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发布时间:2023-11-17 22:25:57

[单选题]( )S1:MV Blue Whale, make identification signals. S2:I am making identification signals by flags. Q:How did MV Blue Whale make identification signals?
A.By flags
B.By search light
C.By smoke
D.By lamp

更多"[单选题]( )S1:MV Blue Whale, make"的相关试题:

[单选题]( )S1:MV Blue Whale, make identification signals. S2:I am making identification signals by search light. Q:How did MV Blue Whale make identification signals?
A.By flags
B.By search light
C.By smoke
D.By lamp
[单选题]( )S1:MV Blue Whale, MV Helper. Adjust interval between vessels to 3 nautical miles. S2:Understood.We will adjust interval to 3 nautical miles. Q:What's the distance required between the vessels?
A.3 kilometers
B.3 nautical miles
C.5 kilometers
D.5 nautical miles
[单选题]( )S1:MV Blue Whale, this is MV Helper. Picked up 5 persons in life jackets in position 47 degrees N 050 degrees W. Over. S2:MV Helper, this is MV Blue Whale. Are survivors in good condition? Over. Q:What has MV Helper done?
A.She has picked up five lifejackets
B.She has picked up five persons
C.She has picked up five life boats
D.She has picked up five life rafts
[单选题]( )S1:MV Helper, this is MV Blue Whale. Are survivors in good condition? Over. S2:MV Blue Whale, this is MV Helper. Survivors in bad condition. Over. Q:What's the condition of the survivors?
B.quite good
C.not bad
[单选题]( )S1:MV Helper,this is MV Blue Whale. There is no hope to rescue more persons. We finish with SAR operations. S2:MV Blue Whale,this is MV Helper. Understood.I will proceed with my voyage. Q:Why do they finish the SAR operations?
A.Because they have rescued all survivors
B.Because they cannot rescue more survivors
C.Because the survivors are in bad condition
D.Because they hope to return as soon as possible
[单选题]( )S1:MV Blue SeAThis is Shanghai Coast Station. Drums with dangerous goods of IMO-Class III adrift near position 23°N, 123°E. Please keep clear. Over. S2:Shanghai coast station, this is MV blue sea, I will navigation with caution,thanks. Q:Which of the following statements is true?
A.Drums of radioactive materials were adrift
B.MV Blue Sea lost dangerous cargo
C.The drums are loaded with flammable solids
D.The drums are loaded with flammable liquids
[单选题]( )S1:MV Blue Whale. Fasten towing line on your bitts. S2: Understood, Sir. Q: Where is the towing line to be secured?
A.on the vessel9 s bitts
B.on the vessel’s forecastle
C.on the bollards on the bank
D.on the capstans


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