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发布时间:2023-11-04 02:16:15

[单选题] According to the passage, people in industrialized nations would be much healthier if they eat __
A.more food as human living 10,000 years ago did
B.as human living 10,000 years ago ate
C.more kinds of food eaten by people living over 10,000 years ago
D.more of the same kind of food eaten by people over 10,000 years ago

更多"[单选题] According to the passage, peo"的相关试题:

[单选题]According to the passage, what is the percentage of American
A. About 70%
B. Nearly 60%
C. Almost 50%
D. More than 12%
[单选题]According to the passage, which of the following statements is NOT true?
A. Anyone who did something wrong could find himself suddenly in the Bastille.
B. The Bastille was only for those who were opposed to the King.
C. Things done in the Bastille were hardly known to people outside.
D. Voltaire was twice put in the Bastille.
[填空题]Passage 10

Sometimes people are cheated by dress. Once,a great scholar went to a party. As he was very simply 21,he could not go inside. So he returned home and put on his 22 clothes. He went back to the party and was given a warm reception. In the time of the dinner he did not eat but was talking to his clothes.The host came and asked what was 23. The scholar told him what happened. Since he was admitted only 24 his dress,he was talking to his dress. The host regretted about it and asked for the pardon of the scholar. Though dress may be,to some extent(某种程度上),25 to judge a person,that alone will not be sufficient. 

A. best          B. because of   C. useful   D. dressed    E. wrong

[填空题]Passage 9

Two hundred years ago people in the west did not know coffee or tea. They were 21to drink them because they thought coffee or tea could kill a person. Once the king of England decided to find out 22 it was true or not.

  At that time there were two brothers in prison. They would be killed in a few days because they did wrong. The king said “ I shall let them live but they must drink coffee or tea to end of their 23. One brother must drink coffee and 24 must drink tea every day. ” And they followed the king's words.

 They both lived many years. At last the elder brother 25 when he was eighty-three years old. The younger one died a few years later. After that people believe that coffee and tea were not bad to man.

A. died    B. the other   C. if    D. afraid   E. lives

[单选题] This passage mainly___
A. tells how the prisoners were controlled by the King
B. tells how little was known about the Bastille
C. shows the inner workings of the Bastille
D. gives a brief history of the Bastille
[判断题]This passage is about the French Revolution.
[判断题]The passage mainly tells us about the importance of taking care of plants.
[判断题] The main idea of this passage is that homemade cookies taste better.
[单选题] It can NOT be concluded from the passage that_.
A. several Chinese cities altogether had a total population of 1.3 million
B. westerners admired Constantinople for its marvelous buildings
C. Constantinople was much more developed than the invaders 'hometown
D. Americans have much higher salaries than two-thirds of the world' s people
[填空题]Passage 6

John lived with his mother in a big house, and after his mother died, the house became 21 big for him. So he bought a smaller one in the next street. There was a very nice old clock in his first house, and when the men came to 22 furniture to the new house, John thought, "Tom not going to let them carry my beautiful clock in their truck. Perhaps they will break it and then mending it will be very 23 ." So he picked it up and began to carry it down the road in his arms.

It was heavy, so he stopped two or three times to have a rest. Then suddenly a small boy came down the road. He stopped and looked 24 John for a few seconds.Then he said to John, "You are a foolish man, aren't you? Why don't you buy a watch 25 everybody else?

A. at      B. too     C. like     D. expensive       E. take 

[填空题]Passage 1

A rich American went into a shop in London. He wanted very much  21__a nice looking watch, but the owner of the shop asked five hundred dollars for it. Suddenly a young man came into the shop, took the watch out of the owner's hands and ran out with it. It all happened in_22 seconds. When the owner ran out into the street, the young man was already _23__ among the people.

The American went on. At the next corner, he saw the young man with the watch in his hand. "Do you want to buy a fine watch, sir?" he asked in a low voice. "It‘s only a hundred dollars." "The young man doesn't know l saw him 24 the watch" he thought. The American paid at once and went back to his room with the watch. He told his friend about the fine watch. His friend 25 a look at the watch and started laughing. He said, "You are a fool. This watch isn't worth even ten dollars. I‘m sure the shop owner and the young man planned this together"

A.a few     B.disappeared    C.  took        D.  to get          E.stealing 

[填空题]Passage 11

One day John and Bill were fishing. John took his dog Black with him on the river bank. When the dog saw a bird he would run 21 it and try to catch it. “All the fish are afraid and they 22 away said Bill. “Be quiet Black ”John shouted at the dog but Black did not listen to him. “Shall we go now Bill?”asked John. “Next time I shall not bring him here again    “Wait ”said Bill “A fish is biting my line. ” “Be careful!” shouted John but it was too 23. The boy fell into the water. “Help!Help!” Bill shouted. But John could not swim. Just then Black came out. He 24 the water and pulled the boy onto the bank and 25 his life.

