The mid-sixties saw the start of a project that, along with other similar research, was to teach us a great deal about the chimpanzee mind. This was Project Washoe, conceived by Trixie and Allen Gardner. They purchased an infant chimpanzee and began to teach her the signs of ASL, the American Sign Language used by the deaf. Twenty years earlier another husband and wife team, Richard and Cathy Hayes, had tried, with an almost total lack of success, to teach a young chimp, Vikki, to talk. The Hayes*s undertaking taught us a lot about the chimpanzee mind, but Vikki, although she did well in IQ tests, and was clearly an intelligent youngster, could not learn human speech. The Gardners, however, achieved spectacular success with their pupil, Washoe. Not only did she learn signs easily, but she quickly began to string them together in meaningful ways. It was clear that each sign evoked, in her mind, a mental image of the object it represented. If, for example, she was asked, in sign la
A. some animals do have intelligence to some extent
B. chimps can be taught to use human language if enough time is given
C. chimps can even give some particular signs to express what they want
D. chimps can be as creative as human beings
Personal space, an updated form of
Edward T. Hall’s 1966 proxemics, is the region surrounding each person, or that
area which a person considers his domain or territory. Often if entered by
another being without this being desired, it makes them feel uncomfortable. The
amount of space a being (person, plant, animal) needs falls into two categories,
individuate individual physical space (determined by imagined boundaries), and
the space au individual considers theirs to live in (often called
habitat). What distance is appropriate for a particular social situation depends on culture. It is also a matter of personal preference. Personal space is highly variable. Those who live in a densely populated environment tend to have smaller personal space requirements. Thus a resident of India may have a smaller p A. a film B. a novel C. a tragedy D. au academic book [单项选择]下列生物碱中碱性最强的生物碱是( )
A. 益母草碱 B. 秋水仙碱 C. 延胡索乙素 D. 去甲乌药碱 E. 苦参碱 [判断题]上市公司向原股东配售股份的,控股股东不得在股东大会召开前公开承诺认配股份的数量。( )
[单选题]在百年奋斗历程中,我们党始终重视培养人才、团结人才、引领人才、( ),团结和支持各方面人才为党和人民事业建功立业。
A.成就人才 B.输送人才 C.发展人才 [单项选择]依次填入下列各句横线处的词语,最恰当的一组是( )。
①说话______,没有冗语,是一个人具有良好的文化素养的反映。 ②随着欧元的启动,欧元将成为一种与美元______的主要货币。 A. 简捷对峙 B. 简捷抗衡 C. 简洁对峙 D. 简洁抗衡 [单选题]高锰钢整铸辙叉翼一条垂直裂纹长度超过40mm,判( )。
A.轻伤 B.重伤 C.轻伤有发展 D.折断 [判断题]航站楼灭火必须使用墙式消火栓。()
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]横越停有机车车辆的线路时,先确认机车车辆暂不移动,然后在该机车车辆( )m以外通过。
A.3 B.5 C.8 D.10 [填空题]《铁路旅客运输规程》中旅客携带品由自己负责看管。每人免费携带品的重量和体积是儿童(含免费儿童) 千克,外交人员 千克,其他旅客20千克。
A. Re(p)<1 B. 0<Re(p)<1 C. 0<Re(p) D. Re(p)<0 [单选题](____)约时停、送电。
A.不准 B.不宜 C.禁止 D.可以 [单选题]三相用户负荷电流为 ()A 及以下时,应采用直接接入式计量箱
A.30 B.40 C.50 D.60 [简答题]保持平衡装置正常工作,主要注意有哪些?
A. 度冷丁 B. 芬太尼 C. 强痛定 D. 吗啡 E. 氢可酮 [单选题]分离器液位控制在分离器径向高度的( )。
A. 1/3-1/2 B. 1/3-2/3 C. 1/2-2/3 D. 1/3-5/6 [单项选择]D. endowed
A. 潜伏期延长,活跃期正常时限 B. 潜伏期正常时限,活跃期延长 C. 潜伏期和活跃期均为正常时限 D. 潜伏期和活跃期均延长 E. 潜伏期和活跃期均缩短 [判断题]89根据《生产安全事故应急预案管理办法》,生产经营单位应急预案分为综合应急预案、专项应急预案和现场处置方案。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]计算机进行数值计算时的高精确度主要取决于()。
A. 计算速度 B. 内存容量 C. 外存容量 D. 计算机的字长 [单选题]以大疆产品为例,飞行高度默认设置为多少米()
A.1500 B.100 C.500 D.120 2020/12/28无人机培训考试平台 [判断题]烟雾视像仪是利用红外原理工作的。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]有下列哪些情形的,不应当发放烟草专卖零售许可证: ( )。
A.申请人贾某提供虚假材料,申办烟草专卖零售许可证,烟草专卖局做出不予受理决定,贾某一年内再次提出申请 B.王某无烟草专卖零售许可证经营卷烟,一年内被执法机关处罚三次,一年后王某申请领取烟草专卖零售许可证 C.申请人李某采用欺骗手段取得烟草专卖许可证,被烟草专卖局撤销后,三年后其再次提出申请 D.某法人组织以不正当手段取得烟草专卖许可证被撤销后,次年再次提出申请 [判断题]二级动火时,动火部门应指定人员,并和消防(专职)人员或指定的义务消防员始终在现场监护。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]灭火中设置水枪阵地的原则有()
A.便于观察 B.便于进攻 C.便于转移 D.便于撤离 [填空题]原子吸收法测定钙时,为了抑制PO43-的干扰,常加入的释放剂为();测定镁时,为了抑制Al3+的干扰,常加入的释放剂为();测定钙和镁时,为了抑制Al3+的干扰,常加入保护剂()。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]对于管型尿下列说法哪项是错误的()
A. 白细胞管型是活动性肾盂肾炎的特征 B. 出现管型尿即代表肾小球有病变 C. 管型尿的形成与尿蛋白的性质、浓度有关 D. 上皮细胞管型主要见于肾病综合征 E. 肾衰管型为宽而短的管型 [判断题]面粉的品质主要从面粉的含水量,颜色,面筋质和新鲜度四个方面加以检验。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]《铁路交通事故应急救援和调查处理条例》事故造成铁路旅客人身伤亡和自带行李损失的,对每名铁路旅客自带行李损失的赔偿责任限额为人民币( )元。
A.1800 B.2000 C.2100 D.2200 我来回答: 提交