One of the youngest independent
countries in the Western Hemisphere, Trinidad and Tobago, became a nation on
August 31, 1962. For a long time this nation has attracted tourists--it is the
home of calypso music and limbo dancing--and in recent years its healthy economy
has attracted investors as well. Trinidad and Tobago is a single country composed of two islands: Trinidad, with the majority of the country’s 900,000 inhabitants, is a rectangle of roughly fifty by forty miles. Tobago, nineteen miles to the north, is smalle A. sugar cane B. coconuts C. tourists D. oil [填空题]Professional sports are very popular in the United States, and they are big business. The most (36) sports are baseball, football and basketball. Each has its own (37) , and millions of supporters. (38) teams are named for the cities where they are (39) . Their strongest supporters live in these cities. When a team plays in a championship game, most people in the city follow the game with interest and (40) . Basketball is well-known around the world. Professional basketball games in the United States are played (41) during the winter months. From November to April one can find a professional basketball game several nights a week in most large American cities. ,Basketball is an American sport. It has been called the national (42) . The game is played in the evenings nearly every day of the week and on (43) as well. The season begins in April and finishes with the World Series in October. (44) . Football has
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]简述企业战略与组织结构的关系。
A.A.识别并结合多糖抗原而被激活 B.B.接受抗原刺激后,相应抗体可在48h内产生 C.C.产生的抗体以IgM为主 D.D.产生的抗体以IgG为主 E.E.不产生免疫记忆 [单选题]齿轮泵属于( )。
A.叶片式泵 B.往复式泵 C.容积式泵 [判断题]非煤矿用高压油断路器严禁用于煤矿井下
1956年党的( )召开,标志着党对中国社会主义建设道路的探索取得初步成果。 A.六大 B.七大 C.八大 D.九大 [单选题]辙叉偏磨是由单侧通过的列车次数较多造成的,下列( )不是预防养护的措施。
A.焊补偏磨辙叉 B.倒换方向使用 C.加强偏磨部位捣固,且兼顾辙叉水平状态 D.更换辙叉 [单项选择]下列穴组可治疗心、胸、胃疾病的配穴是()
A. 公孙、内关 B. 后溪、申脉 C. 足临泣、外关 D. 列缺、照海 E. 膻中、中脘 [判断题]客室照明光源采用LED光源。()
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]在用户变电站内工作,一个工作负责人在工作需要时,可同时执行二张工作票。()
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]电子客票丢失证件在列车上直接按无购票信息办理。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]对于四冲程发动机,无论其是几缸,其作功间隔均为180°曲轴转角。
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]服务礼仪标准中共分一下哪几种标准:()
A. 着装仪表标准 B. 服务语言标准 C. 形体动作标准 D. 服务态度标准 [单项选择]婴幼儿上呼吸道感染时易并发中耳炎的主要原因是
A. 咽鼓管细、长、平 B. 咽鼓管短、平、粗 C. IgM含量不足 D. SigA含量不足 E. 易经淋巴组织传播 [判断题]两个以上生产经营单位在同一作业区域内进行生产经营活动,可能危及对方生产安全的,应当签订安全生产管理协议,明确各自的安全生产管理职责和应当采取的安全措施,并指定专职安全生产管理人员进行安全检查与协调。( )
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交