A. late     B. swim    C. saved      D. jumped into     E. after

[填空题]Passage 15

How much do you know about manners(礼仪)? Different countries have different manners. In some Asian countries, it is good manners to take off your 21before you go into a house. But in European (欧洲)countries, even if they sometimes become very dirty, this is not done. If you are a 22in a Chinese house, when you have a meal, you usually do not finish the food. You often leave a little to show that you have had enough. But in England, a visitor always finishes food to show that he has 23 it. We must know the customs of other 24,so that they will not think 25bad-mannered. People all over the world agree that a well-mannered person should be kind and helpful to others. If you remember this, at least you will not go very far wrong. Everybody likes a person with good manners, but no one likes a person with bad manners. Keep your manners.

A. countries   B. foreigner   C. enjoyed    D. us   E. shoes

[填空题]Passage 14

Everyone has hobbies. A hobby can be almost anything a person likes to do in his spare time. People who take up hobbies are hobbyists. They paint pictures, sing pop songs, 21 music instruments and collect stamps or other things. They grow flowers, 22fishing and hunting. They climb mountains, swim, skate and play games. People today have 23time than ever for hobbies. In early times, people were 24 busy making a living to have hobbies. Nowadays machines have taken the place of many workers. More people retire at an earlier age. They have hobbies 25these activities offer them enjoyment, friendship, knowledge, and relaxation.

A. go    B. more    C. too   D. because    E. play

[填空题]Passage 13

I have been in London for two weeks. I don’t speak English well at all. I have great difficulty in understanding people. In fact I don’t catch a thing they say. I find their pronunciation is 21 strange for me to understand, and they speak 22 that I can’t keep up with them. When I am on a bus, I ask the conductor something. He answers, but I don’t understand. So he says it slowly in a high 23, I still don’t understand it. Then he gets angry and goes away.

But I haven’t lost heart. I still enjoy 24 English. I must keep on working hard 25 it. I believe I’ll speak English well soon.

A. at   B. too   C. so fast   D. voice   E. speaking


A city man was on holiday in the mountains. He talked 21 a mountain man and found that the man was stupid, so he suggested they would 22 a game. "Well ask each other questions," he said, "and the person will pay a dollar if he can't answer one question." The mountain man thought 23 this for a few minutes, then said that the city man was more educated than he and it would be fairer if the city man paid a dollar and he paid only 50 cents. The city man agreed. 24 has three legs and can fly?" asked the mountain man. The city man thought a while, then answered,"1 don't know.

910 Here is your dollar. "Then he asked the same question. "I don't know,25." said the mountain man. "Here is your 50 cents." 

21:with    22:play   23:about   24:What    25:Either

[填空题]Passage 8

Helen was a very petty girt, and her parents were quite proud of her. A lot of young men in the town wanted to marry her, but she was not satisfied 21 any of them.

One evening, one of the handsomest of the young men who wanted to marry Helen came to visit her in her parents' house and asked her to become his wife. She answered, "No, Tom. I 22 marry you. I want to marry a man who is famous, who can 23 music, sing and dance very well who can tell really interesting stories, who doesn't smoke or drink, who stays at home in the evenings and who stops 24 when I am tired of listening."

The young man got up, took his coat and went to the door. But before he 25 the house, he turned and said to Helen, "It isn't a man you are looking for. It's a television set."

A. won’t    B. talking      C. left      D. play      E. with   

[填空题] Passage 16

Many Chinese students don’t pay much attention to spoken English at school. They think it necessary to practice speaking English in class. Here is a story to show you how important it is to speak the English language 21 in everyday life.

A foreigner once got hungry and went into a restaurant in London. He sat down at a table. When the waiter came, he opened his mouth, put his fingers 22 it and took them out again in order to express that he wanted something to eat for he could not speak English. 

The waiter soon brought a cup of tea. The man shook his head. The waiter then took away the tea and gave him a cup of coffee. The man again shook his head. The man tried again and again,but he wasn’t able to make 23 understood.  

Finally another man came in. He spoke English clearly and fluently. In a few minutes, there was a large plate of meat and vegetables on the table 24  him .

So you see a man can go hungry if he  doesn’t 25 a foreign language.

A. into     B. front     C. freely    D. master    E. himself



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