C 根据下面短文回答下列问题。 Donald was not very good at math. Once they would have a math exam, Donald decided (决定) to sit next to the boy who’s best at math, and copy (抄) down his answers. The day of the exam (考试) came, and Donald sat next to Brian, who always was at the top (最高的) of the class in math. Donald carefully copied Brian’s answers on to his own exam paper. After the teacher graded (评分) all the students’ papers, she said, "I wanted to give a prize (奖品) to the student who got the highest grade (分数). But two students — Donald and Brian got the same grade. I’ve thought about it, and have decided to give the prize to Brian." Donald was angry when he heard this. He stood up and said, "This is not fair (公平)." "That’s right," the teacher said. "But Brian’s answer to Question 18 was ’I don’t know.’ Yours [判断题]轨道控制网(CPⅢ),为轨道铺设和运营维护提供控制基准。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]在有限空间内部进行作业时,气体检测仪应装入工具袋内,防止损坏。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]信用卡营销人员应做到“三亲见”,“三亲见”是指( )。
A.客户本人 B.亲见客户签名 C.客户填写申请表 D.亲见客户身份证件与资信证明原件 [简答题]为什么转子电路加放附加电阻,可以提高启动转矩?
[单项选择]女,78岁,患脑血栓,目前处于昏迷状态,反应迟钝,肌张力丧失,心跳减弱,血压降低,呼吸微弱。请问此病人属于下列哪一期( )。
A. 濒死期 B. 临床死亡期 C. 生物死亡期 D. 愤怒期 E. 接受期 [单选题]赡养人放弃继承权( )免除赡养义务。
A.不能 B.能 C.视老年人情况能 D.视赡养人情况能 [单选题]南方电网公司《电能计量装置运行管理办法》:电力客户运行的Ⅲ类电能表在第一年现场检验合格后,下一年的现场检验周期为( )年一次。
A.0.5 B.1 C.2 D.3 [单项选择]He must have come here yesterday evening, ______ he
[多选题]ISA系列线路微机保护装置正常运行(断路器在合闸位置)时,装置面板显示正确的是( )。
A.“运行”灯亮 B.“重合”灯亮 C.“合位”灯亮 D.“和后”灯亮 [单项选择]“预收账款”账户属于( )账户。
A. 负债类 B. 债权类 C. 资产类 D. 收入类 [单选题] 在进行 DNS 服务器配置时,以下描述中错误的是 ( ) 。
A. 在默认情况下,Windows Server 2003 已经安装了 DNS 服务 B. DNS 服务器本身必须配置固定的 IP 地址 C. DNS 服务器基本配置包括正向和反向查找区域的创建、资源记录的增加等 D. 动态更新允许 DNS 服务器注册和动态地更新其资源记录 [单项选择]