离无用的接线 B.防止误拆 C.拆开的线头应采取绝缘包裹或者整条二次线拆除清理 D.防止产生寄生回路 [判断题]煤矿企业主要负责人(包括一些煤矿企业的实际控制人)对预防煤矿生产安全事故负主要责任。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题] 7、客户可以通过哪些渠道办理手机号码支付开通业务?(多选)
A.银行网点 B.个人网银平台 C.银行APP [单选题]电力通信工作票由工作票签发人签发,一份应保存在工作地点,由工作负责人收止,另一份由工作()人收执。
A.许可 B.负责 C.签发 D.成员 [多选题]行政机关不得对居民生活采取停止( )等方式迫使当事人履行相关行政决定。
A.供电 B.供水 C.供热 D.供燃气 [单项选择]用n个二进制位表示带符号纯整数时,已知[X]补、[Y]补,则当()时,等式[X]补+[X]补=[X+Y]补成立。
A. -2n≤(X+Y)≤2n-1 B. -2n-1≤(X+Y)<2n-1 C. -2n-1-1≤(X+Y)≤2n-1 D. -2n-1≤(X+Y)<2n [填空题]循环给水总管上设有给水温度表、压力表及 ( ),并设有高温、低压、高压报警功能,信号送至DCS控制室。
A.A、电热装置; B.蓄能装置; C.蓄热材料; D.封装容器 [单选题]行政机关在作出行政处罚决定之前,()告知当事人作出行政处罚决定的事实、理由及依据,并告知当事人依法享有的权利。
A.可以 B.不得 C.应当 D.可以有选择地 [多项选择]在国外,证券自营商一般分为()。
A. 交易所自营商 B. 零股自营商 C. 场外自营商 D. 二级自营商 [单选题]法律道德背反现象:许多人以为合乎道德的行为是不会违法的,但是现实社会中,某些符合一般道德原则的行为却被法律所禁止。下列哪项不属于法律道德背反现象?( )
A.某护士出于同情,应一晚期癌症患者本人要求帮助他实行安乐死,以解除其无法忍受的痛苦,后被控犯谋杀罪 B.甲花一万元从人贩子手上购买一男孩为子,视为己出,关爱有加,两年后民警来“解救”时,孩子不愿离开现“父母” C.乙为解决农民工子女上学难问题,办了一所收费低廉的小学,被指非法办学而不得不停办,许多孩子因此再度失学 D.丙刑满释放回乡后扬言报复“仇人”,并准备了凶器,其父劝阻无效后为免其犯下血案将其捆绑关押在家长达三个月,该行为涉嫌非法拘禁 [填空题]TO: All departments’ managers
From: Jack White (personnel director) Sub: Part-time French Course Date: May 20, 2006 In order for our engineers and Staff members to better communicate with the French experts, an advanced part-time oral French course is to start on May 25th, from 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm every weekday’s evening except Friday, and finish on June 30th. Textbooks are free but only those who can pass the interview with the French expert who is also the teacher are eligible to attend the course. The interview will be held on May 23th. Please collect the names of the engineers and the staff in your division who want to take the course and send the list to Ms. Black, the assistant of personnel manager, by 4 pm Tuesday ( May 23rd) as the interview can be arranged properly. What is the purpose of the oral French course The purpose of the memo is for the engineers and the staff member to ______ the French exper [判断题]快速的运输方式,反应速度慢且成本也非常高。()
[判断题]投保人年龄超过65周岁或期缴产品投保人年龄超过60周岁,应当通过系统自动核保现场出单。( )
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交