Terrorism has become so widespread that
it is now impossible to dismiss it as the action of a few crazy people. In
fact, terrorism--the use of violence by small groups of people to accomplish
political alms they feel unable to bring about by peaceful, legitimate
means--has sociological roots. Terrorism most often stems from the situation of people who consider themselves a national group but who feel that no state, no legitimate and widely recognized autonomous government, represents them. Since all the inhabitable territory of the world is divided into states, which are the main organizational units through which people can exercise political power, people without a state to represent them feel completely powerless and cut off from the world order. To have independence--and even a recognized identity--as a people, A. explore the sociological roots of terrorism and enhance the international cooperation to fight against it B. defend terrorism as a heroic deeds C. praise terrorism for its heroic deeds D. demonstrate the damages done by terrorism [单选题]15.新的征程上,我们必须坚持大团结大联合,坚持一致性和多样性统一,加强( )引领,广泛凝聚共识,广聚天下英才,努力寻求最大公约数、画出最大同心圆。
A.A.政治工作 B.B.思想政治 C.C.政治建设 [单选题]发现AGC通信通道突然中断时,电厂(场、站)的运行值班人员应立即报告省调当值调度员,省调当值调度员应( )该厂(场、站)AGC的控制。
A.A.闭锁 B.B.停止 C.C.中断 D.D.退出 [单项选择]碘量法测硫化物,加入碘液和硫酸后,溶液为无色,说明硫化物含量()。
A. 较低 B. 为零 C. 适中 D. 太高 [多选题]劳动者对用人单位管理人员违章指挥、强令冒险作业,有权()。
A.检举揭发 B.紧急避险 C.拒绝执行 D.提出批评 E.提出控告 [多选题]列检作业需穿越正线或邻近正线作业的列检作业场,须安装( )。
A.列车接近语音报警提示装置 B.警示牌 C.汽笛 D.隔离设施 [单项选择]在石门向煤层至少打( )个测压孔,测定煤层瓦斯压力,并在打钻过程中采样,测定煤的坚固性系数和瓦斯放散初速度,按综合指标进行预测。
A. 2 B. 3 C. 4 D. 5 [单选题](第三十三条)尽可能从上风方向进入有毒区域,出水掩护或降毒的供水线路应不少于( )路,且应来自不同的供水车辆。( )
A.1 B.2 C.3 D.4 [判断题]铁路运输收入,是指铁路运输企业在办理客货运输业务和辅助作业中,向旅客、托运人、收货人核收的票款、运费、杂费等运输费用的总称。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]窒息法是隔绝空气或稀释燃烧区的空气氧含量,使可燃物得不到足够的氧气而停止燃烧。
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交