Money spent on advertising is money
spent as well as any I know of. It serves directly to assist a rapid
distribution of goods at reasonable prices, thereby establishing a firm home
market and so making it possible to provide for export at competitive prices. By
helping to increase demand it helps enormously to raise standards of living. By
helping to increase demand it ensures an increased need for labor, and is
therefore an effective way to fight unemployment. It lowers the costs of many
services: without advertisements your daily newspaper would cost four times as
much, the price of your television license would need to be doubled, and travel
by bus or tube would cost more. And perhaps most important of all, advertising provides a guarantee of reasonable value in the products and services you buy. Apart from the fact that A. Negative. B. Positive. C. Ridiculous. D. Not stated. [单项选择]在下面的表达式中,运算结果为逻辑真的是 ______。
A. EMPTY(.NUL) B. LIKE("edit","edi”) C. AT("a","123abc") D. EMPTY(SPACE(10)) [单选题]肝性脑病患者口服抑制肠道细菌生长的药物是:( )
A.新霉素 B.链霉素 C.青霉素 D.庆大霉素 [判断题]年度质量鉴定工作应严格按设备外观强度要求和电气特性指标进行。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]计量自动化检定设备,工频耐压试验单元应设置安全防护罩和门控开关、工作指示灯。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]下面不属于实施具体询问步骤或者表述不准确的是()。
A.向被询问人讲明身份,被询问要求出示证件的出具证件,提出询问的目的 B.向被询问人讲明公民作证的义务,以及有意作伪证或者隐匿罪证应负的法律责任 C.让被询问人根据提问自由陈述 D.调查人员根据被询问人的陈述,提出应补充的情节问题,让被询问人做出补充回答 E.核对询问笔录,让被询问人在笔录上签名 [判断题]在财产保险合同中,对于被保险人的损失,保险人承担赔偿的最高限额是保险标的价值。()
[单选题]48. 调车作业要准确掌握速度,在空线上推进运行时,不准超过( )km/h。J293
A.30 B.40 C.45 [判断题]( )品格是一个人的基本素质,它决定了这个人回应人生处境的模式。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]提早出现的异常 P 波,P-R 间期为 0.16s,QRS 波形态正常
A.房性期前收缩 B.交界性期前收缩 C.室性期前收缩 D.房性期前收缩未下传 E.交界性逸搏 [单项选择] Mario DeLiberty had been living a small businessman’’s dream. Twenty-one years ago he opened up the Westgate Pub in Havertown, Pennsylvania, after buying a seedy (破烂的) bar—"a real trash can, everything covered in grease and nicotine," he says—and turning it into a spiffy (整洁的) family restaurant. But one day last year DeLiberty opened his mail and learned he was being sued. A group called the American Disability Institute said DeLiberty’’s pub failed to comply with the federal Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA), which requires that businesses be accessible to the handicapped.
Some of the alleged violations at the Westgate Pub were laughable: a toilet that was supposed to hang 18 inches from a wall was only 17 inches away, for instance. Others were off the mark. The suit complained that Westgate’’s parking lot had no handicapped space—but DeLiberty says the lot is run by the local township. Meanwhile, he had served handicapped patrons for years, letting one customer regularly
A. DeLiberty was lucky to get a good barging for the settlement of his case. B. ADA has made great profits by suing the small businesses. C. ADA is enacted to ensure the legal rights of the handicapped. D. DeLiberty was too frustrated to restart the business. [单项选择]男性,56岁,骶骨瘤切除术后化疗卧床2周,高热3日,T38.5~39.2℃,厌食并呕吐,尿少色深,尿比重>1.030,BP90/60mmHg,动脉血气结果pH7.29,PaO272mmHg,PaCO245mmHg,血钾3.3mmol/L,血钠143mmol/L,BE-7.5mmol/L,HCO3-17mmol/L。欲纠正其体液失衡,应首先().
A. 快速静推氯化钾 B. 快速输注5%碳酸氢钠250ml C. 积极扩容,见尿补钾 D. 静滴多巴胺,提升血压 E. 立即应用利尿药物,保证尿量 [单选题]用于测量绝对光功率或通过一段光纤的光功率相对损耗的仪表是( )。
A.频谱分析仪 B.网络测试仪 C.光时域反射仪 D.光功率计 我来回答: 提交